The Research of the Mossad-assassinated Missile-Expert´s Half-Orphans
Reporting the German Media-Releases

Murder - Symbol-Picture (Source: Pixabay)
The German missile-expert Heinz Krug, who was lured into an ambush on 11th September 1962 in Munich´s Schillerstreet by a command of the Israeli Mossad, kidnapped from these over Marseille to Tel Aviv, tortured there and then assassinated had two children at that time. Beate Soller with 15 years of age and Kaj Krug with 10 years of age, who lived with the widow of these murdered victim near to Munich.
Only a few days after the vanashing of their father Heinz Krug, who has been 49 years of age and trading with missile-technology to Egypt over his Munich-based Company “žIntra Handelsgesellschaft mbH“, these children became themselves victims of criminal offenses threatening their life. At first a mail-bomb has become sent to them, but was detected and became defused. Secondly a booby-trap became discovered inside the toilet-bowl equipted with a timer. These hidden bomb was detected as well and defused in addition.
So pure terror was exerted against these children, too. Further several Millions of Swiss francs vanished from Swiss-based bank-accounts of their father in a way, that no backgrounds has been possible to become investigated in concern to these incidents.
Only a few days after the vanashing of their father Heinz Krug, who has been 49 years of age and trading with missile-technology to Egypt over his Munich-based Company “žIntra Handelsgesellschaft mbH“, these children became themselves victims of criminal offenses threatening their life. At first a mail-bomb has become sent to them, but was detected and became defused. Secondly a booby-trap became discovered inside the toilet-bowl equipted with a timer. These hidden bomb was detected as well and defused in addition.
So pure terror was exerted against these children, too. Further several Millions of Swiss francs vanished from Swiss-based bank-accounts of their father in a way, that no backgrounds has been possible to become investigated in concern to these incidents.
Starting with these threats, representatives of the German Intelligence Service BND (Federal Intelligence Service) appeared at home with the widow and the two children: And warned them not to investigate the whereabouts of the husband and father. Instead of to give shelter to these German citizens these Federal Intelligence Service BND showed no interest at all in concern to the fate of these own people ““ but took part into intermidating them. The local Police has run some in detail unknown investigations without any result. The Justice and the Politics showed no real interest into these case of murder at all and refused any support to become provided to these both half-orphans and the widow. As a result, these people suffered greatly and both children were affected by it for their life-time.
Starting with adulthood both half-orphans of the assassinated father Heinz Krug have dedicated their life to get investigated, who has killed their father in the year of 1962. They defined it as a core-goal to release the results of their investigations in an own book about the case of their father´s “žvanashing“.
Starting with adulthood both half-orphans of the assassinated father Heinz Krug have dedicated their life to get investigated, who has killed their father in the year of 1962. They defined it as a core-goal to release the results of their investigations in an own book about the case of their father´s “žvanashing“.
But these attempt has failed for two times after they have been able to research some backgrounds, references and cross-connections: Because the over many years collected informations and evidences became stolen in the events of break-ins. The Police in Germany has not been able to prevent this incidents, as the Federal Intelligence Service BND was not able to give any shelter against such activities operated against them and their project of investigation in addition. Instead, these half-orphans were warned by these secret service to continue their investigation. This shows very impressive the lack of any value of a German citizenship in the context of a dispute to interests of Israel. In these field the German Security-apparatus bows down towards Israel and betrays it´s own citizens in a most harmfully way. This lection to learn the author recomends to everybody how is facing the question to accept German citizenship to be the only remaining one: Because in concern to Israel and the USA those people will be outlawed standing out of any protection even against murders committed against them by these states´ authorities.
After the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany he was engaged as a Criminal-Defender due to the fact that his civil profession since ever has it been to be a Lawyer. But in 1954 he became drafted by a Radiation-researcher called Eugen Sänger to operate as the managing-director of the Research Institute for Physics of Jet-Propulsion located in Germany´s Stuttgart. These entity was involved into the missile-program of Egypt under the President Gamal Abdel Nasser. At that point of time Egypt and Israel have been enemies. And Heinz Krug supplied missile-propulsions to Kairo which habe been Dual-Use-Goods. Because of this he became a victim of the Mossad-murders on 11th September 1962 with 49 years of age.
The quoted article spreads then a story which most likely will be desinformations. It deals with a report released by the Israeli newssources Haaretz in March 2016: Therefor these Technology-dealer has been assassinated by a formerly highranked soldier of the Nazi´s Arms-SS called Otto Skorzeny.
The quoted article spreads then a story which most likely will be desinformations. It deals with a report released by the Israeli newssources Haaretz in March 2016: Therefor these Technology-dealer has been assassinated by a formerly highranked soldier of the Nazi´s Arms-SS called Otto Skorzeny.
These Nazi was explained to have committed these murder in oder of the Israeli Mossad as a hired killer upon German soild near to Munich and has covered his corps with acid chemicals burried in a forest to get it cleared out. After these release, these news was spread in Germany, too. And the Public Prosecutor of Munich announced to open an investigations-proceeding due to his legal charges. But all what has happend was, that an international legal-aid request has become sent by him to his colleagues in Israel.
