Developments file relations Iraqi-Turambah hot with the decision to ban travel,
The invitation Trump to visit Washington

Trump and Abadi
The new American president, Donald Trump, has not been in receipt of the presidential office, nearly two weeks, and there have been developments in the political scene, in particular, towards Iraq last decision to prevent the travel of Iraqis to the United States, and the country is locked, today,
A fierce battle against ISIS, and as the personal Trump is a controversial figure and the owner of a volatile and changing statements, as it is known him, according to his interests and the interests of his country, so we opened this dialogue to talk about the most prominent developments file relations Iraqi -Turambah with the head of the Iraqi political thinking Center, Dr. Ahsan Shammari, starting with this question“¦
Trump and Abadi
Q) in dissuading electoral Trump race His comments were harsh and controversial towards Iraq, and in that time, we have not seen a response from the Iraqi government, now, after the receipt of Trump authority stuck to what he said and the evidence hot his last over Iraq to an American stations, in contrast, we find that the Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, do not give a response to these statements, and limited himself to saying that the United States continues to support Iraq in its war on terror, what do you explain and comment on this contradiction in statements between the two sides, and you think how it must be a form or a picture of the Iraqi government deal with a character like Trump controversial?
Q) in dissuading electoral Trump race His comments were harsh and controversial towards Iraq, and in that time, we have not seen a response from the Iraqi government, now, after the receipt of Trump authority stuck to what he said and the evidence hot his last over Iraq to an American stations, in contrast, we find that the Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, do not give a response to these statements, and limited himself to saying that the United States continues to support Iraq in its war on terror, what do you explain and comment on this contradiction in statements between the two sides, and you think how it must be a form or a picture of the Iraqi government deal with a character like Trump controversial?
That the Iraqi interests are determines speech Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, so we find that his remarks, an attempt to enhance the interest of Iraq more, because the country is now engaged in a fierce war against ISIS fierce and this requires great potential to fight the United States has it, Abadi wants to It goes with powerful allies and not just with the United States, so I think that Iraq is now thinking of creating a balance, especially with the United States and a partnership at the level of sustainability of work in connection with the organization's security and restructuring after ISIS,
So it is not in Iraq's interest to cut ties with the side The US and the Iraqi government, to the extent this moment, did not find standards or specific standards for the management of Trump they Monitors to far from the team Trump will be integrated, and To who will be the file of Iraq, formerly was Joe Biden, so the current stage is the stage of anticipation and palpate pulse between the parties.
Battle of Mosul
Q) Trump said in one of his meetings televised, it is not convinced of what is happening in the battle of Mosul, on the one hand to give the Iraqi government plans in advance and openly to carry out any military operation in Mosul, said he has plans to fight ISIS final but will not reveal them, Why do you think the Iraqi government did not respond on this statement as well?
Q) Trump said in one of his meetings televised, it is not convinced of what is happening in the battle of Mosul, on the one hand to give the Iraqi government plans in advance and openly to carry out any military operation in Mosul, said he has plans to fight ISIS final but will not reveal them, Why do you think the Iraqi government did not respond on this statement as well?
C) the American administration even in President Obama's time were not possess those very big picture understanding of the talk about rates in the case of a security done but at ground level there is significant progress on ISIS terrorist, Trump speaks of Mosul, which only a small space was left and liberated them right coast which is edited does not require a large intervention from the American side, but at the same time, the plans he is talking about certainly will prove their effectiveness to fight the organization in Syria and Iraq,
And ultimately this issue depends on the personality of Trump himself, who is trying to show to the public that it is drawing plans, and triumph, and fights this are among the personal Trump if audited in the subject so the Iraqi government does not respond to everything except for certain convictions, and the battle of Mosul, an Iraqi battle par excellence taking place with the support and help of the international coalition led by the United States.
Trump plans
Q) Do you think that the possibility that these plans are authorized by the Trump-related messages that came to the Iraqi government from the US side also said al-Abadi to eliminate terrorism be?
