
President Macron & Le Drian Min Beirut (Source: LCI News TV Caption)
resident Macron visited the French Ambassador's Residence des Pins in Beirut to give a 40-minute press conference.
"I will help you to write your history, but it is not for me, the French President to write your history," replied President Emmanuel Macron, to the French and Lebanese press at a press conference which took place. held on August 7, in Beirut, at the end of his "fraternal and united" visit since yesterday, August 6, immediately (24 hours later) following the double explosion at the Port of Beirut which killed 114 people and 5,000 injured . This tragic double explosion caused massive damage in the port and its surroundings, and 300,000 homeless 12% of the national population), and plunging into disarray in apocalyptic rubble. According to the T9mes Magazine « Damaged hospitals are still struggling to deal with the wounded. Dozens are still missing. Officials have estimated losses at $10 billion to $15 billion. »
"I will help you to write your history, but it is not for me, the French President to write your history," replied President Emmanuel Macron, to the French and Lebanese press at a press conference which took place. held on August 7, in Beirut, at the end of his "fraternal and united" visit since yesterday, August 6, immediately (24 hours later) following the double explosion at the Port of Beirut which killed 114 people and 5,000 injured . This tragic double explosion caused massive damage in the port and its surroundings, and 300,000 homeless 12% of the national population), and plunging into disarray in apocalyptic rubble. According to the T9mes Magazine « Damaged hospitals are still struggling to deal with the wounded. Dozens are still missing. Officials have estimated losses at $10 billion to $15 billion. »
President Macron has set a timetable with a quick deadline by September 1, citing mobile stakeholders to rebuild in Lebanon such as the UN, the World Bank and the European Union, and insisting on coercive means, in the event of non-compliance with the requirement necessary for the reforms to be put in place. After a very well written speech, the content of which was at the same time political, economic and guarantor of democracy, also underlining the fraternity and the very strong and historical relations between France and Lebanon, while recalling that it is ; acts of mutual aid and not of hegemony or interventionism on the part of the French side. The French President who had the day before, that is to say yesterday August 6, postponed visit of Beirut, after the tragedy of the day before and then strolls in the city where he was ready to have crowd baths answer the Lebanese, who questioned him on every street corner. President Macron usually starts with a "field" visit and especially in mar agnat in the city which welcomes him to feel the "temperature and be in direct contact with the people" before delivering a speech Ss often intellectually constructed but also nourishes of his recent experience of lived concentrated by his own sensibility and resounding humanism.
The Lebanese press has so many questions about the political overhaul of the National Union in Lebanon, as President Macron has allowed himself to be questioned.
PRESIDENT MACRON DELIVERED A SINCERE POLITICAL AND HUMANIST SPEECH IN RESPONDING TO THIRSTY JOURNALISTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“France will never let go of Lebanon“, declares President Macron, and “By explaining how to privatize the interests and re-establish a Lebanese sovereignty which is part of the existing and future pact with the Lebanese people, by helping this emergence, by the frankness, but which will not be done by a magic wand“¦ .A explains the French head of state Macron who recalled that “France is there alongside Lebanon, without interventionism“. Short-term requirement, of firms and in the optical field with a refoundation, with the energy of the people and the pressure that we will exert without replacing the Lebanese leaders "explained the French head of state, Macron. I defend an international and transparent investigation into what happened, replied President Macron, to the question of responsibility for the explosion of the Port of Beiirut. "My responsibility is to help the Lebanese people, and to have a truthful and sincere speech, and to push for the requirement and for a transparent and international investigation" summarized President Macron, who promises to return on the 1st September, and concluding to be the President of the French Republic and not a protestor. I will be there for every madman that it will be necessary to help the Lebanese people and I will have no complacency and no interference, Our common history is one of exigency and transparency. The political initiative is that of today by asking the prizes of the assembly and the government to, with national unity, leave to the economic and political forces to bring out what is best for the Lebanese "
According to Times Magazine « After talks with Lebanese leaders, France´s Macron announced his country will organize a conference in the next few days with European, American, Middle Eastern and other donors to raise money for food, medicine, housing and other urgent aid. But he warned Lebanon´s political elite that he wouldn´t give “blank checks to a system that no longer has the trust of its people.“ He called on them to create a “new political order.“ ( Source: Times)
We are publishing the full speech of President Emmanuel Macron given by the French Head of State to the French and Lebanese press in the residence of the French Ambassador to Lebanon in Les Pins.
"Well, Mr. Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen, Parliamentarians, Mr. Ambassador, Ladies and Gentlemen Ambassadors, Admiral, Ladies and Gentlemen, there you are, I wanted this end of the day before leaving, perhaps to recap this trip today hui in Beirut with you and by your side after having seen and heard, listened, today the looks and the voices of our Lebanese brothers on this day after August 4, 2020.
