Yellow Vests at Kleber Avenue (Source: Jedi Foster, twitter)
There will be an act IV. Already "yellow vests" announced that they will come to Paris. Some will even come out for the first time. The measures announced by Édouard Philippe are not up to their expectations. Indeed today, the French Prime Minister has announced three major measures to cal the anger of « Yellow Vests », after debating yesterday during a long « Inter ministerial Crisis committee » by night at Elysee Palace, chaired by the President Macron. The suspension for six months of the increase in fuel taxes and new technical control, freezing of electricity and gas prices during the winter : here are the major three announcements of Edouard Philippe, the French PM, to respond to the anger of "yellow vests Were coldly received by oppositions. These measures have not been considered enough to please and satisfy the request of the « Yellow Vests » who responded via the medias, that they are maintaining their march, and national protest initially scheduled for next Saturday 8December. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner has called « yellow Vests » for a more reasonable cancellation of the march and protest, worried about the violences France's endeavored the last 3 Saturdays
There will be an act IV. Already "yellow vests" announce that they will come to Paris. Some will even come out for the first time. The measures announced by Édouard Philippe are not up to their expectations. Indeed today, the French Prime Minister has announced three major measures to cal the anger of « Yellow Vests », after debating yesterday during a long « Inter ministerial Crisis committee » by night at Elysee Palace, chaired by the President Macron.------------------------------------------
The suspension for six months of the increase in fuel taxes and new technical control, freezing of electricity and gas prices during the winter : here are the major three announcements of Edouard Philippe, the French PM, to respond to the anger of "yellow vests Were coldly received by oppositions. These measures have not been considered enough to please and satisfy the request of the « Yellow Vests » who responded via the medias, that they are maintaining their march, and national protest initially scheduled for next Saturday 8December. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner has called « yellow Vests » for a more reasonable cancellation of the march and protest, worried about the violences France has endeavored the last three Saturdays. The movement that started up for three weeks, not only has lasted but has been installed at every roadblocks, but stubbornly in the determined minds of the Protestors form Yellow Vests » The number of demonstrators seems to grow crescendo, as the Facebook petition, (Which launched the 1st movement on November 17th, by Eric Drouet) has reached 1,6 Million people signatures“¦. THE 3 MEASURES ANNOUNCED BY THE GOVERNMENT FAILED TO CONTENT THE "YELLOW VESTS" WHO MAINTAIN THEIR NEXT PROTEST ON SATURDAY 8TH--------------------------------------------------------
After allowing anger to rise, the government fails to appease it. The measures announced by Édouard Philippe do not satisfy the "yellow vests". Even the most pacifist believe that the answer is not up to the expectations of the French. "It needed strong and visible measures. These are measures to play the watch, "says Yves Garrec in Toulouse. "I doubt that the movement stays there". The wrath of the yellow vests does not falter. On Tuesday, December 4, after three days of mobilization, the government finally announced the suspension for six months of three fiscal measures that were to come into effect on January 1, 2019. Among them, the freeze on the increase in the carbon tax, point of departure of the movement, with the hope that the decision calms the popular anger of Yellow Vests claiming even the resignation of the head of state for many of them. The Yellow Vests judging disappointing ads because "insufficient and remote reality" others think that are scoops (min measures) and that we laugh at them with a moratorium instead of a decision definitive withdrawal of the carbon tax ....
"It's too little and too late, the French expect final purchasing power measures" while "there, we're on a suspension of taxes," responded the Vice President of Republicans, Damien Abad.------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MP form LFI (France insubordinate) Alexis Corbière angrily launched "Prime Minister Philippe Philippe back in front of the yellow vests ... but postpone everything after the European elections ». Florian Philippot, founder of the Patriots and ex-number two of the National Front Marine LePen criticized the measures: "the suspension of the increase in fuel taxes and other measures announced by Édouard Philippe are totally inadequate" and "do not respond in nothing to the depth of expectations » . Marine Le Pen (RN) addressing Edouard Philippe in the Jeanne du Barry mode: 'Another moment, Mr Executioner'! Cynically, and added that she had already been surprised by the length of the moratorium on the suspension of the tax hike on fuel: "6 months? 6 months ... Surely a coincidence if it brings us just a few days after the European elections. As for Nicolas Dupont-Aignan the president of Debout la France, estimated that "the worst was avoided thanks to the courage of Yellow Vests". But, for him, "the fight must continue peacefully so that the suspension becomes cancellation, the taxes fall, and the pensions are reindexed". Finally, Olivier Faure, the First Secretary of the Socialist Party, said that "The government wants to lock the debate into a false alternative: ecology or purchasing power, public services or taxes. What we are asking for is tax justice, the fight against social and territorial inequalities, a wage discussion ".
Pm Edouard Philippe Yellow Vests Opposition Leaders Matignon Chaos Riots Champs Elysee Protest Taxes Rise Price Of Fuel Christophe Castaner Interior Minister Jedi Foster Rsr
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