


Philippe Pacsot author of "GO F..." (Source: TV Caption)
Cover of the Book Go F...y Philippe Pascot
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Philippe Pascot has published a book entitled "Allez tous vous faire F ..." which makes a statement, the fruit of a three-year investigation, about the behavior and attitudes of parliamentarians and elected in France. The abuse of certain privileges, the lack of transparency, the political immunities that make the acts of certain people erase ... The richly documented book, and based on relay facts, often edifying, is an excellent reference work for those who Interest in the "own" policy. Philippe Pascot was kind enough to answer our questions, which was the subject of a frank and uncompromising interview, about his book and what he thinks of the bill of moralisation, lace by the new Government of Edouard Philippe. Indeed, the new President Emmental Macron had inscribed this proposal of law of moralisation of the policy and transparency, during its presidential campaign, while resounded the business of fictitious jobs, Penelope Gate and others ...
Vote at French At Parliament
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Philippe Pascot has published a book entitled "Allez tous vous faire F ..." which makes a statement, the fruit of a three-year investigation, about the behavior and attitudes of parliamentarians and elected in France. The abuse of certain privileges, the lack of transparency, the political immunities that make the acts of certain people erase ... The richly documented book, and based on relay facts, often edifying, is an excellent reference work for those who Interest in the "own" policy. Philippe Pascot was kind enough to answer our questions, which was the subject of a frank and uncompromising interview, about his book and what he thinks of the bill of moralisation, lace by the new Government of Edouard Philippe. Indeed, the new President Emmental Macron had inscribed this proposal of law of moralisation of the policy and transparency, during its presidential campaign, while resounded the business of fictitious jobs, Penelope Gate and others ...----------------------------------------------- At the time of writing this article, Richard Ferrand, the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, is himself suspected of favouritism towards his companion ... Philippe Pascot's book really falls at the right moment in this atmosphere of multiplication of fictitious jobs and diversion Public money and favouritism in France, while President Macron wanted to "moralize politics" by his first reform ... carried out by the Minister of Justice Francois Bayrou.----------------------------------------------------------- This book conceals business generated by dysfunctions linked to the opacity of the current political system in France which overprotected the elected officials, as well as very exciting anecdotes ... Moreover this book could very well nourish a scenario of fiction film, inspires Of real fiats! To read without moderation.
Logo Interview
INTERVIEW OF PHILIPPE PASCOT AUTHOR OF “ GO F“¦YOURSELF“--------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: THE MORALIZATION OF POLITICAL LIFE FALLS AT THE RIGHT TIME WITH THE NEW QUIQUENNIUM AND THE FIRST LAW TO BE VOTED IN THE PARLIAMENT?----------------------------------------------- ANSWER: In a hurry they propose a law on transparency because half measures, they change the heads but not the system. For example, limit to three (3) successive terms. Now they can alternate because the law would allow them and could be for forty years. The wife and child can not be attached parliamentary, normally, but a friend or a mistress can. However, parliamentarians are often lawyers, and they are very familiar with the workings of the law, and are close to the conflict of interest, since they are often both lawyers and parliamentarians at the same time. This part is not provided for in the draft law on moralization.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION : QUESTION: DOES THE MORALIZATION OF POLITICAL LIFE IMPLY MORE TRANSPARENCY OR MORALITY IN POLITICS?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER: I'm for total transparency. We should know what an MP wins, or there is an iceberg part of which we know only the top and apple below and it makes stop cheating with reality. It must be decreed, except that in officially no more than 8200 Euros and from the moment or it hides, lends flank to anything, less to the more one can be abused. Opacity should be banned. It is not a matter of issuing the elected representatives under control and under survival, but of giving more transparency, which is the opposite of opacity.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: HOW COME IT IS ALWAYS RENE DOZIERE SOCIALIST MP, WHO SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY ONE TO BE CONSULTED FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS BILL? WHY IS NOT ANY OF ANY INDEPENDENT (NON POLITICAL) THAT COULD BE CONSULTED, LIKE YOU BY THE WAY?------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER: He is chewiness because he is controllable and I am out of their control. If I had been offered I would have said yes. Now if I remain free. Now I am uncontrollable and I have published about members of the parliament from both left and right. and did not type on the system, Macron had asked to see me to tell his team. Because of the shale gas, disagreement. They did not answer me, nor call up on me--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: HATV HAS BEEN CREATED SINCE THE CAHUZAC CASE IS IT SUFFICIENT TO LEGIFY ON THESE AFFAIRS JUSTLY AS PENELOPE GATE AND OTHERS WHICH CONCERN PARLIAMENTARIANS? ANSWER: It will be nothing, it's Theodore commissions not enough staff or budget. The declaration of the elected officials, half did not fill it, because no control, It is to calm the people, and the law on the property two months ahead and one can not consult it on the same riding. We can not If we publish we are fined € 35,000.
French National assembly Parliament
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
QUESTION: THE PARLIAMENTARIANS ARE UNFORGETTABLE FROM PAGE 47 TO 73 AND 92 TO 96) WHEN YOU BOOK YOUR BOOK, WHETHER A MASHMALLOW CAN BE CONDEMNED A MAYOR OF FRANCE? ANSWER: It's a system of between oneself, people are no longer in life they are in politics. After life, NKM (Nathalie Kosciousco-Morizet) or Jean Francois, Cope, had too many privileges, they live in a bubble. At the national assembly there is no worker left. Michel Poujol is an exceptional case. (He was elected deputy in 2012, while he was at the RSA: Revenu of Solidarity Active). On the Handicap side, I do not care. It is contempt except at the time of elections, evidence, the right government that is receding as regards accessibility to buildings.------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: ON THE EXEMPTION OF MAS SYSTEM FOR PARLIAMENTARIANS WHO ARE AGRICULTURAL P 133 135?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER: There are parliamentarians who register as farmers and benefit from the exemption from the payment of social charges, as farmers, for example Mr Herve Morin does not pay his expenses because he has a stud farm. horses. When you have a stud, you have the means to pay your social charges. The same goes for Francois Bayrou.----------------------------------- QUESTION HAS THE CONDITION OF THE CRIMINAL RECORD WAS UNANIMOUSLY VOTED?----------------------- ANSWER: It was I who introduced the idea of the criminal record and it was voted, so it is not a new measure as announced by Rene Doziere who works with the Minister of Justice for the elaboration of the law“¦/
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