Is William Barr the right AG for the US?
Barr meets some criticism from others
AG nominee William Barr (Source: ACLU.org)
Attorney General nominee William Barr has been met with some criticism as his confirmation hearings are taking place in the US Senate.
The ACLU claims he could be worse than Jeff Sessions in regards to certain issues
The ACLU claims he could be worse than Jeff Sessions in regards to certain issues
The ACLU published an article about Attorney General nominee William Barr and his prior record.The piece points out how Barr supported some controversial policies while acting as deputy AG under president George Bush senior. One of them was the support of the FBI profiling and interrogation practices towards Arab Americans during the lead up of the first Iraqi war. Community leaders at that time found those actions troubling. Also during the time of the Lockerbie incident he embraced the idea of having secret military tribunals. It was also noted that during the George H.W. Bush-era, Barr endorsed the administration´s use of the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay to detain Haitians seeking asylum in the U.S., denying them access to legal advice during their asylum proceedings. The news platform democracynow.org empaneled guests to discuss Barr's nomination and it was met with much scrutiny. One panelist from the ACLU informs us that Barr stance on mass incarceration is basically about building more prisons and incarcerating more individuals.
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