
Presient Macron at Elysee (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi & Jedi Foster)
President Macron, of the French Republic, presented this Thursday, April 8, 2021, his reform of the senior civil service in front of several six hundred (600) senior executives of the State, by videoconference to discuss this managerial agreement. These are the secretaries general of ministries, directors of central administrations, prefects, rectors, directors general of ARS, ambassadors. The thirteen high Schools (13), which are affected by this reform, ENA, INET, ENM, EHESP, EN3S, ENSP, ENAP, EOGN, ENSV, and four application schools of the Ecole Polytechnique. Among the novelties announced by the Head of State, the appearance of a common learning core with 13 other major civil servant schools - which train magistrates, commissioners, hospital directors - the creation of a single body after the course, that of "state administrators", and therefore the end of the prestigious large body upon leaving school.“We have been talking about state reform or public action for decades now, and we must not collectively despair of pursuing this path. We indeed need, and I believe that this is the task of our generation: to build public action that corresponds to the century" Pdt Macron stated
President Macron, of the French Republic, presented this Thursday, April 8, 2021, his reform of the senior civil service in front of several six hundred (600) senior executives of the State, by videoconference to discuss this managerial agreement. These are the secretaries general of ministries, directors of central administrations, prefects, rectors, directors general of ARS, ambassadors. The thirteen grandes écoles (13), which are affected by this reform, ENA, INET, ENM, EHESP, EN3S, ENSP, ENAP, EOGN, ENSV, and four application schools of the Ecole Polytechnique. Among the novelties announced by the Head of State, the appearance of a common learning core with 13 other major civil servant schools - which train magistrates, commissioners, hospital directors - the creation of a single body after the course, that of "state administrators", and therefore the end of the prestigious large body upon leaving school. “We have been talking about state reform or public action for decades now, and we must not collectively despair of pursuing this path. We indeed need, and I believe that this is the task of our generation: to build public action that corresponds to the century which is beginning “. explained President Macron, during his allocation devote to the contains of senior public officials, via video conference proposed reform of the senior public service.
The reform affects more particularly, the most emblematic of these schools is the ENA (The National School of Administration), which has formed since 1945, and wanted by General de Gaulle, the senior officials of France , from which comes the head of state Emmanuel Macron, himself and three other French presidents such as Francois Hollande, Jacques Chirac and Valery Giscard D'Estaing. This most prestigious school in France is considered to be that of the "elites" par excellence, and that is why the announcement of its "abolition" has caused controversy in France and occupies the entire French press in breaking the news ...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This Grande Ecole Ena, was created on October 9, 1945, in the aftermath of the Second World War, by an ordinance of the Provisional Government of the French Republic, led by Michel Debre, then master of requests to the Council of State, the ordinance of October 9, 1945. Since then, the Ena Great School intended to "recast the French administrative machine". To do this, the ordinance democratizes the recruitment of senior state officials through the establishment of a single entrance examination to the public service.
This is why, it is about a "revolutionary" act of the head of state Macron, Emmanuel Macron, because this school of high officials, has become the symbol of an inter-self in power - "the enarchy - which feeds resentments and suspicions especially of the middle class. On April 25, 2019, at the end of the great post-crisis national debate on “yellow vests“, Emmanuel Macron created a surprise by announcing “the abolition of the ENA“ and the end of the large bodies (Council of State, Court Accounts, Inspection of Finances, Mines, Bridges etc.). The measure is therefore daring, and strongly symbolic. This is a great political, strategic move on the part of President Macron, one year before the next presidential election of 2022, by shaking up the French establishment. Nonetheless, he sticks to his campaign promise in 2017, convinced of success through meritocracy and equal opportunity.. Source : Elysee, Ena
PRESIDENT MACRON WANTS A HIGH ADMINISTRATION TO BE "MORE HUMAN, CLOSER AND WITH THE RIGHT TO MAKE MISTAKE"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adnene Trojette, the Public and Digital Action Advisor to the President of the Republic, explained to us that President Macron is attached to the key words of this reform "and explains to us that and qualifies this reform of President Macron as" revolutionary "because the leader State Macron, wants a modernization with clear objectives: to diversify the profiles of the senior civil service and make it more attractive and open to less "elitist" audiences and in line with what he is very attached to equal opportunities " . He adds that “since 2017, the President of the Republic has been keen to bring forward a vision and actions to make this vision a reality, to make the State and the administration more human, closer. It is in particular the right to make mistakes. It is in particular the increased room for maneuver for the prefects who, at the territorial level, are able to take many more decisions and therefore directly adapted to the needs on the ground. And in this case, we are at almost 100% of the individual administrative decisions which are taken at the local level without needing to refer to the central administration. "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adnene Trojette, adviser to President mAcro adds that since the beginning of the latter's mandate, the administration, lost very slowly and complex by French citizens, has become simpler: "To give you an order of magnitude of what it means To say, you have to keep in mind that there were nearly 30,000 circulars in force at the start of 2018 and that a year later, it had already risen to around 10,000 circulars. And today, if we look at the number of circulars published in 2020, there are only 151, and at the same time, we are continuing the work of removing circulars that have become obsolete, obsolete circulars that contribute to administrative complexity “------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The head of state Macron also wishes that the future hits officials are closer to the alert from the field, hence the reform: "The executive has been acting since 2017 to reform the state in depth by making it more human, closer , with a posture which is more benevolence, support, advice rather than control or sanction by making administration simpler, less normative inflation, control of organizations and administrative production understandable by citizens and by making the administration more concrete in the field, by piloting, by results, by transparency on the actions carried out. » Explained his advisor Adnene Trojette.
