
PM Edouard Philippe & Laurent Wauquiez Chair LR (Source: Caption Tv France 2)
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe answered questions from journalist Lea Salame and Thomas Sotto on the TV Channel France 2, as well as French citizens on topics as concrete as the power of purchase, the "poor" situation of angry retreats because of the increase of the CSG tax, as well as the analysis of the images showed in a mini film. The Prime Minister was invited to pause on the images of the film that they consider too polemic or too polemical, undermined when it comes to the "tough" sentences said by the President of the Republic Macron, such as that of "You just need to cross the street to find a job "when he responded to a young jobless horticulturist who had questioned him, last September 18th, at Elysee Palce visit, for Heritage Day. Further the political show, the polls indicate that 60% of the French people see Edouard Philippe could be a head of state, and 44% were convicted by his performance interview at this show.
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe answered questions from journalist Lea Salame and Thomas Sotto on the TV Channel France 2, as well as French citizens on topics as concrete as the power of purchase, the "poor" situation of angry retreats because of the increase of the CSG tax, as well as the analysis of the diffused images by a mini film. The Prime Minister was invited to pause on the images of the film that they consider too polemic or too polemical, undermined when it comes to the sentences "assassins" of the President of the Republic Macron, such as that of "It is enough to cross the street to find a job "when President Macron responded to a young horticulturist who had questioned him,
On Saturday, Emmanuel Macron told this young horticulturist looking for work: "I cross the street, I find you! ". The President of the Republic had then invited him to seek in the hotel and catering. This episode, highly commented, may have a happy ending: the federation of horticulture is committed to finding a job for the young man.
Edouard Philippe stops the "film of the news" on the stage of the unemployed horticulturist to whom Emmanuel Macron advises to cross the street to find a job. "The expression was not at all unhappy, he judges. We can always discuss how, in an exchange, in a street, someone speaks to someone. It does not matter if the "someone" is President of the Republic and if he was not "in a street" but in the gardens of the Elysée. "Behind the epiphenomenon, let's look at the essential fact: many companies do not find jobs ..." Here, there is the myth of unfilled jobs (a study, already quoted here, shows that one job offer out of two is illegal nonexistent). Since no one opposes his fable, Edouard Philippe continues: "It means that we must correct the functioning of the labor market. »To thin it.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The unemployed young horticulturist out of anonymity by his meeting with Emmanuel Macron was put in contact by the Elysee with the federation of horticulture who undertakes to offer him a job, said Tuesday the Elysee.
Thus the journalists make him intervene on the viewing of the film of Guillaume Daret. In Guillaume Daret's film, the summary begins with a description of the style of President Emmanuel Macron: "His style is to hide nothing. Exuberant in victory, pugnacious in adversity. Admirable in all cases. "But the doubts accumulate in the economic domain: growth month good than hoped, public deficit rising ...".-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At this point in the sequence of the film, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, asks for the break of the film and explains: "There is something fascinating about it, we speak of" growth at half-mast "because it is at 1.7 %. But the forecast I gave a year ago and voted by Parliament was 1.7%! "Yes, but it is falling," while Lea Salame, insists on the weakness of growth.
Thomas Sotto, the second journalist interviewed, completes the analysis of the growth by comparing France to other European countries. "Compared to the euro area countries, we are doing less well on growth, on the deficit and on the decline in unemployment. "Ditto for the rate of unemployment recalls the journalist Lea Salame" Unemployment is still more than 9%! "And Prime Minster, Edouard Philippe then replied:" That's why we tackle the brakes on hiring, we must repair this country, and bring a greater fluidity of the labor market. " This is one of his most fetish phrases. In fact, the Prime Minister has, on another occasion, made it clear that it is better for the French to "repair the country" rather than "reform the country".There, I see there are phones, the reporter notes, very observant. Do you often talk to him or not? Time, duration and themes of the phone calls, please. "Do you miss it, Le Havre? Yes, Philippe Philippe responds - but not as much as François Lenglet misses the political program. "You have the phobia of sharks, right? PM replies also "I do not bathe at sea because of sharks, it's stupid but it's like that. "Confessed with sincerity his phobia sharks during the interview by Thomas Sotto Matignon. -------------------------------------For a few minutes the show shows Edouard Philippe in his office "Matignon", rue de Varenne, where the journalist Thomas Sotto, makes an informal interview by visiting the office while candidely answered the Prime Minister on the provenance of objects, photos and other telephones that occupy the office of Edward Phillippe, the Prime Minister is very relaxed and even makes confidences as to his « no interest in the Presidency of the Republic" being very detached from this ambition ... and ends to confess that he is afraid of sharks ... This last confidence so personal and almost naive makes the Prime Minister more "human" in his phobia of sharks and almost "cute" in this statement of a whole everyone ... who makes it, therefore, more friendly and accessible. "This office was the office of Leon Blum," says the Prime Minister. "Your left man side is the office? And also the music box that plays L'Internationale, "it was offered to me by a communist friend", proof of Edouard Philippe's open-mindedness. "Who is Emmanuel Macron for you? Asks Thomas Sotto. « He´s the President of the Republic, he is my boss, but not friend . " No kidding ?
