
We are National Front movement For Liberating Iraq led by the founder Mohamed Ismail Naif
Alhamadani, stands for what the Iraqi people strive for. We stand for a Sovereign United Iraq, Free from
discrimination or corruption. A state that is fair and equal towards all of its people regardless of their
religious or ethnic backgrounds. A state that will look out for the general welfare of its people. We strive
for a real democracy, with real elections, and a real justice system that will insure domestic tranquility and
peaceful transition of power between all parties. We strive for a harmonious Iraq, one Iraq.
Alhamadani, stands for what the Iraqi people strive for. We stand for a Sovereign United Iraq, Free from
discrimination or corruption. A state that is fair and equal towards all of its people regardless of their
religious or ethnic backgrounds. A state that will look out for the general welfare of its people. We strive
for a real democracy, with real elections, and a real justice system that will insure domestic tranquility and
peaceful transition of power between all parties. We strive for a harmonious Iraq, one Iraq.
For the past 17 years, the people of Iraq have been under and continue to go through a systematic genocide
plan that have been executed under different pretenses. Since 2003, Iraq have lost millions of its people;
the invasion and the repercussions that followed resulted in millions of widows and orphans that are
unattended for and completely abandoned by the international community.
The atrocities that were committed against the people of Iraq over the years by the Iranian Militias, and ISIS
are mind boggling to say the least. It had and continues to have a major impact on the lives of the people of
Iraq on many different levels, economical, demographical, and Psychological as well. As of result of the above
mentioned causes millions of Iraqis have been displaced within Iraq or migrated outside of the country to save
their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
plan that have been executed under different pretenses. Since 2003, Iraq have lost millions of its people;
the invasion and the repercussions that followed resulted in millions of widows and orphans that are
unattended for and completely abandoned by the international community.
The atrocities that were committed against the people of Iraq over the years by the Iranian Militias, and ISIS
are mind boggling to say the least. It had and continues to have a major impact on the lives of the people of
Iraq on many different levels, economical, demographical, and Psychological as well. As of result of the above
mentioned causes millions of Iraqis have been displaced within Iraq or migrated outside of the country to save
their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
Ever since the withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Iraq in 2011, The Iraqis that remained hostage inside of the
country had to face a new and covert occupation by Iran. This happened due to the lack of a solid
government that truly represents the people. Prior to the withdrawal of U.S troops, a puppet government
was installed by the United States in Baghdad that later became a puppet government for Iran. It was up
until 2014 a covert occupation, the Iranian Regime control the prime ministers, ministers, army generals
and everyone who is positioned in key positions in Iraq was an Iranian Nationality or carried dual
nationalities or at a minimum,
Pledged their allegiance to the Fanatic Regime of Iran and executed its agenda in Iraq and the region
regardless of its effect on the people of Iraq.
country had to face a new and covert occupation by Iran. This happened due to the lack of a solid
government that truly represents the people. Prior to the withdrawal of U.S troops, a puppet government
was installed by the United States in Baghdad that later became a puppet government for Iran. It was up
until 2014 a covert occupation, the Iranian Regime control the prime ministers, ministers, army generals
and everyone who is positioned in key positions in Iraq was an Iranian Nationality or carried dual
nationalities or at a minimum,
Pledged their allegiance to the Fanatic Regime of Iran and executed its agenda in Iraq and the region
regardless of its effect on the people of Iraq.
After 2014, Iran created the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq, an entire Army of Iraqis that are
under full control of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) They became the ruling military forces
in Iraq and out shadowed the Iraqi Army and all other Iraqi Forces in Iraq. These forces were not part of the
Iraqi forces and were not taking orders from the commander in chief of the Iraqi forces, in fact, their orders
came directly from Tehran and under international law that´s the first breach of the sovereignty of Iraq.
under full control of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) They became the ruling military forces
in Iraq and out shadowed the Iraqi Army and all other Iraqi Forces in Iraq. These forces were not part of the
Iraqi forces and were not taking orders from the commander in chief of the Iraqi forces, in fact, their orders
came directly from Tehran and under international law that´s the first breach of the sovereignty of Iraq.
The Iraqi people have now woken up to this fact, and they realized that they are under a new occupation.
