
Paris Agreement Signature Paris, Bourget 2015 (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, addressed, today, his first speech from the 72nd United Nations General Assembly with a forty five minutes speech in New York a few hours after the address of his American counterpart Donald Trump. President Macron began his generality speech to personalize it more and more in the course of his speech, which was warmly applauded by the international audience. He introduces his speech by the situation in Syria, and then declines on fighting against terrorism, protecting and preventing the political, ethnical and climatic migrations“¦He made a focus on the climate change and defended the historic Paris Agreement, that he qualified " non negotiable, because it is a bond, and tie " with the other nations, and beyond the states the generations. President Macron assumed totally his French position that is opposite to Donald Trump's philosophy about Climate change effects...in this terrible actual context of catastrophes due to the most powerful hurricanes, Irma in the Carribean area.
Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, addressed, today, his first speech from the 72nd United Nations General Assembly with a forty five minutes speech in New York a few hours after the address of his American counterpart Donald Trump. President Macron began his generality speech to personalize it more and more in the course of his speech, which was warmly applauded by the international audience. He introduces his speech by the situation in Syria, and then declines on fighting against terrorism, protecting and preventing the political, ethnical and climatic migrations“¦
Macron´s dialectic is based on an implacable and literary logic, imbued with great humanity. This is part of a great tradition of the former French leaders, who followed the declaration of human rights, of the time when it represented a strong and emblematic affirmation of France, the homeland of Liberty, Fraternity Equality.
The Macron style is differentiated from hissed on a litera predecessors by a more personalized approach, recalling precise facts, figures and nominatives, in order to propose pragmatic solutions vigorously defending its convictions, including its multilateralism program, contrary to that of the President Trump. Concerning, the climate the French head of state, Macron maintained coherent with its first line on the defense of the agreement of Paris. He explained that this Paris agreement signed on 12/12/2015 in Bourget, is "non-negotiable" and has positioned itself as the guarantor of this historic agreement whose dramatic consequences due to climate change. This resonates very strongly given the recent hurricanes, IRMA and MARIA which struck, the Caribbean Caribbean islands (Saint Martin, Saint Barthelemy), Guadeloupe, as well as the current magnitude 7 earthquake in Mexico to tragic and dramatic damage. President Macron and Donald have respectively proclaimed their assumptions and oppositions, on topics like climate and the agreement of IRAN. This did not prevent a friendly and friendly meeting of these two heads of state in New York, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, during which Donald Trump thanked President Macron for his dinner at the tower Eiffel, and congratulated on the quality of the military march of the national festival of 14 July. The head of the American Armies added that he planned to take inspiration from it to march the US troops during the national holiday of July 4 ..We publish the last part of the full text speech of President Macron in this clip.
THE PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT IS NOT NEGOTIABLE IT CONNECTS STATES BUT ALSO THE GENERATIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My country before this assembly had promised a universal agreement in Paris, it was obtained and signed in this room. This agreement will not be renegotiated, it binds us, it brings us together, the unraveling would destroy a pact that is not only between states but also between generations. It will be enriched with new contributions, new contributions but we will not back down. I deeply respect the decision of the United States and the door will always be open to them, but we will continue with all governments, local communities, cities, businesses, NGOs, citizens of the world to implement the Paris. For us, we have the strength of the pioneers, the endurance, the certainty and the energy of those who want to build a better world and, yes, this better world will create innovation, jobs that displease those who want to believe that the future looks only backwards. We will build it without delay by implementing our contributions as France did by adopting its Climate Plan which puts it on the road to carbon neutrality. By bringing together in Paris on 12 December everyone who is determined to move forward on concrete solutions by mobilizing public and private funding, and I here confirm that France will take its share by allocating five billion euros a year to the action on climate by 2020. We will redouble our ambitions by presenting this afternoon a global environmental pact whose ambition will be to forge the international law of the century that comes with the support of the agencies of the 'UN. When some people want to stop, we have to keep going, to go further because global warming does not stop because our disruptions do not stop because our duty of solidarity and humanity does not stop.
