
President Macron UNAG 25th Sept 2018 (Source: Facebook)
President Macron delivered his 40-minute speech to the UN General Assembly, one hour after the US President Donald Trump's intervention. His speech seems tailor-made, answering almost point-by-point. The French head of state has thus expressed his totally opposite vision almost by a show of arms, before the officials (Diplomats and Ministers) of the one hundred and ninety-three member countries. In front of this institutional audience and the most representative of the international windows, each of the two heads of state took an opposite position, to affirm their disagreement (since President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement) and to show the the rest of the world that their vision of foreign policy is poles apart. We publish the full entirety of the speech (Separate clips) addressed y President Macron before the United Nations at the UN General Assembly, on September 25Th, 2018, New York. Part 2
President Macron delivered his 40-minute speech to the UN General Assembly, one hour after the US President Donald Trump's intervention. His speech seems tailor-made, answering almost point-by-point. The French head of state has thus expressed his totally opposite vision almost by a show of arms, before the officials (Diplomats and Ministers) of the one hundred and ninety-three member countries. In front of this institutional audience and the most representative of the international windows, each of the two heads of state took an opposite position, to affirm their disagreement (since President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement) and to show the the rest of the world that their vision of foreign policy is poles apart.
We publish the full integrity of the speech (Separate clips) addressed y President Macron before the United Nations at the UN General Assembly, on September 25Th, 2018, New York.
The stakes in their respective countries given Donald Trump's mid-term elections and the recapture of his popularity rating for Emmanuel Macron, who falls after 15 months in office.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron has therefore advocated multilateralism, and announced that the G7 would soon be revisited, during the forthcoming French Presidency of this consortium, whose prerogative would be the fight against inequalities. With regard to the tone of the speeches of each of the Heads of State, Donald Trump was able to make the United Nations laugh when he insisted on the "success of his mandate and that he had been the best of the Presidents US, "while President Macron was much applauded in the United Nations Palace, after his speech declaims with so much fervor that he vigorously punched the desk. This year, 2018, marks the anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, and we publish in another clip, the pronounce speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean Yves le Drian. The absences of the Presidents of Russia, Valdimir Putin, and Chinese ZXI Jinping as well as the Indian PM Narendra Modi, were very noticed this year.
President Macron explains to te UN audience how it is important to preserve sovereignty while cooperating in a collective way: « And you see it on each of these crises, the answer was not to leave states alone, was not to substitute for them or to say from here what was the right or the solution, but to know how to articulate conscientiously the principle of sovereignty of peoples, regional cooperation and a real commitment of the international community. It is around this triptych that contemporary solutions are built.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Only collective action preserves the sovereignty and equality of the peoples who gave us mandate. It is this same requirement that we must address to the demographic, climate and digital challenges that are before us and that none of us will be able to face alone. Faced with the great migratory challenge, I do not believe in unconditional openness, they only provoke anxiety and increase intolerance. I do not believe more in the false speeches of those who claim, for example, in Europe as elsewhere, that they will be stronger sheltered behind a closing of the borders, it is not true. The only effective way to manage the migratory flows affecting all our continents in an organized and controlled way is to create the conditions for international mobility chosen and not suffered, to work together, countries of origin, transit, destination, to dismantle the trafficking networks that are the worst scourge of this situation and to protect our borders in a respectful manner while ensuring respect for our international law and especially the unconditional protection of those entitled to asylum. This is what we decided to do together in the UN pact that will be adopted in Marrakech in December and that I support. Faced with climate disruptions, there either, there are no stowaways or easy solution. Even those who challenge reality suffer the consequences like all others. Extreme weather events are today everyday. And by weakening collective action, some are just exposing themselves more. »
President Macron acknowledges how he doe´s not believe on « great globalized people » versus « universal values » : « Faced with the great digital transformation, our duty is also to hold together to build the contemporary rules that will reconcile the development of artificial intelligence and our ethical rules, to support the digital transformation of our societies.