The youth of Iraq have risen up and started to protest peacefully against Iran and its puppet government in
Iraq. The protests started on October 1st, in Baghdad and other cities in the south of Iraq. Hundreds of
Thousands protested peacefully baring nothing but their flags and of course, their chants against Iran and
the government. They were faced with unnecessary brutal force of hot water cannons and teargas on the
first day, many protesters were also ran over by military vehicles and many casualties occurred. The second
day, the protestors were faced with deadly snipers that targeted and killed many of them. Majority of the
shots taken were headshots.
We need your full support of our founder Mr. Mohamed Ismail Naif Alhamadani who real can save Iraq and the Iraqi people..
The youth of Iraq have risen up and started to protest peacefully against Iran and its puppet government in
Iraq. The protests started on October 1st, in Baghdad and other cities in the south of Iraq. Hundreds of
Thousands protested peacefully baring nothing but their flags and of course, their chants against Iran and
the government. They were faced with unnecessary brutal force of hot water cannons and teargas on the
first day, many protesters were also ran over by military vehicles and many casualties occurred. The second
day, the protestors were faced with deadly snipers that targeted and killed many of them. Majority of the
shots taken were headshots.
We need your full support of our founder Mr. Mohamed Ismail Naif Alhamadani who real can save Iraq and the Iraqi people..
He studied Elementary stage at Abi Muhjin Althaqfy School; intermediate stage at Oqba Bin Nafee School; high
school at Dorra High School; and received Bachelor Degree- Business Management from the Arabian University.
Mohamed belongs to the Bani Hamdan tribe, and they spread from north to south of Iraq, with mixed population
of Shias and Sunnis. The tribe, which cover most areas in Iraq, have total number of population around four
millions. Bani Hamdan tribe has great history, as the region was under Hamdanid control, with famous leaders
like Sayf al-Dawla and Abi Firas Alhamadani. During the Abbasid Period, the Hamadanid had their army and ruled
Mosel and Aleppo. The tribe people distinguished themselves by their generosity, courage and eloquence.
After 2003, due to the rise of sectarian killings of religious minorities and looting in Iraq,
school at Dorra High School; and received Bachelor Degree- Business Management from the Arabian University.
Mohamed belongs to the Bani Hamdan tribe, and they spread from north to south of Iraq, with mixed population
of Shias and Sunnis. The tribe, which cover most areas in Iraq, have total number of population around four
millions. Bani Hamdan tribe has great history, as the region was under Hamdanid control, with famous leaders
like Sayf al-Dawla and Abi Firas Alhamadani. During the Abbasid Period, the Hamadanid had their army and ruled
Mosel and Aleppo. The tribe people distinguished themselves by their generosity, courage and eloquence.
After 2003, due to the rise of sectarian killings of religious minorities and looting in Iraq,
Alhamadani moved to live in the United Arab Emirates and started his own business in Dubai. Meanwhile, his eyes were watching his country Iraq; he was waiting the opportunity to reemerge to play positive role by helping and serving his family, tribe and people. Alhamadani had several activities inside Iraq, including blood drives to serve Iraqi hospitals and group weddings, beside other countless humanitarian activities.
The other thing that he was making sure to do is participating in his tribe wedding and funerals; he was present always and communicated with them.
Alhamadani thought how he can actively contribute to the Iraqi scene, while living in the UAE. Alhamadani´s
vision was that 2020 will witness change and shift in the bad situation caused by the intervention of Iran, Iran´s Revolutionary Guard, and militias.
The other thing that he was making sure to do is participating in his tribe wedding and funerals; he was present always and communicated with them.
Alhamadani thought how he can actively contribute to the Iraqi scene, while living in the UAE. Alhamadani´s
vision was that 2020 will witness change and shift in the bad situation caused by the intervention of Iran, Iran´s Revolutionary Guard, and militias.
Alhamadani made a proactive project to prepare for the new chapter of (developing the Iraqi, Emirati, and Gulf relationships) in the UAE. He was the sponsor of this project, aiming that Iraq will return to be one of the major gulf and Arabic countries. Alhamadani has great courage and proud to be associated with Sheiks and princes.