Ladies and gentlemen, behind each of our decisions there are these voices, there are these lives, there is the invisible procession of those we must defend because one day we were forbidden ourselves. All those voices that call for why do not we hear them more? Why do we not know how to do what 70 years ago had given to the whole humanity the strength to believe in it, global responsibility, a taste for mutual help, faith in progress? And yes, when I speak to you about Bana, Ousmane, Kouame or Jules, I speak of my fellow citizens, I speak of your fellow citizens and of each one of them because our interests, our security are also theirs! We are irremediably linked to one another in a community of destinies for today and tomorrow. So the world's equilibrium has changed profoundly in recent years, and the world has become multipolar again, which means that we have to re-learn the complexity of the dialogue, but also its fertility. Our collective action runs up against the instability of the states, as well as Libya, six years after its armed intervention, I take note before this assembly of the special responsibility of France for this country to regain stability. The meeting of La Celle-Saint-Cloud on July 25th made it possible to advance the reconciliation essential to the success of the political process under the auspices of the United Nations. Together with the Secretary-General and his Special Representative, in 2018 we will have to organize elections which will mark the beginning of an effective restoration of the state and I will put my energy into it. Thus, for Venezuela, collective action must maintain in that country respect for democracy, respect for all political forces and not give in to the dictatorial tendencies that are at work today. In Ukraine, for example, we must also respect the commitments made and allow the ceasefire to be effective, and gradually, as we do with Germany, we must also allow the parties concerned to respect international law and achieve the end of this conflict.
Multilateralism is struggling to cope with the challenges of nuclear proliferation; it fails to conjure up threats that we thought were over and which have suddenly reappeared in our present. Thus Pyongyang crossed by claiming it a major threshold in military escalation. The threat concerns us all immediately, existentially, collectively. To date, North Korea has not given any sign of a willingness to negotiate, its leaders are locked in a fierce escalation, our responsibility with all our partners, China and Russia is to bring back firmly to the table of negotiations for a political settlement of the crisis. France will refuse any escalation and will not close any door to dialogue if the conditions are there for this dialogue to be useful for peace.
It is this same objective that leads me to defend the nuclear agreement with Iran. Our commitment to nuclear non-proliferation resulted in a strong, robust and verifiable agreement on July 14, 2015, to ensure that Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons. To denounce it today, without proposing anything else, would be a serious mistake. Failure to do so would be irresponsible. Because it is a useful agreement, essential to peace, at a time when the risk of an infernal spiral can not be excluded. That's what I said yesterday in the United States and Iran. " The personalization of President Macron's speech calls for strengthening the proximity of the victims of terrorism, the climatic effects, thus recounting a sad and real history, far from the theoretical discourse, and putting it at the heart of the empirical by demonstrating authentic facts . It links the general policy of the head of state he represents with his counterparts, and brings them closer to the hideous reality of bad policies linked to conflicts. He thus broke the usual codes of discourse of the General Assembly of the United Nations, whose present urgency catches up with everyone at this time of the world very tormented by the armed groups, the tragedies of terrorism and the material and human damages of the effects of climate change. President Macron made a very current speech and, unfortunately, coincides perfectly with a sad fact of the world situation. The warm applause and support of the audience confirm this approval of frank and pragmatic literary.
"For my part, I hope that we will complete this agreement with work that will allow us to frame the ballistic activity of Iran, by means of a work that will allow us to frame the situation after 2025 that is not covered by the 2015 agreement Let us be more demanding, but in no way detract from what previous agreements have already secured. Looking at the situation in which we are today, have we, by the absence of dialogue, better stem the situation in North Korea? Not a single second. Wherever dialogue, control, multilateralism is equipped with effective weapons, it is useful. That is what I want for all of us.
I do not know whether my distant successor will be privileged to speak to you in seventy years. Will multilateralism survive the period of doubt and danger we are facing? In truth, we must remember the state of the world, seventy years ago, shattered by the war, stunned by the genocides. We should find today the optimism, the ambition, the courage we have set against these reasons to doubt, that we find faith in what unites us. That is to say, we are confident in the founding values “‹“‹of the United Nations, which are universal and which protect individuals everywhere on the planet and guarantee their dignity.
However, ladies and gentlemen, why did we get there? Because we let it happen that multilateralism was, in a way, a comfortable sport, a game for sitting diplomats, the instrument of the weak, that is what has been happening for so many years. Because we suggested that we were more credible and stronger when we were acting unilaterally. It's wrong. Because we have let it be believed, sometimes cynically, that multilateralism could not solve everything. So we let the world's disruptions take over. We have tried to solve global warming, to deal with the contemporary inequalities that an illegitimate capitalism has begun to produce. We have left discordant voices rising. But each time, it is the voice of the stronger who prevails in this game. We have, through languor, forgetfulness of history that has made us, have allowed the idea is stronger outside of multilateralism. Yet, our contemporary challenge, that of our generation, is to know how to rebuild it. It is to explain that today, in the world as it is, there is nothing more effective than multilateralism. Why ? Because all our challenges are global: terrorism, migrations, global warming, digital regulation, all of which, we will only solve them on a global scale, multilaterally. Whenever we accept that it is not multilateralism, then we allow the law of the strongest to prevail." President Macron Said.