C) at the level of the plans, there are advisers, US and put some plans to fight the organization and this is very well known part by virtue of the partnership between the two countries,
Q) Do you think that the possibility that these plans are authorized by the Trump-related messages that came to the Iraqi government from the US side also said al-Abadi to eliminate terrorism be?
C) at the level of the plans, there are advisers, US and put some plans to fight the organization and this is very well known part by virtue of the partnership between the two countries,
But I think interview Trump plans is an attempt to show the strength of his administration, however, Iraq is looking forward to integrated plans not only on the Iraqi geographical level, but even in the region because the Trump talks about ISIS in the world because its terrorism became not only in Iraq for that matter globally is not linked exclusively making plans at the level of the Iraqi region, but in the rest of the countries that suffer from terrorism.
Strategic Framework Agreement
Q) On the other hand, do you think it possible that the United States take the initiative to change the terms of the strategic framework agreement signed in 2008 between the United States and Iraq, or the possibility of replacing other Convention, including re-US troops to Iraq in Barre?
C) there is no intention to re-amend this Agreement at the very least from the Iraqi side of this Agreement neglected as a result of lack of trust between the Department of the former president, Barack Obama, and between the previous Maliki government, they are not done properly
Q) On the other hand, do you think it possible that the United States take the initiative to change the terms of the strategic framework agreement signed in 2008 between the United States and Iraq, or the possibility of replacing other Convention, including re-US troops to Iraq in Barre?
C) there is no intention to re-amend this Agreement at the very least from the Iraqi side of this Agreement neglected as a result of lack of trust between the Department of the former president, Barack Obama, and between the previous Maliki government, they are not done properly
Now there is an intention for joint meetings between the two sides to re-work this agreement again, so do not graciously intention of Iraq to bring the wilderness of US troops on its territory even if there was pressure from the American side on this subject, or according to the vision Trump, who asked the Pentagon a maximum of 30 days a plan to fight the organization, Iraq will not be subject to this American desire, you may US advisers exists but only for the purpose of training.
Iran and the United States
Q) Do you think that we will see a conflict in the region of another type, which is between the United States and Iran and the Arabian Gulf will be affected? This question takes us to the Iraqi thinker, Hassan Alawi, who said in one of his meetings recently televised statement: "The day of the inauguration of the Trump wedding is a day for the Iraqis," what do you explain and comment on this topic?
Q) Do you think that we will see a conflict in the region of another type, which is between the United States and Iran and the Arabian Gulf will be affected? This question takes us to the Iraqi thinker, Hassan Alawi, who said in one of his meetings recently televised statement: "The day of the inauguration of the Trump wedding is a day for the Iraqis," what do you explain and comment on this topic?
C) I do not expect that the United States under President Trump would go alienating Iran's nuclear The agreement is between the Western system and Iran even corresponds there fiery statements for Trump, I think, at the same time, that Trump has a safe and sufficient information about Iran's capabilities, so that the dissolution of the nuclear deal will bring the cold war between Washington and Tehran do not think that Trump would think so because he thinks cost is always, and may be the last communication between Trump and the Saudi King had given signals to abide by the nuclear deal,Trump wants to preserve the interests of the United States does not indulge in disputes be significantly expensive,
But Gulf will continue to be a major ally of the United States and in all cases, the Gulf states its policy clear to Iran and will continue, but there will be a new clash between Washington and Iran has ruled that out, but perhaps that this relationship between the two sides especially evolve from the economic side, and an interview with Mr. Alawi think it was meant big Trump tendency and his enthusiasm for the fight against terrorism, I think it was intended that ISIS end in the region as a whole will be on hand for the big fight terrorism enthusiasm Trump.
Visit Abadi
Q) Iraqi President Minister Haider al-Abadi, said the United States deals with Iraq in terms of immigration file like a state sponsor of terrorism, do you think is it possible that we will see in the coming days or months, a visit to Abadi to the United States and meet with President Trump to discuss the issues of terrorism and possibly conclude agreements new and discuss the issue of a travel ban on Iraqis to the United States?
