
The 7 Pillars of Might.

The 7 Pillars of Might .

The 7 Pillars of Might (Source: Prof.h.c. Dr.h.c Natalia Eitelbach.)
Suzanne Grieger- Langer
(Source: Prof.h.c. Dr.h.c. Natalia Eitelbach.)
USPA NEWS - On 27.08.2013 was in Young Hotel in Hamburg a special event "The 7 Pillars of Might . " - from Suzanne Grieger- Langer. What is it the Might ? Is there at all the Might? What signify the power? What for the power ? Many questions and different answers, really exciting.
" Forms of power hold . Someone holds a position , so he is powerful. These external forms of power are the potential of a position. They say nothing about whether the person can handle in this position so well . Only the inner force that results from the personality , shows how powerful one in this position really is. Only the inner force enables the external qualities of power to deal appropriately and profitably . Your personal inner power derives from the 7 pillars of power . " - Suzanne Grieger- Langer.
" They are: stability - steadfastness in difficult ( most) situations , passion - passion for performance (for yourself and your employees ) , self - control - yourself have yourself under control to disarm people and situations , love - Appreciative Management as a prerequisite for excellence , communication - persuasion in civilization ( what good is it to be good, if no one knows?) , knowledge - what you and your environment further brings demands transfer intelligence ( instead of knowledge giant and action dwarf) and ethics - take the lead with values ! You are your shield against manipulation and corruption in the cut-throat competition . " - Suzanne Grieger -Langer.
" These qualities only enable the external forms of power meaningful deal . It is therefore imperative to develop the inner power to regulate the external forces " power of the hand. , It has become second nature . This is the difference between leadership play and its management executives are no longer preoccupied with doing something right to present the correct sentences with proper body language, but they are and nobody needs to change his character " - Suzanne Grieger - Langer.
"On the contrary : It is important to develop his character Whether your leadership is effective depends largely on how you can bring your person into play Exploit your potential from Serves what you bring in, a productive interaction before it . ? so comes to analyze patterns of behavior , it is important to know the structures of their own personality . the basis for this is the ego state model of transactional analysis . In this structure model of the human personality , the individual structures of thinking, feeling and behavior are represented lifelike and practicable . "- Suzanne Grieger- Langer.
" There are three basic , complex ego states . These three ego states form the basic structure of our personalities . How they are pronounced in detail and how we occupy in certain situations which I state with energy that makes the uniqueness of our personality . Also, your leadership behavior is significantly influenced by how these three aspects of your personality and blend outward . "- Grieger Suzanne Langer.
What is meant by the term "power" , what is " power" ? As a social science term refers to power on the one hand a person's ability or interest group to influence the behavior and thinking of individuals , bodies of persons and social groups. Power takes courage ! Power also makes vulnerable. Who has power and leads , occupies a prominent position and provides attack. In addition to the leadership task to be dealt with , it is important to bear justified and unjustified criticism from various quarters , and thus in the best case also deal constructively.
Power has various forms , which are presented as among the other terms defining power , sovereignty of interpretation ( interpretive power ) , decision-making power , or power of disposal . However, these are also in the final analysis only shapes the scope of the power to act , which include specific environment aspects and structures that have an impact on the existing power to act . " Power is the ability to achieve organizational results or influence . - Power is the capacity to effect (or affect, ) to organizational outcomes . "- Henry Mintzberg.
" ... the ability of A, B get them to do something he would not have done otherwise . - ... the ability of A to get B to do something They would not have done otherwise . "- Mallory Segal - Horn & Lovitt . Theories of power are much . "Power is the ability to restructure actual situations. - Power is the capacity to restructure actual situations . "- IC Macmillan . "Influence is the ability to control the perception of others and change it. - Influence is the capacity to control and modify the perceptions of others . "- IC Macmillan.
Power needs participatory (t ) he , without hands (t ) he there is no power. Power over itself also needs participate and want to join in on itself . Who wants to fill a position of power , you need a supportive environment . Exercise power means lead . Moderate ( daily ) balance of power , however, describe multipage (exchange) relationships in which often a side exerts the stronger output or negotiating position (for example, by the available power of influence through reward , favor or through superior knowledge and accepted by others will.
It is hereby waived by the other side of opposition, nothing done about the exercise of power , or achieves a tolerance , compliance or adjustment . May want as much as skill, ability , capacity (eg someone " able " to do something ) , so signals can potentiality : in Old High German , Old Slavic , and Gothic meant the word power ( Goth, magan ) . Comes comparable to the Latin noun for " power" , potentia , from the verb possum , posse , potui from which today "may" is translated . Does it really exist ? Yes and no. Power exists only if we allow it . Prof. h.c. Dr.h.c. Natalia Eitelsbach of Philosophy of European Science NCLC Institute (USA).
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