


COVID-19 (Source: Ministry of Health)
President Macron at Necker SAMU
(Source: Caption BFM TV)
USPA NEWS - In France, the official toll reported today, this evening (Press point at 7.15 am, by Jerome Salomon, Director of the Ministry of Health) states 1784 cases infected by COVID-19, with 33 death, and 84 patients in serious condition, in intensive care.
The number of cases worldwide now exceeds 113,000 in 101 countries and territories, according to a report drawn up at 6 p.m. Monday. The Coronavirus, COVID-19 now affects all countries. In Italy, the main European home, the government has taken unprecedented measures by confining the whole country, ie 60 million citizens, with a ban even on family meals, in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus, which has already caused 463 dead and more than 9,000 cases in Italy. China is the country that has Italy by sending them breathing machines, while the European countries, stop their flights to Italy and a drastic measure of will to close the border as is the case for the Slovenia.
Prof Jerome Salomon Director Min Health
Source: Ministry of Health
The Minister of Culture, Frank Riester, was also tested positive at Covid-19, as felt parliamentarians and two employees of the National Assembly, detected positive at COVID-19. In France, there is no shortage of medicines at this stage, a longer-term risk warns the European Medicines Agency. However, problems of shortages or supply of medicines "cannot be excluded" as the epidemic caused by the coronavirus spreads, said on Tuesday the European Medicines Agency (EMA), while clarifying that at this stage no problems had been reported. To deal with this eventuality, the Agency has started work on examining drugs for human or veterinary use in order to identify the most at risk, while the vast majority of the active ingredients necessary for their manufacture come from Asia. MANY COMPANIES WHOSE AIR FRANCE STOP THEIR FLIGHTS TO ITALY UNTIL APRIL 3--------------------------- Air France announced on Tuesday that it would suspend all flights to Italy between March 14 and April 3 inclusive due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in that country. Between now and March 14, Air France will maintain one flight a day to each of its (Italian) destinations to allow customers "who wish to anticipate their journey," the company said in a statement. The next plenary session of the European Parliament, which was originally scheduled to take place in Strasbourg from March 30 to April 2, will be moved to Brussels and limited to two days due to the coronavirus epidemic, the institution announced. "The April session (“¦) will take place in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon (April 1) and Thursday morning (April 2)", announced the Vice-President of the Parliament, Katarina Barley, during the current plenary session. It is the second time in a row that a plenary planned in Strasbourg is organized in Brussels: the session which should have taken place from Monday to Thursday has already been moved to the capital of the EU and reduced to the day of this Tuesday.
PSG/Racing Strasbourg match Banner
Source: PSG
According to the Tunisian Consulate General in Strasbourg, Monday evening, the Tunisair TU 246 plane from Tunis was placed in solitary confinement for one hour upon arrival at Strasbourg Entzheim airport due to a suspected case of Covid- 19. This is a passenger who arrived in Tunis (from Strasbourg on February 28, 2020. ( Two people, including the person in question, were taken in charge by the SAMU of Strasbourg. The other passengers on this flight were able to leave the plane after completing the information sheet and giving their contact details. For health security reasons, the plane had to leave Strasbourg without passengers. ALL LEAGUE1 AND 2 FOOTBALL MATCHES ARE KEPT IN CLOSED and 45 SPORTS EVENTS IMPACTED BY COVID-19 The Minister of Sports reacted to a call to gather near the Parc des Princes Wednesday evening before Paris SG-Dortmund. And this, despite a sanitary closed door measure linked to the coronavirus. Ditto for the friendly match between France / Ukraine and Finland, also held behind closed doors. 450 sporting events impacted by April 15 by government measures, announces the Minister of Sports "We are appealing to their individual and collective responsibility because if we have forbidden them access to the stadium, it is not for nothing. There is also a possibility of transmission of the virus, otherwise we would not have done it for fun, "said Roxana Maracineanu in a press conference. THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN FRANCE ARE MAINTAINED ON THE NEXT 15 AND 22 MARCH Despite the procrastination and hesitation about the municipal elections to be held on Sunday March 15 and 23, are maintained, despite the spread of the Covid19. 28% of people, voters, plan not to vote because of COVID-19. However, how to “vote without danger“ in the municipal elections? The measures of the Ministry of the Interior According to a circular issued by Christophe Castaner, "voting is safe". The Interior Ministry released a circular on Tuesday to mayors detailing the precautionary measures to be taken during municipal elections against the coronavirus. Among the instructions, we find: a marking on the ground to avoid overcrowding, a thorough cleaning of the polling stations, hydroalcoholic gel available (or a hand washing point), voters can bring their own pen, physical contacts are not recommended, the voting booths should be placed in such a way that voters do not need to touch the curtain“¦
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