
NBA Finals Review

Miami Heat vs San Antonio Spurs

Marcus McConico - This NBA Finals is building up to be a bomb that´s ready to explode in a game seven. Every team has showed up, then disappeared and showed up again to come out with a win when needed to. Why would game four be any different? Why LeBron must show up to win this next game and or even the series.
This years NBA Finals has a lot going on that´s keeping everyone at a very high suspense. But surely after game four, we will at least know which direction this series is going. For the most part there are a lot of different scenarios in which one can say, WOW! The reason is there´s not a big name player who is dominating or taking over the game on the court or in the media that´s fueling attention to this series. This makes it difficult for analyst to pick a clear favorite to win.
A lot of chapter have been written in this years NBA Finals, and one might think one chapter has the advantage over another. We have the Old vs the Young, LeBron James vs Kawhi Leonard, and Tim Duncan vs Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade vs Tony Parker. Out of the these chapters the one that most stands out is the fact that Kwahi Leonard has put the glove on LeBron James and has held him to under 20 points in this series thus far. To put things in perspective everyone around who watches NBA is waiting to see just when and how LeBron James is going to break out this slump and have a game in this series that compliments who everyone has deemed him to be, which is the best player in the NBA.
Usually the NBA Finals are played to win by the players and there dominance. I know its always coaching and strategies in a game and I clearly think it has to come down to a game of coaching and strategies. So which ever coach can come up with a plan that the other team may need a couple of games to figure out might just win the series.

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