
Happy NewYear 2021 (Source: Happy NewYear 2021)
On the occasion of the end of the year, 2020, the president of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron presented his wishes to the French, on television, TF1 Channel TV, on the evening of December 31, 20.
His fifteen (15) minute statement took place in the tradition of the French Presidents who preceded it and was followed by 17 million viewers. The head of state Macron notably mentioned, of course the COVID-19 epidemic, "The year 2020 is therefore ending as it unfolded: with efforts and restrictions. And I am fully aware, by the decisions that I had to make, of the sacrifices that I asked of you “while having a thought for the“ 64,000 victims of this virus, their families and their loved ones “who have disappeared, cause of the Coronavirus in 2020. President Macron then recalled the historical nature of the effective date of Brexit on January 1, 2021 “This evening for the first time a country, the United Kingdom, will leave the European Union. A few days ago, we sealed an agreement to organize our future relations with him by defending our interests, our industrialists, our fishermen and our European unity. He explained. He also saw the future challenges of the Ecological transition
His fifteen (15) minute statement took place in the tradition of the French Presidents who preceded it and was followed by 17 million viewers. The head of state Macron notably mentioned, of course the COVID-19 epidemic, "The year 2020 is therefore ending as it unfolded: with efforts and restrictions. And I am fully aware, by the decisions that I had to make, of the sacrifices that I asked of you “while having a thought for the“ 64,000 victims of this virus, their families and their loved ones “who have disappeared, cause of the Coronavirus in 2020. President Macron then recalled the historical nature of the effective date of Brexit on January 1, 2021 “This evening for the first time a country, the United Kingdom, will leave the European Union. A few days ago, we sealed an agreement to organize our future relations with him by defending our interests, our industrialists, our fishermen and our European unity. He explained. He also saw the future challenges of the Ecological transition
On the occasion of the end of the year, 2020, the president of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron presented his wishes to the French, on television, TF1 Channel TV, on the evening of December 31, 20.
His fifteen (15) minute statement took place in the tradition of the French Presidents who preceded it and was followed by 17 million viewers. The head of state Macron notably mentioned, of course the COVID-19 epidemic, "The year 2020 is therefore ending as it unfolded: with efforts and restrictions. And I am fully aware, by the decisions that I had to make, of the sacrifices that I asked of you “while having a thought for the“ 64,000 victims of this virus, their families and their loved ones “who have disappeared, cause of the Coronavirus in 2020. President Macron then recalled the historical nature of the effective date of Brexit on January 1, 2021 “This evening for the first time a country, the United Kingdom, will leave the European Union. A few days ago, we sealed an agreement to organize our future relations with him by defending our interests, our industrialists, our fishermen and our European unity. He explained. He also saw the future challenges of the Ecological transition and the fight for the respect of the values “‹“‹of the Republic.
President Macron also insisted on the importance of his expression used during his first speech in March about the management of COVID-19 "This" whatever the cost ", I assume because it allowed to preserve lives and protect jobs. We will have to build responses together that will not make it a burden for future generations “. He then paid tribute to those who signify hope, after listing the names of some 30 everyday heroes who stood out during the COVID-19 period of containment.
Finally President Macron, concluded on an optimistic note with a horizon turned to the next spring of 2021, time of the rebirth of the European Union.
"French, My dear compatriots from France, overseas and abroad, Tonight we are not living a December 31st like any other. Where, in our towns and villages, it is usually time for large gatherings, they are this year banned by the epidemic: the squares of our municipalities are extinct, our homes less cheerful than usual. The year 2020 therefore ends as it has unfolded: with efforts and restrictions. And I am fully aware, by the decisions that I had to make, of the sacrifices that I asked of you.
I am sincerely convinced that we made the right choices at the right times and I want to thank you for your good citizenship. From this spirit of collective responsibility by which we have saved so many lives and which allows us today to hold out better than many in the face of the epidemic. »Introduced, President Macron, for his speech, wishes to the French.
“On your behalf, I have a thought tonight for the 64,000 victims of this virus, their families and loved ones. Parents, friends, entire sections of the French imagination have left us in recent months. Yes, this year 2020 has been difficult. It reminded us of our vulnerabilities. It was even more unfair for the most fragile. But together we come out even more united, and having learned a lot. I also have a thought for all our compatriots living in precariousness, sometimes poverty, for whom the crisis we are going through makes everyday life even more difficult.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I want to say our gratitude to those who mobilized to care for, feed, educate, protect, to all those who by their work, their commitment allowed us to stand up and together during these difficult months. And who this evening again, do it for the Nation. »Explained President Macron. He then went on: "To our fellow citizens working in the sectors of culture, sport, catering, hotel, tourism, or events, to students who have suffered and are suffering even more than others. I want to tell them again that we will be there. Obviously to succeed in getting out of this situation as quickly as possible. And to allow them to hold out in this period so hard and unfair for them where we ask them to work differently, and sometimes even to give up their activity. "Said President Macron.
