
Make Our Planet Great Again logo (Source: Make Our Planet Great Again)
President Macron delivered his 40-minute speech to the UN General Assembly, one hour after the US President Donald Trump's intervention. His speech seems tailor-made, answering almost point-by-point. The French head of state has thus expressed his totally opposite vision almost by a show of arms, before the officials (Diplomats and Ministers) of the one hundred and ninety-three member countries. In front of this institutional audience and the most representative of the international windows, each of the two heads of state took an opposite position, to affirm their disagreement (since President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement) and to show the the rest of the world that their vision of foreign policy is poles apart. We publish the full entirety of the speech (Separate clips) addressed y President Macron before the United Nations at the UN General Assembly, on September 25Th, 2018, New York. Part 3
President Macron delivered his 40-minute speech to the UN General Assembly, one hour after the US President Donald Trump's intervention. His speech seems tailor-made, answering almost point-by-point. The French head of state has thus expressed his totally opposite vision almost by a show of arms, before the officials (Diplomats and Ministers) of the one hundred and ninety-three member countries. In front of this institutional audience and the most representative of the international windows, each of the two heads of state took an opposite position, to affirm their disagreement (since President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement) and to show the the rest of the world that their vision of foreign policy is poles apart.
We publish the full integrity of the speech (Separate clips) addressed y President Macron before the United Nations at the UN General Assembly, on September 25Th, 2018, New York.
The stakes in their respective countries given Donald Trump's mid-term elections and the recapture of his popularity rating for Emmanuel Macron, who falls after 15 months in office.
President Macron has therefore advocated multilateralism, and announced that the G7 would soon be revisited, during the forthcoming French Presidency of this consortium, whose prerogative would be the fight against inequalities. With regard to the tone of the speeches of each of the Heads of State, Donald Trump was able to make the United Nations laugh when he insisted on the "success of his mandate and that he had been the best of the Presidents US, "while President Macron was much applauded in the United Nations Palace, after his speech declaims with so much fervor that he vigorously punched the desk. This year, 2018, marks the anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights, and we publish in another clip, the pronounce speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean Yves le Drian. The absences of the Presidents of Russia, Valdimir Putin, and Chinese ZXI Jinping as well as the Indian PM Narendra Modi, were very noticed this year.---------------------------
IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO APPLY PARIS AGREEMENTS ON CLIMATE----------------------------------------------------------
The French President Emmanuel Macron said that it s not too late for implementing the Paris Agreement, under the umbrella of UNFCCC, according to the resolutions obtained o 12/12/15 in Paris, at the COP21. He continues by acknowledging the next steps to be tackled : « We are told that it is already too late, that we will not keep the objectives. So let's speed up, adopt together the rules of application of the Paris Agreement, at COP 24 in December. Let's implement the HFC protocol that could bring the world's average temperature down by one degree by 2050. Let us aim to conclude in 2020 an ambitious Global Compact project for the environment, to make the Beijing COP on Biodiversity and the IUCN World Congress in France a milestone in 2020.
Let us be clear and let us all be clear, concrete and consistent. It's urgent. So, let us comply with the commitments we have made. No longer sign trade deals with powers that do not comply with the Paris Agreement. Let our trade commitments integrate our environmental and social constraints. Mobilize sovereign funds and financiers more strongly in this strategy of a low-carbon policy.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
France will continue to exercise, with all those who want it, the world leadership of this fight. We will work on the G7 so that the commitments made at COP 21 are revised upwards and if one of the members does not want to move forward, we will move forward, looking for new coalitions, new formats. Because the G7's vocation is to remain a united group of countries committed to democracy. But today it must also contribute to the creation of new coalitions that make it possible to advance and recompose the global collective system.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, let's build new forms of cooperation for, on these fundamental topics, to move forward, to decide.-----------------------------
Only together can we effectively fight against all the inequalities that have fractured our societies. Mistrust in our societies, temptations to fall back on this. They feed on all the inequalities we have allowed ourselves to create and our collective inability to respond effectively.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
However, none of us will be able to fight effectively against the inequalities that I have just denounced, if it acts alone. Otherwise, there will be basically only two solutions. The first would be to always line down, to join a standard that we know, this is what we have done for decades. There is a trade war, so let us lower the rights of the workers, lower the taxes ever further, feed the inequalities to try to respond to our trade difficulties. This leads to what? To the reinforcement of the inequalities in our societies and to this break that we are living.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
The other answer would be to say what does not work, these are the rules. So let us fall back on ourselves. Isolationism, protectionism. But that only leads to one thing, increasing tensions. This does not answer the deep inequalities.
On the contrary, I propose that we put in place a collective mechanism to work together on what we are doing in each of our countries to reduce inequalities. To evaluate, but also to better align our actions, disseminate good practices. I propose that the international institutions, the United Nations, but of course the OECD, support us in setting up this mechanism on which the G7 will have to drive.
To win against inequalities, we must change our method and scale. First, to review our rules on trade and social matters, we must, rather than continue protectionism, work together to thoroughly review the rules of the WTO. We must restore the WTO's capacity to resolve conflicts, to lay down rules to deal with unfair commercial practices, the non-respect of intellectual property, the forced technology transfers that no longer make it possible to fight on a level playing field.
