
President MAcron Remarks Separatism Bill (Source: BFM Tv Caption)
President Macron announced a future law on separatism on the occasion of the proclamation of the 150 years of the 3rd Republic, in the Pantheon on September 4. He then used the following terms: "Islamist separatism", "separatism", "the separatist adventure" ... without defining this new term "separatism" For several months, this notion of Separtists has been used several times in several speeches by Head of State Macron, linking the indivisible republican values in opposition to this separatism necessary for national unity. "The indivisible Republic does not admit any separatist adventure",
The text of this law on “the fight against separatism“ will be presented to the Council of Ministers on December 9, then transmitted in January to the National Assembly for a parliamentary debate during the first half of 2021.
The text of this law on “the fight against separatism“ will be presented to the Council of Ministers on December 9, then transmitted in January to the National Assembly for a parliamentary debate during the first half of 2021.
The bill on Separatism, which will be presented on December 9 in the Council of Ministers must “strengthen secularism“. President Francais Macron, unveiled this Friday his action plan to better protect the Republic against "separatism", mainly that of radical Islamism, a file on which he is accused of inaction by the right and the extreme right. President Macron, accompanied by six ministers, delivers his speech in Mureaux (Yvelines), a town of 30,000 inhabitants about forty kilometers from Paris, often given as an example for his initiatives in favor of "living together". It is a town where President Macron had already visited during his presidential campaign in March 2017, just before his election, and where he had launched the “Name and Shame“ initiative, This method consists of “naming“ companies or people q to “shame them“ when they discriminate against hiring based on foreign sounding names appearing on resumes, but is it really effective?
President Macron has decided to focus his speech on "separatism" on "Islamist separatism", on radical Islamism which "leads to separation from the Republic". It is therefore a question of fighting against "the abuses of some in the name of religion", he said. The President of the Republic described a global crisis of Islam but also noted that the Republic had created the conditions for Islamist separatism, by ghettoizing populations according to their origins: "On our setbacks, our cowardice, they built, methodically , their project. " he said. We publish below the entire speech delivered by French President Emmanuel Macron at Les oraux, accompanied by six of the inserts from the current government, of Prime Minister, Jean Castex.
REMARKS BY PDT MACRON AS REGARD OF LAW AGAINST SEPARATISM------------------------------------------------
« We love the Republic when it keeps its promises of emancipation. All I have just mentioned is what guarantees this promise of emancipation. The Republic is both an order and a promise. » President Macron introduced. « The problem is not secularism. Secularism is the freedom to believe or not to believe, the possibility of exercising one's worship as soon as public order is ensured. Secularism is the neutrality of the State and in no case the erasure of religions in the public space. Secularism is the glue of a united France. Secularism must therefore be enforced firmly, precisely. Without being drawn into the trap of the amalgam set by the polemicists and by the extremes which would consist in stigmatizing all Muslims. » Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic acknowledged as he separates from the « Muslims » and the « Islamists »
THE PROBLEM IS ISLAMIST SEPARATISM PRESIDENT MACRON SAID------------------------------------------------------
« The problem is Islamist separatism. This conscious, theorized, politico-religious project, which materializes in repeated deviations from the values “‹“‹of the Republic, which often results in the constitution of a counter-society and whose manifestations are the dropout of children, the development of community-based sports and cultural practices which are the pretext for teaching principles which do not comply with the laws of the Republic. » Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic acknowledged
The French Head fo State highlights his remarks, as he defines the separatism over ideology : « It is indoctrination and through it the negation of our principles, equality between women and men, human dignity. The problem is this ideology, which asserts that its own laws are superior to those of the Republic. I do not ask any of our citizens to believe or not to believe, to believe a little or moderately, it is not the business of the Republic, but I ask any citizen, whatever their religion or not, to respect absolutely all the laws of the Republic. » President Macron stated.
« As of the end of 2017, in 15 neighborhoods, anti-radicalization plans involving all state services were deployed. On the ground, our officials are hard at work and are getting results: 212 drinking establishments, 15 places of worship, 4 schools and 13 associative and cultural establishments have been closed; hundreds of checks carried out, millions of euros seized.
