Yellow Vests Protest Roundabound (Source: Jedi Foster/Twitter)
Despite the package of short-term measures (Raise of 100€ for minimum Wage, Tax cut for extra working hours, abandon of CSG tax for the retirees whose pension is < 2000€) announced in a televised mea culpa on Monday night, the Yellow leaves keep unsatisfied. According to the Interior Minister, the demonstrators were « only » 66 000 throughout France, versus the 136 000 of last Saturday. During the whole week, President Emmanuel Macron calls on the politicians to participate in the end of this social and democratic crisis and so did Edouard Philippe, the French PM.
Despite the package of short-term measures (Raise of 100€ for minimum Wage, Tax cut for extra working hours, abandon of CSG tax for the retirees whose pension is < 2000€) announced in a televised mea culpa on Monday night, the Yellow leaves keep unsatisfied.
According to the Interior Minister, the demonstrators were « only » 66 000 throughout France, versus the 136 000 of last Saturday.
During the whole week, President Emmanuel Macron calls on the politicians to participate in the end of this social and democratic crisis and so did Edouard Philippe, the French PM.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Head of state has also asked French multinationals to make a gesture for a financial bonus of the end of the year. Publicist, Total Orange and Michelin have answered by offering an exceptional bonus, for the employees with the lowest wages. Most of the leaders of the opposition parties, have barely did the same, by asking the people not to make a fifth round of the Yellow Vests Revolt, reminding everyone that the damages done by the vandals, have been tremendous and that the losses have been dramatic for the stores. Half of the demonstrators have canceled their protest, while the « tough » bench of yellow Vests keep determined and still motivated for a next round, until they shall consider have been heard and understood. The motto of the Act5 Yellow Vests French Revolt, is « New 6th republic », « referendum citizen initiatives », and « Macron resignation », « Dissolution of the National Assembly » « Macron, we want a President for the Poor ». Most of the opposition political leaders, who struggle regaining trust from the « Yellow Vests » who defy them, except, Jean Luc Melenchon (LFI) who calls for the dissolution of the National Assembly.
After an Act 5 rather calm, namely less vandalism of shops, and especially with a participation largely down, the police were mobilized in large numbers, or 59,000 deploys throughout France. Interior Minister, Christophe Castaner spoke on Twitter, asking the yellow vests to release the roundabouts (That are still blocked for nearly a month). The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron has not spoken since his speech on December 10 last.---------------------------------------------------------------
some political Leaders "recuperate" the movement by claiming the similarity of the claims of the Yellow Vests with the program of the ones and the others. Hence, Jean-Luc Mélenchon President of LFI far left (La France Insoumise) estimates that the movement takes up "70%" of its program. While Marine Le Pen, President of RN extreme right (Rassemblement National) surfs on the wave of estimates and polls which place it in front in front of the Right, Left, Ecologists, and LEREM, and for the next European Elections, thanx to the effect of "Yellow Vests " ...
YELLOW VESTS MIGHT BE WRITING A NEW HISTORICAL PAGE OF FRANCE---------------------------------------------
Nobody can at this stage, evaluate the durability of this movement as spontaneous as out of control ... The originality of this movement of the Yellow Vests "held because it is precisely" apolitical "" 100% citizen "and especially without" Leader. "Maybe it will end as quickly as it is, unless it is the Volcano lava, ready to be rekindled at the slightest political jolt or at the expense of some injustice felt by its supporters of the Yellow Vests Revolt. In any case, this movement that managed to immobilize France and ended up being heard by the current government and President Macron, in a very weak position, or even panic for the executive. The Yellow Vests were able to make speak of them, to be heard and to awake in the "Gauls" the meaning of the revolt and the Revolution. A historic turning point in France may be playing out, following this wind of revolt and generalized anger, because public opinion has supported this movement to 80%, versus the popularity of the President who flirts with 20%. It remains to be seen if the National Debate on an "Emergency State of Social Reform", finally launched by Emmanuel Macron, will calm the popular anger of Yellow Vests and those who support them ....
Jedi Foster Rsr Civil Governance New Republic Riots Clashes Purchasing Power Demonstrattion French Revolution Revolt Protest Yellow Vests President Macron
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