Q) Iraqi President Minister Haider al-Abadi, said the United States deals with Iraq in terms of immigration file like a state sponsor of terrorism, do you think is it possible that we will see in the coming days or months, a visit to Abadi to the United States and meet with President Trump to discuss the issues of terrorism and possibly conclude agreements new and discuss the issue of a travel ban on Iraqis to the United States?
C) Prime Minister counting the US decision last prevent Iraqis from traveling disservice to the country, Iraq is not a sponsor of terrorism, but it is fighting terrorism on behalf of the entire world, and there is constant contact between al-Abadi Office of the US and Foreign ambassador to the US towards the subject and there are signs indicating that an exception will be Iraq of this resolution, I think that Trump needed to clarify more in associated in Iraq and this is linked to and depends on the extent of Iraq's diplomatic effectiveness,
And there is acceptance from the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, invitation by Trump during the telephone call, which took place between the two sides in recent weeks , to visit the United States, and this visit possible help to strengthen the relationship between the two sides over what and put Trump's real image for the situation in Iraq and the war on ISIS, Abadi sent him an invitation was accepted but did not specify the date of the visit yet.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Q) that Trump refused migration of many countries to the United States, such as Iran and Iraq did not mention Saudi Arabia and some other countries, he said in one of his meetings televised that time will come to Saudi Arabia and some of the later states, what is your analysis and your explanation for this?
C) the inclusion of Saudi Arabia among those banned from travel is returning to the United States, which has estimated the nature of threats to its security, if Trump wanted the inclusion of Saudi Arabia on the list or not, Iraq is not concerned with this issue we care about is the elimination of terrorism.
Q) that Trump refused migration of many countries to the United States, such as Iran and Iraq did not mention Saudi Arabia and some other countries, he said in one of his meetings televised that time will come to Saudi Arabia and some of the later states, what is your analysis and your explanation for this?
C) the inclusion of Saudi Arabia among those banned from travel is returning to the United States, which has estimated the nature of threats to its security, if Trump wanted the inclusion of Saudi Arabia on the list or not, Iraq is not concerned with this issue we care about is the elimination of terrorism.
Gulf States
Q) that Trump's position on the Syrian refugees was clear and said he will pledge to build a safe area for them in Syria, but the money must be paid by the Gulf states in one of his televised Do you think extreme attitudes toward the Gulf states would be an outlet for Iraqis, in particular, that some of these countries are financed Daesh told Trump so well?
Q) that Trump's position on the Syrian refugees was clear and said he will pledge to build a safe area for them in Syria, but the money must be paid by the Gulf states in one of his televised Do you think extreme attitudes toward the Gulf states would be an outlet for Iraqis, in particular, that some of these countries are financed Daesh told Trump so well?
C) the interest of Iraq to undermine the terrorist system and that is not located on the Gulf States alone, there are personalities and organizations that support terrorism, so in the interest of Iraq to do the administration of Security Council resolutions to undermine and dry up the sources of financial and logistical terrorism, and Iraq looking for balanced relations with the Gulf organization and be there is one vision towards terrorism.
Iraq and Israel
Historically, the Iraqi-American relations have been tensions as a result of Israel as a declaration in 1948, and at the present time, the United States will increase the strength of its support for Israel, because Trump will be a strong ally, Earlier, the British newspaper The Guardian said, that Obama was seeking to Netanyahu isolate ago Trump received power, she said, was my question to Dr. Shammari..
Q) How do you think Iraq will be the position of this support, especially after what he said Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Iraq is not with the idea of transferring the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
Historically, the Iraqi-American relations have been tensions as a result of Israel as a declaration in 1948, and at the present time, the United States will increase the strength of its support for Israel, because Trump will be a strong ally, Earlier, the British newspaper The Guardian said, that Obama was seeking to Netanyahu isolate ago Trump received power, she said, was my question to Dr. Shammari..
