Format Naormandie Banner (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
We are publishing here a summary of the Q & A that took place since July 9th- at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the period 9th July-9th August, under the new Ukrainian Presidency of Volodymyr Zelensky. The Questions are asked by the Press and answer by the spokesperson of French Foreign Affairs, during the period 9 July-9 August 2019.
« Format Normandie » is the four-country diplomatic configuration adopted during the Donbass War. It brings together Russia and Ukraine, the two belligerents, as well as Germany and France. The « Format Normandie » takes its name from a semi-official meeting held on June 6, 2014 during the Normandy landings celebration, in the Benouville castle.
Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, traveled to Berlin on Monday 11th of June to take part in a ministerial meeting in the « Format Normandie » . Bringing together Ukraine, Russia and Germany and France as co-mediators, this format of discussion, founded four years ago on the sidelines of the commemoration ceremonies of the landing of June 6, 1944, aims to achieve the resolution of the conflict in Donbas.
« Format Normandie » is the four-country diplomatic configuration adopted during the Donbass War. It brings together Russia and Ukraine, the two belligerents, as well as Germany and France. The « Format Normandie » takes its name from a semi-official meeting held on June 6, 2014 during the Normandy landings celebration, in the Benouville castle.
Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, traveled to Berlin on Monday 11th of June to take part in a ministerial meeting in the « Format Normandie » . Bringing together Ukraine, Russia and Germany and France as co-mediators, this format of discussion, founded four years ago on the sidelines of the commemoration ceremonies of the landing of June 6, 1944, aims to achieve the resolution of the conflict in Donbas.
We are publishing here a summary of the Q & A that took place since July 9th- at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the period 9th July-9th August, under the new Ukrainian Presidency of Volodymyr Zelensky. The Questions are asked by the Press and answer by the spokesperson of French Foreign Affairs, during the period 9 July-9 August 2019.
« Format Normandie » is the four-country diplomatic configuration adopted during the Donbass War. It brings together Russia and Ukraine, the two belligerents, as well as Germany and France. The « Format Normandie » takes its name from a semi-official meeting held on June 6, 2014 during the Normandy landings celebration, in the Benouville castle.
Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, traveled to Berlin on Monday 11th of June to take part in a ministerial meeting in the « Format Normandie » . Bringing together Ukraine, Russia and Germany and France as co-mediators, this format of discussion, founded four years ago on the sidelines of the commemoration ceremonies of the landing of June 6, 1944, aims to achieve the resolution of the conflict in Donbas. Participating in his first ministerial meeting in « Format Normandie » , like his German counterpart, the minister expressed the wish of France and Germany to see the parties re-engage quickly in the implementation of the September Minsk agreements. 2014 and February 2015. The ministerial meeting in Berlin followed the recent contacts between the heads of state and government of the « Format Normandie »: interview of the President of the Republic and the German Chancellor with the Ukrainian President in Aachen on May 10, respective displacements of Mrs. Merkel and the president of the Republic in Russia, May 18 and May 24 and 25.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As the President of the Republic pointed out on May 24 during his visit to St. Petersburg, the coming months will be decisive. Without the implementation of concrete security, political, humanitarian and economic progress, the credibility of the current peace process is at stake. We must do everything possible to break out of a situation marked by hundreds of ceasefire violations every day, dozens of deaths every month, the use of heavy weapons and a degraded humanitarian situation for people living in the conflict zone. France and Germany will therefore make proposals to Ukraine and Russia for action in each of these areas, in order to initiate a virtuous dynamic towards progress towards the full implementation of the Minsk agreements, culminating in return of Ukraine's sovereignty over territories currently under separatist control in the context of local self-government./.
PRESS CONFERENCE ON 9TH of JULY AT FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY----------------------------------------------------
Q - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed to implement a new negotiating format concerning the situation in Donbass with the participation of Russia, France, Ukraine, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. How do you react to this proposal? Do you think it can help advance the resolution of the crisis in eastern Ukraine?
France welcomes the willingness of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to engage in a dialogue with his Russian counterpart to resolve the crisis between the two countries. Meetings in the « Format Normandie » (France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine) aim to facilitate the implementation of the commitments made by the parties under the Minsk Agreements, which constitute the agreed basis for a settlement of conflict in eastern Ukraine. These meetings are not exclusive of any other diplomatic effort aimed at this goal, and complement, inter alia, the discussions in the trilateral Contact Group under the auspices of the OSCE.
PRESS CONFERENCE ON 16TH of JULY AT FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY----------------------------------------------------
Q: How does Paris evaluate the proposal of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to expand the format of the negotiations on Donbass? Are the French authorities prepared to include the United States and the United Kingdom in the Donbass negotiations?
A: As I said on 9 July, France welcomes the willingness of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to engage in a dialogue with his Russian counterpart to resolve the crisis between the two countries. Meetings in the "Normandy" format (France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine) aim to facilitate the implementation of the commitments made by the parties under the Minsk Agreements, which constitute the agreed basis for a settlement of conflict in eastern Ukraine. These meetings are not exclusive of any other diplomatic effort aimed at this goal, and complement, inter alia, the discussions in the trilateral Contact Group under the auspices of the OSCE.
PRESS CONFERENCE ON 22ND of JULY AT FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY----------------------------------------------------
Q. - Has France officially received a proposal from Kiev to include the United States and the United Kingdom in the Normandy format talks on Ukraine?
A - I refer you to our press briefings on 9 and 16 July
PRESS CONFERENCE ON 9TH of AUGUST AT FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY------------------------------------------------
Q: According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the meeting of the representatives of foreign ministers of the member countries of the Normandy format will take place at the end of August in France. Can you confirm these words?
Zelensky estimated that the meeting of presidents in Normandy format will take place after September. Is France ready to participate?
A: The situation in the east of Ukraine is the subject of constant attention by the French authorities. The next meetings in the Normandy format will be announced when the time comes.
Q: To expand the « Format Normandie » you have to have the acceptance of all the negotiators, said George Kent, the US Assistant Secretary of State. What is France's position on this subject? Does France agree that the United States participate in the negotiations on Donbass?
A: France is fully committed to resolving the conflict and implementing the Minsk agreements, particularly in the context of the Normandy format, in which it is actively participating.
France and Germany maintain regular dialogue and close consultation with the US Special Representative for Ukraine, Ambassador Kurt Volker. A modification of the Format Normandy is not on the agenda. Source : French Foreign Affairs Ministry
Format Normandie Jjean Yves Le Drian Minister Foreign Affairs Pdt Macron Angela Merkel Germany France Russia Vladimir Poutine Germany Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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