“This historic ordeal has also revealed the strength of our Nation. Despite the pandemic, we have never given up on pursuing our ambition for progress for everyone by lowering taxes, opening up new rights such as leave for caregivers, extending paternity leave, by supporting, through bonuses, the conversion of our vehicle fleet, by opening up France services houses throughout the territory, by investing in our sovereignty and our research in a historic way, by taking action to produce more in France and in Europe. Our caregivers have not only held on but we have embarked on a profound transformation and historic investments in our health, the relevance of which the coming years will reveal. »Explained President Macron.
“Our country is one of those that intervened the most to protect and support young people, workers, entrepreneurs. I accept this "whatever the cost" because it has saved lives and protected jobs. We will have to build together the responses that will not make it a burden for future generations. » Continued President Macron.
"THIS EVENING FOR THE FIRST TIME A COUNTRY THE UNITED KINGDOM WILL LEAVE THE EUROPEAN UNION" REMINDED THE PDT MACRON-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“This evening for the first time a country, the United Kingdom, will leave the European Union. A few days ago, we sealed an agreement to organize our future relations with him by defending our interests, our industrialists, our fishermen and our European unity. The UK remains our neighbor but also our friend and ally. This choice to leave Europe, this Brexit, has been the child of European malaise and of many lies and false promises. But I want to tell you very clearly: our destiny is first in Europe. "President Macron thus announced, referring to the effective date of January 1 for Brexit and now historic for the departure of the British from the European Union.
The French head of state insisted on national sovereignty and recalled the success of the European Recovery Plan: "Our sovereignty is national and I will do everything to ensure that we regain control of our destiny and our lives. But this sovereignty also requires a stronger, more autonomous, more united Europe. This is what we have built in 2020. Because we have been able to lead the necessary transformations and strengthen our credibility, we have been able to convince Germany and then the other members of the European Union to design a unique and massive recovery plan. and to decide on a common and solidarity debt to better prepare our future by committing to the ecological and digital transition and by creating as many jobs as we can for our youth. Yes, this year 2020 is not all about the epidemic even though it has changed our lives.
In my eyes, it has also revealed exemplary routes which are so many compasses for times to come. "
TRIBUTE OF PRESIDENT MACRON TO THE CIVIL HEROES----------------------------------------------------------------------
« Our greatest pride in fact are the French. You. Marie-Corentine is 24 years old. Last spring, this newly graduated nurse from Limoges did not hesitate to leave everything to lend a hand to the teams at the Créteil hospital overwhelmed by the influx of patients with the virus. Jean-Luc is a driver and garbage collector in Guyana. With his colleagues Anthony and Maxime, they have never stopped working since the start of the pandemic. At the height of the confinement, they constituted this "second line" which allowed the country to continue to live, and life to continue.-------------------------------------------------
Gérald is an entrepreneur near Angers. To meet the demand for masks, he, along with his employees, has achieved the feat of opening his factories 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and more recently, installing another in record time.--------------------------
Lucas is 11 years old and lives in Béthune. When he discovered the isolation situation of elderly people with COVID-19 in his city hospital, he did not hesitate for a second and donated his tablet to allow them to communicate with their loved ones. and smile again. He was followed by many others.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rosalie is a bookseller in Bagnolet in Seine-Saint Denis. Like all her colleagues, she suffered greatly from the closure of businesses, despite the aid, she knew how to innovate. Set up a website to allow take-out sales during the toughest weeks. And the customers, at Christmas, responded present. Romain is a gendarme in Tende, in the Alpes-Maritimes. On the night of October 2-3, flooding threatens to wash away a retirement home. Risking his life, he manages to evacuate more than 70 residents, saving their lives. With the police officers of Nice, who put an end to the attack on the Basilica of Notre-Dame de l'Assomption, with Arno, Cyrille and Rémi, gendarmes killed while rescuing a beaten woman in the Puy de Dôme, with Tanerii, Dorian and Quentin, soldiers who died last Monday in operation in Mali, they are heroes of the Nation.