Q) How do you think Iraq will be the position of this support, especially after what he said Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Iraq is not with the idea of transferring the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
C) an interview with the prime minister regarding the transfer of the US embassy is comes within the context of the Arab and Islamic position is due to see a very accurate that the embassy move may be too costly and will ignite the situation inside the Palestinian territories can be that there would be repercussions not only toward the United States but also between states Arab and the United States in Iraq, what makes the position corresponds largely with the position of the Arab and Islamic countries.
Q) and your opinion is this support for Israel will not affect the US-Iraqi relations, with tensions in the Iraqi-Israeli relations, and will also affect the issue of July reactor that we do not know until now what happened from the details of the case Is Israel will pay the consequent debt as a result of bombardment of the reactor in July, or there are other details in this topic?
C) Iraq is not concerned with US policy toward others, if there has been a great support and a level of Washington had to Tel Aviv, Iraq is not concerned with this issue, Russia also has relations with Tel Aviv, but also there are positive relations between Baghdad and Moscow, and also between Moscow and Tehran, which antagonize Tel Aviv, so there is a chapter on this subject, and for the issue of July reactor think that this topic is active far from my face my view,
Iraq wants any way to spend a new policy is not based on the normalization of relations, but on the basis of the move away from the mistakes of the past, and Iraq so this moment of the first Arab countries that do not have relations with Israel, unlike the rest of the countries that have embassies and linked by a broad relationship with them. at the same time, I do not know what the intention of the Iraqi government on compensation reactor.
Trump and the Kurds
Q) Do you think that what we have heard recently from statements determination of the Kurdistan region to independence, came to support the Kurds Trump ?, and do you think ?, Is it going to happen and how do you expect to be a picture of the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil after the receipt of Trump's power?
C) I think that the call for independence is not a new phenomenon, it is an old-new but it is interesting that this call only show of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and this gives an indication that it came from a party at the expense of other parties, have been putting this issue feel the pulse of Trump but I think that even the administration of the Republicans in the Obama administration.
Q) Do you think that what we have heard recently from statements determination of the Kurdistan region to independence, came to support the Kurds Trump ?, and do you think ?, Is it going to happen and how do you expect to be a picture of the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil after the receipt of Trump's power?
C) I think that the call for independence is not a new phenomenon, it is an old-new but it is interesting that this call only show of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and this gives an indication that it came from a party at the expense of other parties, have been putting this issue feel the pulse of Trump but I think that even the administration of the Republicans in the Obama administration.
There was no intention to proceed with the independence of the region, the issue is not just about Iraq's geography, and the project will not proceed in any way, and from my point of view, the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil after the receipt of Trump's power will continue at the level of Previous tracks there will be calm because the prime minister has succeeded in neutralizing these differences and Abadi will work in all cases, the relationship development is not detrimental to the country because he does not want Iraq to be divided in his reign so it will keep the Iraqi geographical dramatically, and thus will reach an area of the negotiations and the US administration even corresponds has interests with the Erbil,
Hareer road
Q) Some media outlets recently dealt with the efforts put forward to the reopening of the Silk Road, which passes from Baghdad, Damascus and down to Europe, and this came after the receipt of Trump's power, in your opinion do you think it's possible to be taken advantage of Iraq open this economically way especially after the battle of Mosul, and build new relationships and agreements with the United States economically and with the rest of the states?
Q) Some media outlets recently dealt with the efforts put forward to the reopening of the Silk Road, which passes from Baghdad, Damascus and down to Europe, and this came after the receipt of Trump's power, in your opinion do you think it's possible to be taken advantage of Iraq open this economically way especially after the battle of Mosul, and build new relationships and agreements with the United States economically and with the rest of the states?
C) Iraq welcomes any economic activity with positive returns, because he is suffering from an economic crisis as a result of lower oil prices, with the financial crisis, so the revitalization of other sectors of the process at the level of the Silk Road project linking rail with Kuwait and extending new Outaqh oil pipeline through Jordan and other tracks, whether industrial, agricultural, and this is what he thinks the prime minister for investment, this will be the way the gateway to strengthen political relations with the rest of other countries, so if there are external intention to activate the economic side, Iraq will not hesitate to this project because linking the economy with politics is the best way to gain allies.
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