Tell you how much I feel an infinite sadness, a deep solidarity and share the healthy anger that we have seen expressed today.
The purpose of this trip, which we made today, was first and foremost to support the Lebanese people, a free, proud and sovereign Lebanon. And to think that in these moments, there is only evidence to be present and help. That´s what we did from the early hours and I´ll come back to that and that´s what we had to be here for today. This solidarity, this fraternity, is that of all the French people, towards the Lebanese people. "
"WE WILL ACCOMPANY YOU ON THIS PATH" ENSURED THE PDT MACRON-----------------------------------------------
« We will accompany you on this path. Today tomorrow, we will be there and France will never let go of Lebanon. She will never abandon the Lebanese, never.Our destinies are inextricably tied by the bonds of time, spirit, soul, culture, dreams. And on this day of mourning in Beirut, 1,000 times dead, 1,000 times relived, the whole of France says today that it is by his side and that when Lebanon is struck in the heart as it is today , it is also the heart of France that is struck. And I want to send my condolences here to the families who have been affected. There are about fifty French women and men who have been affected at least. It is too early to give figures or details. There are thousands and tens of thousands of Lebanese and Lebanese who have been affected, who have victims in their families, the missing, the injured. And I want to send them all the solidarity of France and my condolences » President Macron, acknowledged.
"The emergency is first and foremost aid. Faced with the absolute urgency, all of France's resources have already come into action: 3 planes, 2 military planes and 1 plane thanks to the support of the CMA-CGM group and I thank them for it, were able to arrive yesterday afternoon with a detachment of Civil Security on board, emergency personnel who were thus dispatched, a mobile health post allowing the in charge of 500 wounded. All these people are hard at work. We saw them this morning on the Port site. And beyond that, I want to tell you that support is pouring in from the French population who are mobilizes as a whole, local authorities, many cities, departments, regions have also mobilized and a fraternal impetus is there and all binationals, as the community are fully mobilized to help this aid. " explained President Macron.
"In a few hours, a new MRTT tanker aircraft will land on Lebanese soil with support teams, rescue and investigators to help advance precisely, in the investigations, searches, searches for both bodies and investigation for to clarify this investigation and I will come back to it. Next Thursday, the BPC Thunder will arrive in Lebanon. Indeed, this amphibious helicopter carrier will leave France to find Lebanon and bring medicines, emergency teams, caregivers , also care capacities to respond to the emergency of the injured. We are going to continue this solidarity in order to help all those who, on the ground, act as we saw this morning, in the port as in the various neighborhoods. There is a need for caregivers, medicines, food, materials also to rebuild as quickly as possible the homes of at least 300,000 Lebanese and Lebanese who today have no roof or house in good condition. And here too, we are fully mobilized. I want to thank the French companies who have already made it known that they were ready to offer which wheat, which building glasses, thank those who have already said that they would help deliver. This mobilization will continue and we will organize it. We will be there in the long term, alongside all those who save, help, heal, rebuild. "Reassured President Macron
"FRANCE WILL ALSO BE THERE TO ORGANIZE INTERNATIONAL AID AND ON THE SIDE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION" SAID PDT MACRON----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“France will also be there to organize international aid alongside the European Union, the United Nations and with the support of the World Bank. In the next few days, we will organize, and the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs has started to make the first contacts and to mobilize his teams, we will organize an international conference of support and support for Beirut and the population. Lebanese with the objective of mobilizing international funding from Europeans, Americans, all countries in the region and beyond in order to provide medicine and care, food, and the necessary for housing. We will also put in place clear and transparent governance so that all of this aid, whether it is French aid or international aid, is directly channeled to populations, to non-governmental organizations, to teams in the field who need it without any opacity or diversion being possible. The United Nations and the World Bank will play an essential role in this matter to clearly define the needs and allow the international community as well as the Lebanese people to have full transparency on the delivery of all this aid. »Said President Macron.
"THERE WILL BE A BEFORE AND AFTER AUGUST 4, 2020" SAID PRESIDENT MACRON--------------------------------
There will be a before and an after August 04, 2020 because this appalling detonation sounded like a thunderclap on the slope of despair. And if Lebanon wakes up today bruised and exhausted, I know that it will recover with all that is its strength and has been its strength in its history and that it has the capacity for a rebound. There is in the detonation of August 4, something like the metaphor of the contemporary crisis in Lebanon, like the result of what can lead to something that we do not take care of, a place that we no longer take care of. . And this morning, in the anger of the youth and the streets, there were for me too, the ingredients of a tremendous hope. I want to say here to all Lebanese, and in particular to the youngest, that we will be at their side beyond this emergency aid that I have just mentioned and this support. We will be at their side, first to educate. "Highlighted President Francais Macron.