Medhi is a professor of economic and social sciences in the northern districts of Marseille. Like thousands of teachers, a few days after the assassination of Samuel PATY, he had to organize a course on secularism. To do this, he took the time to train with other teachers and academy inspectors. With courage, he then returned to his students on our values, their history. Assuming this high mission of our school, of our teachers: to make republicans.Wendie is a footballer. Like all amateur and professional athletes, she has lived a difficult season with impossible training, staggered competitions, matches without an audience. However, she drew from her the strength of soul to go and win with her club a 7th Champions League, a record, and to make us dream in this gray period.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mauricette is 78 years old. She resides in a retirement home in Sevran and a few days ago, you all saw her, like me, she was the first French woman to be vaccinated against COVID 19, sending, against obscurantism and conspiracy, a wonderful message of hope for the coming year. All these first names, these faces are those of your sister, your neighbor, your friends, these thousands of anonymous people who, committed and united, have held our country to the test. All these first names, these faces are those of hope. Those of France. "Thus recognized President Macron by paying tribute to these everyday heroes, signifying hope for France.
THE ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION AND THE FIGHT FOR THE VALUES OF THE REPUBLIC ARE THE CHALLENGES AHEAD IN 2021 SAYS PDT MACRON---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“My dear compatriots, Our Nation has gone through this year with such unity and such resilience: nothing can resist it. Our Nation has been capable, in these difficult times, of so much innovation, inventiveness, generosity: everything is possible for it. In 2021, whatever happens, we will therefore be able to cope with the crises - health, economic and social, terrorist, climate - which will not end with January 1. The first months of the year will be difficult and, at least until spring, the epidemic will still weigh heavily on the life of our country. "So said President Macron and then listed the next challenges to come in 2021:" In 2021, whatever happens, because we have prepared for it, we will also be able to meet the challenges to come:
- ecological transition and the protection of biodiversity, with the implementation of the proposals of the citizens' convention, and other reforms.
- the fight for the Republic and for our values, secularism, fraternity, for more security. - the continuation of our commitment to merit, work, equal opportunities and the fight against all inequalities and discrimination. The trials we faced could have dulled our enthusiasm, quenched our hope. It is not. » President Macron stated.
"HOPE IS HERE IN THIS VACCINE THAT THE HUMAN GENIUS HAS DONE IN 1 YEAR" REASSURED THE PDT MACRON-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron has repeatedly repeated the arrival of hope through the vaccination which has just started in France on December 27 and in the rest of the countries of the European Union, simultaneously. “Hope is there in this vaccine that human genius made happen in just one year. It was unthinkable just a few months ago. And I tell you with great determination this evening: I will not let anyone play with safety and the right conditions, supervised by our scientists and our doctors, in which the vaccination must be done. Nor will I, for the wrong reasons, allow unwarranted slowness to set in: every French person who wishes must be able to be vaccinated. Safely and in the right order, starting with those that pose the most risk. Hope is there, and hope is growing every day in this revival which is already shuddering in France more than elsewhere and which will allow us, from the spring, to invent a stronger economy, at the same time a creator of jobs, more innovative, more respectful of the climate and biodiversity and more supportive. And I know the Prime Minister and the government are fully mobilized. Hope lives in the freedom that we will find again, in the strength of our culture, our French art of living, in the lessons that we will learn from this crisis for more simplicity, efficiency, and sometimes everything. just common sense. Hope lives on in our youth. We have asked him so much: sacrifices, to give up meetings that are at this age more than others the salt of life. We have asked so much to save lives, especially those of the most fragile of our elders. We are therefore its debtors for our future choices and I agree: it is for our youth that we must continue to act, to transform, to move forward. We will not add to the cost of the crisis the cost of inaction. "
PRESIDENT MACRON CONCLUDED: "LET'S PREPARE FOR TODAY FOR SPRING 2021 A NEW EUROPEAN RENAISSANCE".--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"By fighting the virus, by fighting against its economic and social consequences, by rebuilding a stronger, fraternal and sustainable society, it is the France of 2030 that we will build. This is our course. So together, in harmony, let us look ahead, look at our future, start preparing today for this spring 2021, which will be the start of a new French morning, of a European renaissance. Let us remain this people united, united, proud of its history, its values, its culture, confident in the future and progress, sure of its talent and its energy and ambitious for itself. Whatever happens. Let us be proud. Proud to be "us", the French, France. These are my dear compatriots. Happy New Year everyone. May 2021 be a happy year for everyone and a useful year for our country. Long live the Republic. Long live France. "President Macron thus concluded on an optimistic note with a horizon turned to the next spring of 2021, the time of the rebirth of the European Union.
President Macron Best Wishes New Year Covid-19 Heroes Citizen Convention Climate Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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