We decided to go further, stronger. To provide a concrete solution to each problem found in the field. A bill will be presented to the Council of Ministers on December 9, to strengthen secularism and consolidate republican principles. Some municipalities plan to impose denominational menus in the canteen, others exclude men from certain swimming pools. » President Macron explained, as he laid on some key principles regarding secularism and how to fight against separatism .
1➜ Anything that is contrary to the principles of secularism and equality will be prohibited.
Within public services provided by companies, such as public transport, abuses such as refusing to shake hands with a woman or even wearing the veil when you are a woman in contact with the public are increasing.
“The obligation of neutrality of public officials will be extended to employees of delegated companies.
But banning is not enough. We must act at the root. To political Islamism brandished as pride, we must oppose an assumed republican patriotism.
To act in the associations which must unite the Nation, not to fracture it.
2➜ The grounds for dissolution in the Council of Ministers will be extended to attacks on the dignity of the person and physical or psychological threats.
3âžœ Any request for a subsidy will be conditional on the signing of a contract respecting the values “‹“‹of the Republic. Those who do not respect it will have to reimburse.Take action at school, which must become again a republican melting pot. 50,000 children are educated at home. Every day, rectors discover children who are totally outside the system. Every week, prefects close illegal schools, often run by religious extremists.
4➜ Faced with these abuses which exclude thousands of children from education for citizenship, from access to culture, to our History, to our values, to the experience of otherness which is the heart of he republican school, I made a decision: from the start of the 2021 school year, education at school will be made compulsory for everyone from three years old. Home instruction is strictly limited to health requirements.
5âžœ Because the school must first inculcate the values “‹“‹of the Republic, not that of a religion, we will put an end to the ELCO, the Teaching of Languages “‹“‹and Cultures of Origin.
The Republic will resist through school those who want to bring him down!
I have confidence in French people of Muslim faith and in their ability to mobilize to contribute to this republican battle against Islamist separatism, in their desire to organize themselves too, to build an Enlightenment Islam. It is of course not the job of the state to structure Islam, but we must allow it, support it, and that is why I have had a lot of dialogue with the representatives of Islam in our country. . We share findings and common proposals:
6➜ The need to free Islam in France from foreign influences. The system of seconded imams will be ended.
7âžœ The desire to protect those in charge of mosques from hostile takeovers by extremists. Anti-putsch devices will be created. »
“The ambition to train and promote in France a generation of imams and intellectuals who defend an Islam fully compatible with the values “‹“‹of the Republic.We must also make people love the Republic by showing that it can allow everyone to build their life. We are taking action to bring the Republic back into the realm of life by deploying a quality Republican » enumerated President Macron, in terms of actions to be carried out to fight against separatism, in particular at the Republican school. « educational, cultural and sporting offer everywhere .
➜ The doubling of classes for 300,000 students, the opening of 80 educational housing estates, the labeling of 530 France services houses; in the cultural sector, the extension of library opening hours for more than 600 municipalities, the creation of around 100 microfolies: a number of initiatives have been implemented everywhere for three years.
âžœ We will expand them: the duplication of classes is currently being extended to students in the grande section, 40 additional educational housing estates will be created, 300 additional French service houses will open in the coming weeks. Our horizon: ensuring a republican presence at the bottom of each tower, at the bottom of each building. » emphasized President Macron on how he sees the futures classes at schools in a better and righter horizon, « To love the Republic is to keep the promise of emancipation that is intrinsic to it. I have started to identify avenues for equal opportunities, fight against discrimination, ensure that everyone, whatever their skin color, their origin, their religion, can find their place. I will be presenting new decisions in the fall. Declined in each department by the prefects, they will aim at one ambition: the Republic in action. All together, French women, let us carry this republican alarm clock. Long live the Republic, long live France. » The President Macron concluded.../
President Emmanuel Macron Secularism Islam Islamist Separatism Law Muslims Religion Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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