He always promotes his ideas during meetings, celebrations, activities, and TV shows, indicating that GCC is Iraq natural place. Alhamadani has courage to work in public.
Through these activities, Alhamadani was praised by Iraqi people, as it was an opportunity to introduce his
coming project.
After all these activities, events, and endeavors, Alhamadani was qualified to hold the banner.
He gathered around himself large group of Iraqi people from north to south under the name of (The New Era
for Iraqis), and it will be success.
Alhamadani is in his forties and in this age he could gather youth and senior people.
Alhamadani has a charismatic leader personality and his personal characteristics represent the Iraqi person, like height, character, and cheerfulnes.
He always promotes his ideas during meetings, celebrations, activities, and TV shows, indicating that GCC is Iraq natural place. Alhamadani has courage to work in public.
Through these activities, Alhamadani was praised by Iraqi people, as it was an opportunity to introduce his
coming project.
After all these activities, events, and endeavors, Alhamadani was qualified to hold the banner.
He gathered around himself large group of Iraqi people from north to south under the name of (The New Era
for Iraqis), and it will be success.
Alhamadani is in his forties and in this age he could gather youth and senior people.
Alhamadani has a charismatic leader personality and his personal characteristics represent the Iraqi person, like height, character, and cheerfulnes.
Alhamadani´s file is clean and never been convicted with any crime, and is not a member in any party, whether in Al Baath time or now.
Alhamadani has wide relationships with the tribes´ people in Iraq who visited UAE for tourism, employment or treatment. He used to have a guesthouse to receive guests and became famous in Iraq.
Through his wisdom and honesty, he could convince Baathists and previous Officers of the Iraqi Army, who
never were convicted of any crimes, to join this project. Additionally, he could convince the nationals, who does
not have trust in the political process and convinced them to be part of this project.
Additionally, Alhamadani has a familiar face that makes him trustworthy by the Arabic kings and presidents, with several activities in this regard.
Alhamadani has wide relationships with the tribes´ people in Iraq who visited UAE for tourism, employment or treatment. He used to have a guesthouse to receive guests and became famous in Iraq.
Through his wisdom and honesty, he could convince Baathists and previous Officers of the Iraqi Army, who
never were convicted of any crimes, to join this project. Additionally, he could convince the nationals, who does
not have trust in the political process and convinced them to be part of this project.
Additionally, Alhamadani has a familiar face that makes him trustworthy by the Arabic kings and presidents, with several activities in this regard.
The Basic Objectives of this Project:
- Prevent and fight Iranian interference in all possible means, to achieve our revolutionary objectives.
- Develop modern Iraqi institutions inconsistent with this age and benefit from the neighboring countries.
- being part of the Arabian project.
- Ensure regional safety and security.
- Cooperate with the USA and protect the interest of both parties.
- Real openness and transparency with the gulf countries and the UAE as being the leader of peace process now.
Alhamadani project is a great chance due to the current space. There is a very important point, which is the Arabic tribes all over Iraq, which could be attracted through our initiative.
Developing the Iraqi/Emirati relationships and believe that the Initiative was not sectarian but focusing on the
tribal part and our roots in the gulf tribes. From this perspective it is important to cooperate between each other to open new aspects in the gulf area with kings and princes to make it a successful project.
- Prevent and fight Iranian interference in all possible means, to achieve our revolutionary objectives.
- Develop modern Iraqi institutions inconsistent with this age and benefit from the neighboring countries.
- being part of the Arabian project.
- Ensure regional safety and security.
- Cooperate with the USA and protect the interest of both parties.
- Real openness and transparency with the gulf countries and the UAE as being the leader of peace process now.
Alhamadani project is a great chance due to the current space. There is a very important point, which is the Arabic tribes all over Iraq, which could be attracted through our initiative.
Developing the Iraqi/Emirati relationships and believe that the Initiative was not sectarian but focusing on the
tribal part and our roots in the gulf tribes. From this perspective it is important to cooperate between each other to open new aspects in the gulf area with kings and princes to make it a successful project.
Modern media, content industry, social media, social media programs, organizations of civil society, youth
gatherings, students´ gatherings, humanitarian initiatives.