As you can see, my dear friends, I deeply believe in the sovereignty of the peoples, which today is present, strong, is a demand of all our peoples on the international scene and at the same time, in a reinforced cooperation with the forms and renewed legitimacy of international engagement in this context. The great fight of our elders has been that of peace, and it always falls to us. We will win it in the 21st century only by restoring a strong multilateralism, able to resolve its conflicts in a pragmatic way, but also and more broadly to tackle the causes of these disruptions.-------------------------------------------------
To be honest, I do not believe in a great globalized people. In no way, it's irenic, it does not exist. But I believe in universal values “‹“‹and on this point we must not give in, it is not the same thing! I believe in the non-negotiable defense of our values, human rights, the dignity of individuals, equality between the sexes. I believe in our capacity to build respectful balances of people and cultures by negotiating nothing of this universality, that's the reality! And I will not leave the principle of sovereignty of the peoples in the hand of the nationalists or of all those who today advocate in the international community the withdrawal, who want to use the sovereignty of the peoples to attack the universalism of our values , the strength of it and what holds us together here in this room!
We all here, even those who profess to criticize it, benefited from the structuring of the international order that accompanied globalization. Today, we must tackle the root causes of our imbalances, we must face together the weaknesses of our international order and, beyond the crises I have just mentioned, look at the deep inequalities that have settled.
For me today is the heart of our problem, what is reviving nationalism, doubt about our assembly? What causes crises everywhere? It is these profound inequalities that we have not been able to solve. » President Macron stated, while he explained his opinion on how multilateralism is much more effective than nationalism and sovereignty.
« WE OWE A RESPONSE TO ALL THESE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD »---------------------------------------------------------
The French President, speaks about globalization and the effects of international financial crisis and their impacts on the world « Ten years ago, when the international financial crisis hit, we took emergency measures but we did not solve the deepest problem, we did not stop this movement of hyper-concentration of wealth. on our planet and we have not really responded to all those left out of globalization. All those who were kept out of it, and who thus harbored frustrations because of the humiliations they suffered, fed a desperation that we are now paying the price collectively.----------------------------------
President Macron continues by reminding numerous answered that must be given to everyone as « We owe answers to the citizens » :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We owe an answer to all these fellow citizens. My friends must respond to the 265 million children who do not have access to school, more than half of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa, to girls to whom less than 40 per cent of countries have equitable access to school. education. We owe an answer to the 700 million children who live in the regions most exposed to the consequences of climate change, victims of floods, droughts, rising water levels, scarcity of resources.----------------------------
We owe an answer to the 200 million women who do not have access to contraception, the over one billion who are not protected by law if they come to suffer violence in their homes. To all women whose pay gap with men is 23% in the world on average, up to 40% in rural areas. We owe an answer to the 783 million people who live below the poverty line, those who suffer from hunger or chronic malnutrition, and those who do not have access to basic care.----------------------------------------
We owe an answer to the aspirations of the most important young people in history, our own, nearly two billion people who are now between 10 and 24 years old and 90% of whom live in a country in development. We owe an answer to all who look to us because their destiny depends on whether or not we are able to do this together in this assembly. And those who forget that we owe an answer to all those are wrong because they prepare the crises of tomorrow, the day after tomorrow because they will leave their successors, because we will then leave our children in a good situation. worse than ours right now. »
« REDUCING THE GAP OF INEQUALITIES BETWEEN OUR COUNTRIES BY 2030 »----------------------------------------
The French President, speaking on this subject, a few days after launching the "Poverty Plan" in France (September 13th), to fight against inequalities in his own country, knowing that 9 Million citizens in France (14 % of the French population) live below the poverty line and 2 million children ... The deadline is 2020, with a series of measures that cover five major areas: early childhood, childhood, young people, support to employment and social minima, with an amount of € 8 billion to stem poverty in France ...The Health Plan was also announced by Health Minister Agnes Buzyn a few days ago in France, with the promise of a budget that will reach € 3.4 billion by 2022.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
But in France, growth, which looks slightly lower than expected in 2019, 1.8% instead of 2%, has become a real concern for the government. At the same time, President Macron, keeps his promise to the European Commission to contain the budget deficit to 2.3% of GDP, (according to Le Monde). The French President Macron highlights his opinion on reducing inequalities and how France in a large contributor of the humanitarian funding.-------------------------------------------------------
« We have made progress in reducing inequalities between our countries, and we have set the framework for it with the 2030 Agenda for Development, but this fight is not behind us, it is far from over. Per capita wealth is 50 times higher in OECD countries than it is in low-income countries. Do we think that in the long run we can build stability, balances with such a situation? No, we must act! For this reason, as I announced here last year, I decided to increase France's official development assistance by 1 billion euros by 2019. Our humanitarian funding will increase as for them 40%.