President Macron explained "The minister was there a few weeks ago and first mentioned the 15 million euros mobilized for French-speaking schools and the establishment of this fund for schools in the Orient, a fund of 2 million which will make it possible to go further thanks to local authorities and private partners. "
Emmanuel Macron promised "By September 1, we will go further to support schools here, universities and help provide the financial response for Lebanese youth. I also hope that we can, in partnership with all private donors, help young people who need to go to study abroad to be able to do so through scholarship systems. Some already exist, we must go much further. We must not, in this period, forget, and in nothing, the strength of knowledge education. And so, we will be alongside schools, universities and young people so that they can continue to learn, to learn to love freedom and demand the freedom that goes with it, and then it's culture and freedom of expression. When the world darkens, there is a great temptation to forget what we are fighting for. Knowing that there is something else possible, knowing that there is something greater than the everyday is an absolute, knowledge, truth, the expression of everyone. It is important in this period that the freedom of expression, the freedom of journalism, the capacity to create continues in Lebanon. "Highlighted French President Macron.
There is also the economic answer. More than 2 years ago, we conducted the conferences in Paris so that the economic response could be provided. Reforms on the one hand, in the energy sector, electricity, public procurement, customs, the fight against corruption, and financing on the other. We mobilized. The funding is there. They are waiting for the reforms. The Paris agenda, the CEDAR conferences, economic reforms and the support of the international community are just waiting for this leap. Also, in the face of anger and mistrust, the hope that I nourish and the appeal that I was able to make this morning to President AOUN, to the President of Parliament Nabih BERRI, to Prime Minister Hassan DIAB and to all representatives of political forces. highlighted French President Macron.
President Francais Macron explained his vision of the necessary political overhaul in Lebanon "It is the time of responsibility for Lebanon today and its leaders. We must rebuild confidence and hope. It cannot be decreed. It cannot be decreed. cannot be reconquered overnight, but it presupposes a re-foundation of a new political order where everyone, beyond the divisions in which they have taken refuge, a confessionalism that has sometimes been captured, a system that was also captured by organized corruption, to have the strength to rebuild a national union to carry out the essential reforms that the Lebanese, the Lebanese, need, to carry out essential transparency operations on the banking system, the Central Bank , to do it in an international framework, to cooperate with the International Monetary Fund. I will fight so that international solidarity is there, that of the IMF, of all the major countries but I cannot replace myself to the responsibilities of a sovereign elected government, of a sovereign elected President. Their responsibility is immense. It is that of a refoundation, of a new pact with the Lebanese people in the coming weeks.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This profound change is what is expected. The leaders, the Lebanese political forces have today a demonstration to make, that of their capacity to answer it. I say this with both a lot of humility and a lot of high standards. The humility of a French president who does not have to tell Lebanese leaders what to do, the demand of a friend who rushes when times are tough but not to give blank checks to systems that no longer have the confidence of their people. And so this humility, this requirement, is what I want for all of us in the coming weeks. I will be there in support with all the leaders. I have been frank, direct, sincere today with each of them and I expect from the Lebanese authorities clear answers on their commitment, the rule of law, transparency, freedom, democracy, essential reforms. . I believe they can. I will be back next September 1, I will come back so as not to just consecrate the history and the fact that right here, in this place, in this residence of the Pines, 100 years ago to the day, so on September 1, the Great Lebanon was born. No ! I will come back to take stock of this essential leap together because I think there is no other way for contemporary Lebanon. "
"I LOVE YOU O LEBANON" CLAIMED PRESIDENT MACRON--------------------------------------------------------------------
President Emmanuel Macron ended his speech with a devastation of love for brotherly Lebanon in Arabic. He insisted on the intensity of the relationship between France and Lebanon. “France knows the weight of this friendship, it has sometimes paid the price in blood. In a few moments, I will be celebrating the memory of the 58 French soldiers killed in the Drakkar attacks. We know the price, the price of blood, of terrorism, of the bite, but we also know that we can meet all challenges together. I know the Lebanese people are capable of meeting this challenge.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is what I came to tell you today. Tell you that never forget, whatever the daily difficulties, that there is a people of Europe, the French people, whose heart always beats a little to the pulse of Beirut because they know that here, there is a people who love freedom, unity and respect for others. There is a people who in a region where the worst has sometimes become, where everything has given way to terrorism, obscurantism, we know that there is a people who love freedom, culture, civilization, respect the other. So, whenever you doubt, tell yourself that we will be there. Whenever I want to lead the fight, we will lead it by your side and when you wonder what we think in Paris, just remember these words “behebbak ya Lubnan“ (“I love you Ô Lebanon“ I Arabic) . I will answer your questions. ». President Macron responded in a very direct and uncompromising manner to the very few questions from Lebanese journalists who had difficulty letting go of the French head of state and many times applauded pulsars for his answer.../
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