General Strike December 5 (Source: CGT)
The big general strike of December 5th, which has been in announced for several weeks in France, began this morning, with 90% of 90% of TGV trains canceled, 30% of Air France flights, as well as 70% of TER regional trains. It is launched basically by the CGT Union, (Strongest Union in France) alongside amanyother Unions, to protest against the Reform of Pensions, announced few months ago by the French Government. The reform is planned to providing a new retirement pension scheme ( Upon Points) , called universal retirement, versus the current French pension plan, which includes 42 special schemes. Strikers fear that this reform will lead pensioners to work longer and for less pension than expected under the current system (80% of GDP). According to the Odoxa survey, 70% of French approve this general strike of 5 December 2019. the CGT, Transport, has just renewed the strike until Monday 9 December next. The cortege of the general strike at the time we publish, left Gare du Nord this morning, are now at Place de la Republique heading from now on to finish Place de Nation. According to the official figures of the police prefecture 180 000 (Transport, Civil Servants, Education..
The big general strike of December 5th, which has been in announced for several weeks in France, began this morning, with 90% of 90% of TGV trains canceled, 30% of Air France flights, as well as 70% of TER regional trains. It is launched basically by the CGT Union, (Strongest Union in France) alongside amanyother Unions, to protest against the Reform of Pensions, announced few months ago by the French Government. The reform is planned to providing a new retirement pension scheme ( Upon Points) , called universal retirement, versus the current French pension plan, which includes 42 special schemes. Strikers fear that this reform will lead pensioners to work longer and for less pension than expected under the current system (80% of GDP). According to the Odoxa survey, 70% of French approve this general strike of 5 December 2019. the CGT, Transport, has just renewed the strike until Monday 9 December next. The cortege of the general strike at the time we publish, left Gare du Nord this morning, are now at Place de la Republique heading from now on to finish Place de Nation. According to the official figures of the police prefecture 180 000 (Transport, Civil Servants, National Education, Hospitals and Yellow Vests) strikers demonstrating throughout France today, namely in 30 major cities.GENERAL TRANSPORT STRIKE IN ALL FRANCE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Still cancellations, many cancellations this Friday on track. While the Paris demonstration rushed this Thursday from Gare du Nord, the direction of the SNCF unveiled traffic forecasts very disturbed for the beginning of the weekend. 90% of TGVs will be canceled and 70% of TERs in the region. In addition, 85% of Transilians (French ihnabitants of Ile de France, Paris and suburbs) will be eliminated in ÃŽle-de-France. This Thursday, the travelers had taken their precautions and rare were the stations with a lot of affluence. The wharves were rather deserted and among the few trains that ran several were downright empty.
Big Strike Transportation Tgv Flights Ter Metro Ratp Cgt Union Pension Reform Paris Thirty Cities Pm Edouard Philippe Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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