
Pdt Macron at French Ministry of Overseas (Source: Jedi Foster, RSR)
The French President Macron has signed by himself together with his Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, sign the contracts that strengthens the ties with DOM Tom (French Territories and overseas Islands) . It is is considered a string political gesture, as far as the Overseas´ French people, for this contract to be signed up within the frame of the Real Equality for the Overseas French People against the French citizen located in the « Hexagone « also so called « Metropole », in the continent, thousands miles away form these territories. The territoires, which represent French West dies, located in the Caribbean Seas, (Guadeloupe, St Martin, St Barths, Martinique, and Guyana), the Reunion Island (Next to Madagascar), in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Islands, and New Caledonia, in the Pacific Ocean. The State signed the contracts, so far, with the communities of Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion, Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon and Wallis and Futuna. Yet other contracts with other territories will be signed later. President Macron was reassuring about the geopolitical advantages and strategic asset of (DOMTOM) overseas territories.
The French President Macron has signed by himself together with his Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, sign the contracts that strengthens the ties with DOM Tom (French Territories and overseas Islands) . It is is considered a string political gesture, as far as the Overseas´ French people, for this contract to be signed up within the frame of the Real Equality for the Overseas French People against the French citizen located in the « Hexagone « also so called « Metropole », in the continent, thousands miles away form these territories. The territoires, which represent French West dies, located in the Caribbean Seas, (Guadeloupe, St Martin, St Barths, Martinique, and Guyana), the Reunion Island (Next to Madagascar), in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Islands, and New Caledonia, in the Pacific Ocean. The State signed the contracts, so far, with the communities of Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion, Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon and Wallis and Futuna. Yet other contracts with other territories will be signed later. President Macron was reassuring about the geopolitical advantages of (DOMTOM) overseas territories. Emmanuel Macron has been optimistic about the future, which he sees as very positive for overseas territories, no longer looking the same way, but in terms of a powerful geostrategic weapon for France. At the ceremony of signatures, the French Minister of Overseas, Annick Girardin is principally hosting eight other Ministers (Mr Christopher Castaner, Interior Minister, Mrs Borne, Transport & Mobility Minister, Mr Denormandie, Housing Minister, Mrs Vidal, High Education Minister, Mr Lecornu, Ecology Transition Secretary of State, under the patronage of their Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, also present alongside the French President Macron, during this momentum of signatures at the ministry of Overseas (Outre Mer).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The economic and social parameters and indexes should be reflecting the increase of this equality towards the overseas people, who usually felt « marginilised » and « abandoned » by « France Metropole ». The wish fo the Overseas pool is that the frame of this bill should be implementably very quickly and in an effective way, in the field overseas. The law of Contracts of Convergence and transformation is the outcome of the Blue Book of Overseas , (Livre Bleu des Outre Mers) signed up on June 28th 2018, and is financed by a pledge of 2,1€Bn for the period of 2019-2022.
THE 5.0 CHALLENGE (CCT) CONVERGENCE & TRANSFORMATION CONTRACTS REPRESENT A FINANICAL STATE EFFORT OF €2,1Bn DURING THE PERIOD 2019-2022------------------------------------------------------------------------
The French President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron and the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe and several ministers payed a visit, today on Monday, 8th of July 2019, the Ministry of Overseas, for the signing of the first Convergence and Transformation Contracts (CCT) between the State and Overseas . These Convergence and Transformation Contracts are the concrete expression of the ambitions set in the Overseas Blue Book which was presented on June 28, 2018 at the Elysée Palace on the basis of projects of the Assises des Outre-Mer conducted in the French territories. as of July 2017. They express the common will of the State and ultramarine elected officials of a contractualization that is specific to each territory and that allows them to have infrastructures as well as high-level equipment, taking into account related issues to the ecological transition. The contracts will be signed between the State and the communities of Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion, Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon and Wallis and Futuna. Contracts with other territories will be signed later. These contracts represent a financial effort by the state of 2.1 billion Euros. They cover the period 2019-2022. On this occasion, the Prime Minister and the presidents of 9 overseas communities will commit to the Trajectory 5.0 selected at the 1st inter ministerial committee of Overseas February 22, 2019. By this statement, the executives commit to preparing these territories for the challenges and threats of the future through five challenges to be achieved by 2030: 0 exclusion, 0 carbon, 0 waste, 0 agricultural pollutant, 0 vulnerability to climate change. The projects to be financed by the Convergence and Transformation Contracts must be consistent with these objectives.