We will work to achieve these headings according to strategic plan“¦. Most Iraqis people are youth, with this
group being the influential group. Iraqi youth has the choice and freedom to choose. Iraqis has become smart
and intelligent people; they learned valued lessons from the bad experiences and failing governance!! Iraqi
youth has become revolutionary and decision maker, with brilliant mind and judgment independent from the clergyman, Tribe Chief, or even his father.
Important Statistics: The number of Internet users in Iraq increased to around 30 million users by 2020, with
increase of 11 million from last year.
The number of social media users this year was 21 million users, with increase of 1.9 million from last statistic
made by Hoot suite & We Are Social. These companies are specialized in this field. Facebook users was
estimated to be 17 million active users!!!
gatherings, students´ gatherings, humanitarian initiatives.
We will work to achieve these headings according to strategic plan“¦. Most Iraqis people are youth, with this
group being the influential group. Iraqi youth has the choice and freedom to choose. Iraqis has become smart
and intelligent people; they learned valued lessons from the bad experiences and failing governance!! Iraqi
youth has become revolutionary and decision maker, with brilliant mind and judgment independent from the clergyman, Tribe Chief, or even his father.
Important Statistics: The number of Internet users in Iraq increased to around 30 million users by 2020, with
increase of 11 million from last year.
The number of social media users this year was 21 million users, with increase of 1.9 million from last statistic
made by Hoot suite & We Are Social. These companies are specialized in this field. Facebook users was
estimated to be 17 million active users!!!
These statistics add to the results on the ground and affirm that most of the Iraqi people are youth, and that
most of them are user of the social media websites. This is what we require from the targeted audience and this
is our platform.
This project is new political project, with strong electoral programmer that correspond to the youths´
requirements and the current stage.
most of them are user of the social media websites. This is what we require from the targeted audience and this
is our platform.
This project is new political project, with strong electoral programmer that correspond to the youths´
requirements and the current stage.
Why Mohamed Ismail Naif Alhamadani?
The chances that Alhamadani will lead this project is huge, due to several reasons, which we detail as follows:
- Alhamadani´s vision was the first, as he worked to establish and develop this project.
- He built a good fan base within the Iraqi community in the UAE and have good reputation.
- Translated all activities held in the UAE inside Iraq.
- Young and ambitious businessman in his field. This is especially important for his CV between audiences.
- His project has been submitted in Iraq and great number of youth and tribes were interested and excited
to be part of this project.
- He actively participate in all activities and events inside Iraq and abroad.
- Alhamadani´s vision is to establish free (Arabic) new national project.
- Mr. Alhamadani´s project will be the hope and derived from the UAE success.
The chances that Alhamadani will lead this project is huge, due to several reasons, which we detail as follows:
- Alhamadani´s vision was the first, as he worked to establish and develop this project.
- He built a good fan base within the Iraqi community in the UAE and have good reputation.
- Translated all activities held in the UAE inside Iraq.
- Young and ambitious businessman in his field. This is especially important for his CV between audiences.
- His project has been submitted in Iraq and great number of youth and tribes were interested and excited
to be part of this project.
- He actively participate in all activities and events inside Iraq and abroad.
- Alhamadani´s vision is to establish free (Arabic) new national project.
- Mr. Alhamadani´s project will be the hope and derived from the UAE success.
Conclusion: -
We have great chance to convince the Iraqi people with this project, as they are disgusted and unsatisfied with
the political parties.
Mr. Mohamed Ismail Naif Alhamadani´s personality is popular in the Iraqi street, because he is related to senior leaders of the UAE. He always brag and proud of this relationship and want to transfer the UAE´s experience to his country.
These all make him trustworthy by the Iraqi people. “¦
In particular, Mr. Alhamadani is honest and never been convicted, besides never working for any political party.
These indicators give Alhamadani the capacity to carry the flag and be trustworthy by the people. He is different from other politicians, who failed because of their corruption and dealing with Iran and Muslims Brotherhood group in Turkey. Alhamadani´s project will overcome and deviate this corrupt group. He an Arabic man with principles and high values, as he take the senior leadership of the UAE as his example.
We have great chance to convince the Iraqi people with this project, as they are disgusted and unsatisfied with
the political parties.