G7 TO BE REVISTED UNDER THE FRENCH PRESIDENCY ON 2019-------------------------------------------------------------
But that is also why the fight against inequalities will be the priority of the French presidency of the G7 summit in 2019. Indeed, France will have after Canada, which I want to welcome here the leadership, the next presidency of the G7 , which I wish to review the format in depth to better associate several other powers and work on new forms of coordination.
It was at the United Nations that I wanted to say first that this agenda of inequality will be at the heart of the next G7. It is also in front of you that I pledge to come and report on the results of the G7 Biarritz next September, because the time when a club of rich countries could define alone the balances of the world has long since passed. Because the destiny of each of the countries that compose it is inseparable from that of all the members of this assembly.------------------------------------------------
Yes, today we must tackle contemporary inequalities because they are at the root of this evil that I denounced at the beginning of my speech. We must tackle the inequalities of destiny. They are moral aberrations as much as an unsustainable reality. It is not acceptable not to have the same opportunities depending on the country where you were born, not being able to go to some countries in school because you are a woman, not having access to certain elementary care. We made the commitment made here last year with the President of Senegal, the Global Partnership for Education's Financing Conference in February in Dakar raised $ 2.5 billion to increase access to education in the world. It's a historical amount. France has multiplied by 10 its contribution. The mobilization of the G7 already under Canadian presidency will have to go further." President Macron stated
The French President Macron stressed on the importance of improving the education and health system as they represent the pillars f our societies in the 21st century. He is comparing France versus the rest of the world and his approach in terms of reducing inequalities and the chances for children to succeed.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
« We are at a key moment on this subject, one where we will be able or not to take the measure of the challenge that is launched to us. There are 620 million more children to enroll in the world by 2030, including 444 million Africans. Are we going to give ourselves the means? Will we give them the means to all to have robust bases allowing them to be actors of their life, of a fraternal life in the world of tomorrow? If we do not do it, what world are we preparing for?-----------------------
That's why I've engaged France so much in this fight, that's why I insist so much on the training of teachers, vocational education and gender equality in terms of education. That's why I'm calling you all to this great momentum for education. Education and health will be not only the pillars of our 21st century societies, but also the building blocks of our economies.
We must also fight fervently against gender inequalities. In France, I have made equality between women and men the great cause of my five-year term, and I call here to make a great world cause for you. Women and girls are the first to be affected by poverty, conflict and the consequences of global warming. They are the first victims of sexist and sexual violence that prevents them too often from moving freely, from working, from disposing of their bodies according to their choice.-----------
Our responsibility in the 21st century is to put an end to this violence, from street harassment to feminicide. It is time for our world to stop making women victims and finally build them the place they deserve, that of being also leaders! We must everywhere guarantee them access to education, health, employment, economic and political decision-making, and fight against all forms of violence against them.
France will thus propose to governments wishing to advance with us to create a coalition for the adoption of new laws for equality between women and men. 50% of our development aid will be devoted to projects to reduce gender inequalities.
We must also revive the mobilization against inequalities in health at the international level. In 2019 we will host in Lyon the replenishment conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. We will resume the initiative on the fight against fake medicines and intensify our action against major pandemics. I call everyone here to mobilize.
We must finally fight, with the sense of urgency pegged to the body, against environmental inequalities. It is not acceptable that 45% of greenhouse gas emissions are produced by 10% of the richest inhabitants of the planet. It is not effective, as is the case for solar, that the countries with the greatest potential and the greatest needs are the ones with the least access to the appropriate technologies. It is not sustainable that an additional 100 million people will be condemned by extreme poverty by 2030 if we fail to meet our commitments to fight global warming. Here too, it is a fight that must bring us together.
There are countries here that suffer more than others and we owe them solidarity. But we will all be accountable for the disasters that are multiplying before our peoples and our own children.------------------------------------------------------------------
The announced decomposition of the Paris Agreement was thwarted, because we were able to remain united, despite the US decision to withdraw. This force must continue to carry us to ward off all fatalism.----------------------------------------------------
We are told that solutions exist, but that funding is not there. So let's go get them, innovate. This is what we did last year in Paris, December 12, with many of you, at the One Planet Summit, with concrete commitments and first results. This is what we did at the beginning of the year in Delhi with the International Solar Alliance. This is what we will do again tomorrow in New York, with the second edition of the One Planet Summit." President Macron acknowledges, To be continued in next clip
President Macron United Nations General Assembly Speech Unga Donald Trump Multilateralism Isolationism Poverty Inequality G7 Rahma Sophia Rachdi Jedi Foster
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