


COVID-19 (Source: Ministry of Health )
PM Edouard Philippe Pr Defrayssil
(Source: TV caption )
USPA NEWS - he coronavirus epidemic is advancing at high speed: worldwide, more than 135,000 people have been infected and more than 5,000 have died. Confined, Italy has exceeded 1000 dead. In France, 2882 cases are recorded and 61 deaths but the epidemic « is only at its beginning ». President Macron said. That death toll was recalled by the French President Macron when he addressed the nation in a primetime, TV, speech from the Elysee Palace, on Thursday, March12 at 8pm. "The virus continues to spread and is accelerating. The urgency is to curb the epidemic" he continued before announcing that it was necessary to "prepare for a possible second wave of people younger people affected by the disease. " It is very probably because of this risk and to face "the most serious health crisis known in France for a century" that the president decided to close all the schools of the country from Monday March 16 and "until again. " It is also to "not overload our hospitals" said the Minister of Health Olivier Veran, guest of Europe 1 March 13.
Louvre Museum
The French government calls for the reinforcement of "barrier gestures" and to stay at home if you have fever, cough, headache and / or sore throat. All visits by outsiders are suspended in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD), Home nursing and long-term care units (USLD). People over 70 must limit their outings, so do te disabled, and whose holding a pathology, or chronicle sickness, and diabetes. Gatherings are limited to hundred persons, including the theaters where the limit of room occupation is 100. THE LOUVRE MUSEUM IS CLOSE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE-------------------------------------------------------------------- The French President also announced that the government is working on a plan to compensate package, for the entrepreneurs the losses due to COVID-19 outbreak. The French State also shall pay the workers who are constrained to stay at home, by a paid sick leave due to the COVID-19. Meanwhile the mayoral elections ti be held on Sunday March 15 and 23 are maintained for the 1s tour, so far. New instructions shall be released by the government when it comes to the second tour of election for the 23rd of March, as the sanitary situation is evolving ver fast in France. Workers are asked to work remotely from home to avoid contamination, and reduce the propagation of the Coronavirus. While all the schools, and universities are closed form Monday 16, until further notice. The French President Macron and the French PM, Edouard Philippe are addressing the nation, via the breaking news tv, and Tf1 channel, in a purpose of transparency but also to avoid any psychosis in France that is still keeping on Level 2, though all the 12 regions are concern by Coronavirus. [Updated on Friday March 13 at 5:35 pm]
Source: WHO
THE WHO DECLARED THE COVID-19 IS A GLOBAL PANDEMIC WITH MORE THAN 5, 000 DEATH The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, as the number of cases continues to multiply worldwide, with tens of millions of people living under unprecedented lockdowns. The pandemic declaration came as the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 topped 127,000 in about 120 countries, with more than 5,000 deaths blamed on the virus. The WHO´s director said Wednesday health officials are alarmed by both the spread of the virus and the failure of governments to act. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, General Director of WHO: “In the days and weeks ahead, we expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of affected countries climb even higher. WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock, and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction.“ Source : WHO
President Macron Prime Speech on TV
Source: Tf1 Caption
THE FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON REACTS OVER TRUMP´S SANCTIONS HAMPERING EUROPAAN TRAVELLERS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Thursday, the French President Macron, reacted over U.S.-imposed sanctions that have severely hampered European´s ability to respond to the outbreak. 2,303 people are on board the company ship Costa, which has been quarantined off the coast of Martinique Island. "The Martiniquans on this boat will be able to descend in 24 to 48 hours" After the screening, the 2,303 passengers on board remained in quarantine Thursday evening, hoping to be able to disembark this Friday. “They will be evacuated after a case-by-case analysis of their situation. The operation will take several days. We believe that the Martiniquans on this boat will be able to descend in 24 to 48 hours maximum, “said the prefect, Stanislas Cazelle. Source : Le Parisien
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