The political broadcast ended with a face-to-face meeting between Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Laurent Wauquiez, currently leader of the Right Republicans. Lea Salame states as she presents the two political leaders then: "This is a new and much anticipated duel against Laurent Wauquiez! "By introducing the new stage of the emission pa the face to face quite rare, PM Edouard Philippe face Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the Party of Republicans. She continues "It's true that I dreamed of it, shock Philippe-Wauquiez. "It's common knowledge that you do not really like yourself. " The show announced to be bloody“¦LAURENT WAUQUIEZ CONFRONTS EDOUARD PHILPPE IN CLAIMING HIM TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HIGHEST AFFUENCE OF MIGRANTS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laurent Wauquiez directly "attacked" Edouard Philippe in terms of political rhetoric by showing figures criticizing the head of government for having accentuated the immigration in France, saying that France is reaching its limits for welcoming more migrants. "You are right, last year, it is 242 000 residence permits that were issued in France," said Edouard Philippe. "There were about 80,000 issued to students" and "85,000" related to family reconciliations, two grounds of immigration he considers "perfectly legitimate". Beyond these cases, most of the recent rise in immigration comes, according to him, from the increase in the number of asylum seekers, and the way to study and process these requests is "the real subject ".
Laurent Wauquiez: "It is you who decide this year to give 80,000 titles of economic migrants, even as our country knows this level of unemployment. It is you who, on family immigration policies, make the choice to go that far. It is you who, on the regularization of the clandestine (...), choose to go so far. "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is to ask whether it is sharks seas or political sharks .... before facing Laurent Wauquiez duel, because they do not appreciate each other, since Edouard Philippe "left" his party LR (Right Wing) of the right to join Emmanuel Macron and become the leader of the majority government In March (LREM).------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laurent Wauquiez was elected president of the Republicans on December 10th with 74.64% of the vote. Since his election to the head of the Republicans, several important members (26) have left the party on the right. The reason is partly explained by a succession of last controversy over remarks made by Laurent Wauquiez, who is also the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in a course at EM Lyon, had sparked an outcry with statements shock, recorded without his knowledge, during his first two courses to students Lyon. He targeted Emmanuel Macron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gérald Darmanin, Alain Juppé, Valérie Pécresse and even employers in his region. Other elected officials, were also encouraged to leave the Republican party heir to the UMP, for other reasons, because is judged Lawrence Wauquiez "too right" with a fixation on with for "obsession" to "stop immigration of mass "the adverse effects of a lack of control of immigration, and had even launched the slogan" For France to remain France ", saying then that France is" gangrenous by the claims of Islamic fundamentalism " .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Edouard Philippe (who was MP, LR the Mayor of the city of Le Havre, before becoming Prime Minister, under the Macron's Administration) had, meanwhile, co-founded the UMP party in 2012, with his spiritual father in politics, Alain Juppe, former Premier Minister, by reforming the party of the Right in France. According to Le Figaro, in 1990, Edouard Philippe was a member of the Socialist Party. "I grew up in a rather left-wing environment where we voted socialist, and there was a social-democratic side that was good for me," said Édouard Philippe at the Point in July 2016 to pay tribute to Michel Rocard, whom he "felt close" politically. "And he also had a form of intellectual demand that pleased me," continued the grandson of Lucien, who worked at the Docks of Le Havre. It was "Rocard, who had largely conditioned my interest in politics, and Juppé, who is the one who, for me, best embodies what should be a politician and a president," he described.
60% OF FRENCH THINK EDOUARD PHILIPPE THINK COULD BE A HEAD OF STATE-------------------------------------
Regarding the polls relating to this political program the prompt Edouard Philippe is doing well. According to an Ipsos Sopra Steria survey after the performance of Edouard Philippe, 43% of those surveyed think it is close to the concerns of the French, 60% believe that it has the makings of a man of State and 47% of viewers were convinced (5 points less compared to its performance at the beginning of five years).The head of the government has thus made pedagogy to defend the political and budgetary choices of the government. Then Edouard Philippe had a lively debate with Laurent Wauquiez on the theme of immigration. As far as the next municipals elections of 2020 are concerned,municipal the Prime Minster Edouard Philippe would consider becoming mayor of Le Havre by answering Thomas Sotto "Not at all excluded" to return to Le Havre in 2020. This is a function he has busy between 2010 and 2017. But he "does not think at all" to the mayor of Paris position, he assures, while some in the majority think for him.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It was thus, a great success for "L'Émission politique" with Edouard Philippe. According to Médiamétrie's figures, 3.16 million viewers watched the Prime Minister's speech and his duel with Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This represents 14.5% of the audience who was in front of his television; France 2 is thus in second position of the hearings of Thursday, September 28th. As a political mentor, Alain Juppe has also congratulated him in a tweet on his successful performance on the political emission of France 2 with 47% of viewers convinced of his performance knowing that himself had achieved 49% ... Edouard Philippe was therefore esteemed to have the "capacity to be head of state" even if he does not see it and has shown an aspect of himself even phlegmatic, modest, calm and very attentive, or is it not what the French citizens are waiting at this moment?
Edouard Philippe French Pm France Tv Laurent Wauquiez The Republicans Budget Polls Humility Lea Salame Thomas Sotto Rahma Sophia Rachdi Jedi Foster
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