Mr. Mohamed Ismail Naif Alhamadani´s personality is popular in the Iraqi street, because he is related to senior leaders of the UAE. He always brag and proud of this relationship and want to transfer the UAE´s experience to his country.
These all make him trustworthy by the Iraqi people. “¦
In particular, Mr. Alhamadani is honest and never been convicted, besides never working for any political party.
These indicators give Alhamadani the capacity to carry the flag and be trustworthy by the people. He is different from other politicians, who failed because of their corruption and dealing with Iran and Muslims Brotherhood group in Turkey. Alhamadani´s project will overcome and deviate this corrupt group. He an Arabic man with principles and high values, as he take the senior leadership of the UAE as his example.
After full support to this project, we affirm it will be successful project and in short time.
We have partners in this, including media and technological companies, with vast experience in commercial, political and civil business, along with social and tribal relationships. We are fully aware of the stage requirements and it will be historical moments for us. We will create change and new thinking in Iraq, so that Iraq will have great and active role in this project.
In particular, during this stage of early elections we should make the change. Until now youth demonstrations
are still exist, and this is the suitable time to activate and start the project.
Let´s achieve best results and be representative of the project along with youth support, in order that Iraq will
be a gulf and Arabic country again.
We have partners in this, including media and technological companies, with vast experience in commercial, political and civil business, along with social and tribal relationships. We are fully aware of the stage requirements and it will be historical moments for us. We will create change and new thinking in Iraq, so that Iraq will have great and active role in this project.
In particular, during this stage of early elections we should make the change. Until now youth demonstrations
are still exist, and this is the suitable time to activate and start the project.
Let´s achieve best results and be representative of the project along with youth support, in order that Iraq will
be a gulf and Arabic country again.
Execution and Launching Time:
The date of early election was set by the Iraqi Government on June next year. We still have six months only and
this is very short time. We have to work day and night like a Hive to achieve our objectives. Financial, logistic
and moral support should be provided as soon as possible so that we can start immediately:
- To register with the Electoral Commission.
To open main office in Baghdad in addition to branch offices in all Iraqi Governorates.
- To hold big conference in Baghdad to announce the launching (The New Era for Iraqis).
- To hold educational and informative conferences in Baghdad and all over Iraq.
- To hold meetings more frequently with the national forces inside Iraq and abroad to attract them to the
- We require political support inside Baghdad.
The date of early election was set by the Iraqi Government on June next year. We still have six months only and
this is very short time. We have to work day and night like a Hive to achieve our objectives. Financial, logistic
and moral support should be provided as soon as possible so that we can start immediately:
- To register with the Electoral Commission.
To open main office in Baghdad in addition to branch offices in all Iraqi Governorates.
- To hold big conference in Baghdad to announce the launching (The New Era for Iraqis).
- To hold educational and informative conferences in Baghdad and all over Iraq.
- To hold meetings more frequently with the national forces inside Iraq and abroad to attract them to the
- We require political support inside Baghdad.
- To hold charity activities and provide financial support to needy families and youth. To attract Arabic
Tribes inside Iraq and the south area, particularly after they welcomed the project. To crowdsourcing for elections and create several electoral districts in Baghdad and all over Iraq.
- We need the United States government, represented by President JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN to intervene urgently and to open a dialogue with us to explore all aid options and to explore all possible outcome scenarios. We need the people of both nations to reconcile their differences and put them in the past. This your chance to set the records straight and give justice to the people of Iraq. President JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN, Your name will be written in history as the man that solved the mess Bush and Obama created, You are a brilliant deal maker, let's make a deal.
Thank you very much
Tribes inside Iraq and the south area, particularly after they welcomed the project. To crowdsourcing for elections and create several electoral districts in Baghdad and all over Iraq.
- We need the United States government, represented by President JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN to intervene urgently and to open a dialogue with us to explore all aid options and to explore all possible outcome scenarios. We need the people of both nations to reconcile their differences and put them in the past. This your chance to set the records straight and give justice to the people of Iraq. President JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN, Your name will be written in history as the man that solved the mess Bush and Obama created, You are a brilliant deal maker, let's make a deal.
Thank you very much
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