These incident then has triggered a going-public of the Israeli Mossad. Subsequently the plot was spread, which has still been published here on the Rota90-Portal: A kidnapping from Munich over Masrseille to Tel Aviv, followed by several month of torture and an finally assasination upon the soil of Israel: Carried out by the Israeli Mossad.
It is not realy possible to judge which of these both versions is meeting the truth mostly. Or if the truth is completely another one.
These incident then has triggered a going-public of the Israeli Mossad. Subsequently the plot was spread, which has still been published here on the Rota90-Portal: A kidnapping from Munich over Masrseille to Tel Aviv, followed by several month of torture and an finally assasination upon the soil of Israel: Carried out by the Israeli Mossad.
It is not realy possible to judge which of these both versions is meeting the truth mostly. Or if the truth is completely another one.
The author wants to reveal in these context a personally experience in the immediatly temporal context to the release of the first version and it´s release by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz at the end of March 2016:
The author retured on a Saturday at the end of March 2016 back to Munich from a visite of Sukhum, which is the Capital of the Republic of Abkhazia. There he has met by accident the local representative of Egypt Air, the Airline of Egypt, wo invited the author to speak German with him. These offer the author faced with great astonishment, because in these erea nearly nobody is speaking English, despite of even German. But as these man explained to the author, there is a German Community living in Sukhum since 1947: Because the Missile-Program of the formerly USSR has been run there. And these Germans have been Missile-Scientists who became drafted by the USSR after the end of the 2nd Worldwar.
Such Scientists who have been involved into the missile-program of Nazi-Germany in the above still mentioned city of Peenemünde on the East-Sea-Island Usedom. And the formerly USSR has supported the missile-program of Egypt under the Presidency of Nasser.
The author retured on a Saturday at the end of March 2016 back to Munich from a visite of Sukhum, which is the Capital of the Republic of Abkhazia. There he has met by accident the local representative of Egypt Air, the Airline of Egypt, wo invited the author to speak German with him. These offer the author faced with great astonishment, because in these erea nearly nobody is speaking English, despite of even German. But as these man explained to the author, there is a German Community living in Sukhum since 1947: Because the Missile-Program of the formerly USSR has been run there. And these Germans have been Missile-Scientists who became drafted by the USSR after the end of the 2nd Worldwar.
Such Scientists who have been involved into the missile-program of Nazi-Germany in the above still mentioned city of Peenemünde on the East-Sea-Island Usedom. And the formerly USSR has supported the missile-program of Egypt under the Presidency of Nasser.
Supported by it´s Satellite-state German Democratic Republic. Due to these fact the majority of the German missile-scientists who have been involved into the mentioned Egypt missile-program has been citizens of the German Democratic Republic as partners of their big brother USSR. The murdered Heiz Krug has been the representative of the Egypt Air Airline in Germany. These release of the Israeli Haaretz-newspaper the author remembers very good: Because it happend exactly on the Sunday after his returning back from Sukhum over Moscow to Munich.
Now back to the case of Heinz Krug ““ again: After the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany (BND) has prevented it over decades successfully and the son Kaj Krug has even suffered a break-down with multiple organ-failure and an addionally coma ““ he together with his sister Beate Soller has been able to publish the above mentioned book in 2018. At this point of time Beate Soller was 70 years of age and her brother Kaj Krug 66 years of age.
Now back to the case of Heinz Krug ““ again: After the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany (BND) has prevented it over decades successfully and the son Kaj Krug has even suffered a break-down with multiple organ-failure and an addionally coma ““ he together with his sister Beate Soller has been able to publish the above mentioned book in 2018. At this point of time Beate Soller was 70 years of age and her brother Kaj Krug 66 years of age.
So far, however, these two half-orphans have so far unsuccessfully attempted to get access to the investigation-file for the murder of their father from the Munich Public Prosecutor´s Office I. And in addition the Minister of Justice of Bavaria was “žnot able“ to help them in these case. Their Lawyer has just received a file-number. But these was such a file-number which it is usually used for Press-cases ““ not for cases of Murder.
All this shows at first the double standard which is practiced by the Politics and the Justice of Germany. If there is some suspect for an assassination committed by Russian, Iranian or maybe Turkish Intelligences the blaming is great and load. But if Israel commits an assassination and it´s Intelligence is revealing this to the public by even mentioning names and showing fotos of the perpetrators ““ nothing is happening at all.
All this shows at first the double standard which is practiced by the Politics and the Justice of Germany. If there is some suspect for an assassination committed by Russian, Iranian or maybe Turkish Intelligences the blaming is great and load. But if Israel commits an assassination and it´s Intelligence is revealing this to the public by even mentioning names and showing fotos of the perpetrators ““ nothing is happening at all.
But in a second way these plot clarifies that the German state is neither willing, nor able to protect it´s own citizens against crimes committed by the Israeli Mossad against them. In contrast Turkey under President Erdogan has forced Israel to apologize for the murder against 8 Turkish participants of the Gaza-Flotilla commited by the Israeli Military in Mai 2010 and to pay Millions of reparations to their Families. This is a very considerable contrast to Germany, too. According to the author's assessment, this proves that the Turkish passport is worth a lot more for its holder than it would be for the German passport.
Heinz Krug Misile-expert Mossad Murder Munich Tel Aviv Egypt Missile-program President Nasser 1962 Bndkaj Krug
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