ANNICK GIRARDIN THE MINISTER OF OEVERSEAS MAKES A KEYNOTE AS PREAMBLE TO THE PM AND PRESIDENT MACRON STATEMENTS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"The French State is gathered in these gardens of the ministry, and it is the very image of the cohesion of a team of the commitment, and I am happy of this signature, on behalf of the agents of this ministry and our compatriots ultra marine to be here today. It is the result of the work done effort by the men and women of this ministry for their investment as well as the territorial prefects and the director of the overseas territories that I salute. I thank the elected representatives of the three signatory communities and the regional and behavioral and intra-municipal councils associated with this signature." Thanked the Minister of Overseas, Mrs. Annick Girardin, Minister of DOMTOM Overseas----------------------------------------------------
"It is a collective commitment and I stress the consistency of the Overseas Contracts of convergence of this EROM law. And we decided to add the transformation since a year ago, at the Elysee seizures with citizens who want a state that protects and a state that releases and visible projects that resemble their needs in their respective territories and who understood the sustainable development goals that are the thousands of this blue book and sets the trajectory 5. 0. "Explained the Minister of Overseas, Mrs. Annick Girardin.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PATH 5.0 MEANS ZERO EXCLUSION ZERO CARBON ZERO WASTE ZERO AGRICULTURAL POLLUANT ZERO VULNERABILITY TO CLIMATE CHANGE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Path 5.0 consists of five zero-level pillars reaching the end of the contract by 2030: Zero exclusion, Zero carbon, Zero waste, Zero agricultural pollutant, Zero vulnerability to climate change. "This is a strong mark of the differentiation desired by the President of the Republic and the enhancement of the environment, as well as access to healthcare, education, and access to culture through public services, without forgetting the service of technology. The archipelago France can be a pioneer and see the ecological transition. I know the territories where I lived I am ilian and the dawn is on the horizon and in collective intelligence and the sharing of knowledge and the synergies which I believe and that the DOM TOM know how to do. This transformation that we all want, will involve both the state and elected officials, and with the citizens and we must be proud of this work accomplished "finished the Minister of Overseas, Mrs. Annick Girardin.
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe recalled the history of these contracts: "A year ago we signed the contracts of trust also called" Cahors contracts "because it is in Cahors that we have imagined and gives the form that are today. The objective of these contracts is to engage the 322 local authorities and the one that takes over the most important to control the operating expenses to have the means and release leaders hard spending more investment and our objective is to clear the margins for a more resilient future over and inclusive. "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sometimes we wondered about the effectiveness of the means put in place ... Moreover, will these contracts be effective? asked Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, who then recalled his own experience of the effectiveness of contracts "But experience I speak a year later, because I'm talking about that, because there was in fact a remarkable effect because in the vast majority the communities held their commitments and the expenses were lower than the maximum fixed ". PM Edouard Philippe adds "This is good news and excellent news that we are capable and setting ambitious goals and this has prompted us to push this ration with communities with investments in infrastructure with a balanced and attentive growth. the man and respective of the environment. PM Edouard Philippe stressed that it is also necessary to "take into account the needs of each territory and go as far as the differentiation of skills and the adaptation of the text and give good visibility. Today we have a consensus a few weeks after the Blue Overseas of the President of the Republic. "-----------------------------------------------------
"This is the issue of all and all ministers who must be included and the Minister of Overseas, must embody this project in all ministers to achieve results. This is why the maximum of ministers must be involved with the elected officials of the local authorities that I thank today and their teams. The projects taking from them are at the heart of these contracts with funds of 1.57 € Million today and that's why we want to reform along with Annick Girardin with trajectory 5.0 and five minutes ago we signed this trajectory. There is an indisputable truth because citizens have experienced the urgency of climate change and biodiversity to improve in our societies. Explained PM Edouard Philippe.---------------------------------------------------------------
PM Edouard Philippe acknowledges that "There have been a lot of climate skeptics here in our country but we all know that this fight is ahead of us for today, not tomorrow. In this fight els Outre Mer are in the forefront because the stakes are incarnated, sensory donkey because the equilibrium is translated by even more obvious risks as seen in Saint Martin and Mayotte ... This concern e biodiversity and circular economy and avoid spathic deposit and contravene to soils in the outposts that we have. It is a sacred challenge down ambition is large and shared and it leaves me hopeful. At the beginning, I will invite each minister to the interdepartmental council to be sure that beyond the signature, they are present. It is thus the very phase of the execution which is most capital and that we will watch closely and believe month it is the most capital phase (NOR word games on execution capital) ../ Concluded the First Minister Edouard Philippe.