Because, yes, my friends, to devote our vision of the world, it is through multilateralism that we can do it. Because this vision is universal. It is not regional. Because whenever we have given in to some who said that the place of women was a matter for some, at one end of the planet, but not for others, the citizens, it was the business of one civilization, but not of another, we have abandoned what brought us here, in this place, the universality of these values. Here too, we have yielded, in some countries, to the law of the strongest. Because whenever the great powers, sitting at the table of the Security Council, have yielded to the law of the strongest, have yielded to unilateralism, have been able to denounce agreements that they themselves signed, they have not respected the cement of multilateralism which is the rule of law. That is what made us, that is what builds peace in the long term.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So yes, today, more than ever, we need multilateralism, not because it would be a comfortable word, not because it would somehow be a refuge for intelligent people. Because multilateralism is the rule of law, it is exchange between peoples, it is the equality of each and every one of us, it is what makes it possible to build peace and meet each of our challenges.
So yes, to do this, the United Nations has all legitimacy to act and preserve the equilibrium of the world. That is why I want a more responsible, effective and agile UN, and I fully support the UN Secretary General's project, his ambition, his desire to bring an organization to the scale of the challenges of the planet. We need to get out of our offices, meetings between states and between governments to seek other energies, to represent the world differently, and to come back to dogmas in which we have sometimes settled.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We need a Security Council that can make effective decisions and not be locked into the veto when mass atrocities are committed. We need a better representation of all forces in the presence of all continents. We need an articulation in crisis management, with the European Union, the African Union, the subregional organizations that are essential players. That is why France will be there, alongside the United Nations, for the ongoing reform.-----------------------------------------------------
In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I wanted to tell you that the forgotten voices I wanted to wear today can only resonate in a chamber like this. An enclosure where everyone has his place, where everyone can be heard from those who do not want to listen. To these, I will say: not to listen to the voice of the oppressed and the victims, is to allow their misfortune to grow, to thrive, until the day when it will strike us all. It is to forget that ourselves, each and every one, at one time in our history, we have been those oppressed and others have heard our voices. It is forgetting that our security is their security, that their lives are ours and that we have remained unharmed in a world that is burning.----------------------------------------------------------------
Not listening to those who call us for help is to believe that walls and borders protect us. But it's not the walls that protect us. It is our will to act, it is our will to influence the course of history. It is our refusal to accept that History is written without us, while we believe ourselves to be safe. What protects us is our sovereignty and the sovereign exercise of our forces in the service of progress. That is the independence of the nations in our interdependence. To not listen to these voices is to believe that their misery is not ours. That we shall possess for ever the goods of which they can only dream. But when this good is the planet, when this good is peace, justice, freedom, do you think that we can enjoy it alone in a corner?------------------------
If we do not defend these common goods, we will all be swept away. Let us ignite the flames in which history will throw our own children tomorrow. Yes, today even more than yesterday, our common goods are also our interest, our security, it is also their security. There would not be, on the one hand, the irenism of those who believe in the rule of law and multilateralism and, on the other hand, the pragmatism of certain unilaterals. It's wrong.----------------------------------------------------------------
Our real effectiveness is played out in this fight here. So, with you, I want to believe today in a strong, responsible multilateralism. It is the responsibility of our generation, if it does not want to give way to fatality. We have only one courage to have, ladies and gentlemen, to hear these voices, not to deviate from the traces we must leave behind in history and to constantly consider that we must reconcile our interest and our values, our security and the common goods of the planet. Our generation has no choice, because it must speak for today and for tomorrow. Thank you“ President Macron concluded.
The personalization of President Macron's speech calls for strengthening the proximity of the victims of terrorism, the climatic effects, thus recounting a sad and real history, far from the theoretical discourse, and putting it at the heart of the empirical by demonstrating authentic facts . It links the general policy of the head of state he represents with his counterparts, and brings them closer to the hideous reality of bad policies linked to conflicts. He thus broke the usual codes of discourse of the General Assembly of the United Nations, whose present urgency catches up with everyone at this time of the world very tormented by the armed groups, the tragedies of terrorism and the material and human damages of the effects of climate change. President Macron made a very current speech and, unfortunately, coincides perfectly with a sad fact of the world situation. The warm applause and support of the audience confirm this approval of frank and pragmatic literary.
President Emmanuel Macron Brigitte Macron President Donald Trump United Nations General Assembly Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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