The French President Emmanuel Macron said today before the UN that "the fight against inequalities" would be the priority of the G7 during the French presidency in 2019. "Starting this year, the G20 in Argentina must allow us to have a credible road map to rebuild the WTO. This is also what we will have to do at the social level, next year, at the centenary of the International Labor Organization. Secondly, we must also change the modus operandi of our action, to bring into the field of our collective action the great absentees of this Hall and of our General Assembly, the large non-State actors who contribute to change the world, but who do not participate not enough to eliminate the inequalities that these transformations entail. I think of the major players in the digital world, in terms of taxation as well as responsibility in the fight against the manipulation of information.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On all our great challenges, we must have, here again, a different functioning of our collective action and include a dialogue with these new private actors and these giants of the Internet.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thirdly, we must make Africa its place, so that its role is central to the recomposition of the international system. It is not only on this continent that we will win or collectively lose our great battle against inequality. It is with this continent.
For it is today in Africa that we find the most fervent defenders of multilateralism, of regional integration. Because our African partners have understood that together we will be able to meet our common challenges. And it is also to this new alliance with Africa that the French presidency of the G7 will tackle.
As you can see, I believe very deeply that in the face of these fractures, of these challenges of the contemporary world order, we can build a new grammar of action and at the same time we must tackle the root causes of contemporary inequalities.
And it is the responsibility of France and all of its European partners, of the European Union to be at the forefront of this fight, to build this new contemporary humanism that must not give way to attempts to retreat and nothing to naivety and, at the same time, to build as mediating powers these new rules of the international order.-----------------------------------------------
Ladies and gentlemen, as our collective system fractures, I must say that we have never needed it so much. That is why we will support the agencies working on a project of peace and humanity: UNESCO, the very conscience of the United Nations, the Human Rights Council, the International Criminal Court, UNRWA for which we will increase our contribution because I recall it here, it is simply to allow hundreds of thousands of children to go to school. Nothing less, nothing more.--------------
We will defend the enlargement of the Security Council in the two categories of its members so that its composition reflects the contemporary balances and that it is strengthened as a place of the consultation and not of the obstruction.------------------
We will ensure that by the end of the year in this General Assembly, two-thirds of its members can support the veto in case of mass atrocity.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We will defend international humanitarian law by supporting personnel who take all the risks to help civilians on the ground by negotiating humanitarian access one by one in all theaters.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
We will recall on the 70th anniversary of the 1948 Declaration that human rights are not a cultural fact, revocable values “‹“‹or options, but a body of law enshrined in international treaties to which members of this assembly have freely consented . We will recall that their universality is not contrary to the sovereignty of peoples but that it is the only possible condition for the preservation and exercise of their rights.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
France will be there so that the world does not forget that the din of nationalism always leads to the abyss, that the democracies are weak if they lack courage in the defense of their principles and that the accumulated resentments, backed up by a system fragile international community, can lead twice in the space of a human life to the global outburst of violence. I'm talking about our own experience. In a few weeks, November 11, 2018, the Peace Forum in Paris will be the opportunity for a burst of intelligence and courage to find what is holding us here together. It must be an opportunity to renew and rejuvenate, united by the tragedies of the twentieth century, our oath to preserve future generations from the scourge of war. I want with our counterparts, we take together the new responsibilities to trace to the neck"mPresident Macron stated
LET'S BE OLD FASHION AND SUPPORT MULTILATERALISM---------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron makes some fun about being old fashion and pleading for multilateralism, "I know, my dear friends, that many people can be tired of multilateralism. I know that in a world where information is clashing and where we are somehow, uninhibited, into a society of entertainment, where to say the worst things is to be fashionable, to make the news, that denouncing the consequences of which one has cherished the causes can create successes of platform, I know that to defend the cooperation and the multilateralism can not be fashionable any more.
I AM FROM A COUNTRY THAT MADE UNIVERSAL DECLARATIONS AND PART OF THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, let's not be fashionable because we owe it to those who allowed us to sit there. Because never forget that the genocides that made you here today, they were fed by the speeches that we get used to, because they were fed by the stage successes that we applaud, because Today, we are in the process of seeing this international law disintegrated, all the forms of cooperation as if nothing was out of fear, out of complicity, because that's good!
No, I do not want to do it because I come from a country that has made these Declarations that make us there, because I come from a country that stands, that made a lot of mistakes, many bad things, but who knew how to keep at each moment of his History and International History a form of universal! It's today, it's now!---------------------------------------------------------------
So, do not get used to it, do not accept all these forms of unilateralism! Every day, these torn pages, these betrayals to our History, I do not get used to it! So I tell you very clearly, the century that is opening is watching us and our children are waiting for us! Let's settle crises! Let us work together to fight against all these inequalities but do it at the height of man and with the requirement of our principles, our stories, with our universalism pegged to the body! In any case, it will be my commitment before you and for that, I count on you." President Macron conclude
President Macron United Nations General Assembly Make Our Planet Great Again Speech Unga Donald Trump Multilateralism Isolationism Poverty Inequality G7 Rahma Sophia Rachdi Jedi Foster
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