KEYNOTE OF FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON : OVRESEAS TERRITORIES ARE A POWERFUL GEOPOLITICAL & STRATEGIC ASSET FOR FRANCE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The French President Emmanuel Macron explained by way of introduction that he was not going to repeat what has been said, already by his ministers but rather give us his convictions: "I will not repeat what already said brilliantly the ministers . But I wanted to be there to clearly mark the whole of France on the archipelago. President Macron continues: "You are all gathered here inter-municipal, territorial to advance the contracts under the EROM law, in a previous mandate in a spirit of Overseas and on the trajectory 5.0. I wanted to share convictions: There are not in our territories overseas situations unhooked whatever the "delays", the State will be at the Rendez-vous. The Prime Minister ends the budget sheet and there will be no savings on overseas. But the policy carried out for the Overseas is not for the discounts or economy it is a commitment of the State of 2.1 billion € for an ambition of the new renewable energies, the education, the health, the mobility by projects of the Etats Generaux (High Level Meeting) received at Elysee. Put these contracts show state commitment on (DOMTOM) overseas territories. The figures are there and it is engaged, is physical does not exist in our history with so much development of our Prime Minister at the time of climatic problems but outside. We decided to take our buses and move the projects forward, and go in support highlight and insist. The School, Health, and Training will be funded by 700 Million Peak for Health in Mayotte and the economy with new tax tools, taking into account public investment on local finances, as well as waste treatment and the pollution of the century ..-------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron recalls the "frightening" results of the extreme parties with high scores during the European elections of 2019 "Despite all this I know lucidly during the European elections are not going to vote and the extremes have continued to gain ground regardless political formations »-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron was reassuring about the geopolitical advantages of (DOMTOM) overseas territories: "This discomfort does not allow us to be satisfied. We all need to gain in depth, there will not be on the one hand the state or the government and the others, we need a collective awakening on the signing of these contracts with results that we have to wait. I salute the commitment of the Prime Minister and all his government and territories Overseas which should not be seen from France as economic differences. I see assets, When the President of the Republic (French), the last G20, he talks with the President of Brazil, he speaks of the Amazon! We have not benefited enough from the potential of these biodiversities. In a few weeks I will speak with the President of Jamaica, who sees the Caribbean, well, I as the President of the French Republic, I know that there are specific channels and opportunities tourism, climate, economic and health investments, not to mention the attractiveness of (DOMTOM) overseas territories, as here in France. "-------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron has been optimistic about the future, which he sees as very positive for overseas territories, no longer looking the same way, but in terms of a powerful geostrategic weapon for France: "We We must also bring climate thinking, At the end of the year at the island of Reunion and Mayotte I will accompany him as with Indian PM and President of Madagascar, there is a real Indo Pacific power on naked space that we will have to radiate and which represents more than 1Million population if we also consider the island of Reunion, Mayotte and Polynesia, the French Antarctic and New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna, all this is a power. I speak differently with respect to Australia and New Zealand and Chile."
President Macron wonders about the threat of Chinese hegemony in the Pacific seas and France's response "But this hegemony of China, which has 8,000 low-ranking soldiers and can deploy submarines with geo- strategically and diplomacy, who? France by the (DOMTOM) overseas territories. A few weeks ago in Saint Pierre and Miquelon I discussed a very strategic fishing issue with Canada. This French archipelago of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, allowed me to give our position said of a strategic that our country must assume and where the only expenses are not only delays, the digital ambition is not even low only here in Paris and the rest of France.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The research, mobility, the base must be made clear to our fellow citizens who do not dedicate this pride and our ambition of France across the Overseas, through linguistic cultural diversity but also by an ambition spread across all continents.
Finally, the President of the Republic asks that we change the lives of citizens in a practical and rapid way, in order to see the real effects of a transformation and to become locked in lies: "To be credible it is necessary to to go faster to have concrete results. I ask you in a more practical way to change the lives of our fellow citizens and we have done a lot of text and drafts, but there has not been enough change and transformation, because the pride of life, good competition, health, education, and certain lies in which we had locked ourselves up, then at that moment we will be believed.
Today we are no longer believed. I deeply believe that we must go together with this look everywhere and at the same time with this daily efficiency cad life of the city and elected officials can change it. To change the life for the better in the difficult territories for which people begin to believe to these invisible sons by the one of the sea with a solidarity and a great ambition. To be here today with you is to say all that, but ambition to anchor with you to succeed and change others. This impatience I sign it before anything else to myself. Long live the Republic and long live France
President Macron Prime Minister Edouard Philippe Minister Overseas Annick Girardin Christophe Castane Interior Minister Julien Denormandie Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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