Indeed, "It is a transformation more than a suppression, which is a striking word in the public opinion", because the Ena will be replaced by the ISP, "Institute of the public service" from the start of the 2022, after presentation of the project to Parliament. President Macron justifies the inevitable reform affecting the thirteen major schools, of which the hundreds of senior officials invited to this video meeting were trained:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"We are all, political decision-makers for sure, but all those who are custodians of public action, we are faced with an absolute acceleration in the eyes of our fellow citizens, with absolute transparency of our action and to a permanent comparison. This health crisis has perfectly illustrated this, where, in real time, our action in all fields has been compared with that of our neighbors, questioning our efficiency, our legitimacy. And therefore, the pace cannot to be the same, the terms of construction of the decision and its communication cannot be the same, as can the association of our fellow citizens which must be rethought in the light of these new uses. "He explains thus the necessity and the timing imposed by the recent lessons learned since the health crisis which started at the end of 2019, because of the COVID-19 and the need for an acceleration of the adaptations on the ground. Indeed France was confronted with a he long bureaucracy, as he was able to declare at his last European Council press conference on March 25, “We are too slow and too complex and entangled in our bureaucracy“ comparing the reactivity of France and in extenso, the European Union towards the USA“¦ more pragmatic in their eating style in the field.
PDT MACRON JUSTIFIES THE NECESSITY OF THIS REFORM FACING FEARS OF CITIZEN & SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS INCLUDING DIGITAL--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron then justified this managerial reform of the senior civil service, faced with the major transformations of our current societies and the fears that animate the eyebrows of this century, in response to the current health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting fears, faced with the uncertain future, and climate change, without a scooter the acceleration of digital, in favor of robotization ...He explains that only an in-depth reform will be able to reshuffle the defiance, thanks to the reestablishment of transparency and confidence in politicians: ------------------------------------------------
"The other major element of upheaval that we must take into account to build action public in the century which is ours, it is an environment of mistrust. The acceleration of digital technology is no doubt contributing to this, but if we know how to take it, it will be an instrument for restoring trust through transparency. The subject is deeper. Why the mistrust? Because fear is mounting in our societies, because the upheavals are historical. Faced with the transformations of globalization and deindustrialization, many territories are changing, the crisis of inequalities which has accelerated in recent years due to the very changes of open capitalism, global warming and its consequences, the acceleration of geopolitical crises. , and now, major health crises such as the pandemic: all these great risks in a way mark the return of history, major transformations, and sometimes the fragile nature of our public action which is being shaken up. For my part, I consider that the democratic crisis of which we often speak stems from there: a crisis of public action which is above all a crisis of efficiency in the face of the upheavals of the world »
THE ENA IS THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS & ELITIST IN FRANCE WILL BE REPLACED BY ISP OVER THE REFORM OF PDT MACRON-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Ena, was created on October 9, 1945, in the aftermath of the Second World War, by an ordinance of the Provisional Government of the French Republic, then chaired by General de Gaulle. It was through the preparation, by the Provisional Administration Reform Mission led by Michel Debre, then master of requests to the Council of State, the ordinance of October 9, 1945 which created the ENA intended to "recast the French administrative machine ". To do this, the ordinance democratizes the recruitment of senior state officials through the establishment of a single entrance examination to the public service.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Emmanuel Macron, who himself studied at the ENA, (diploma in 2004, promotion Sedar-Senghor) announced Thursday April 8, 2021, that he would "abolish the ENA" (National School of Administration) for replace it with an "Institute of Public Service" (ISP), which will have to "select less socially determined profiles", a reform promised after the crisis of "yellow vests" in 2019. "The ISP will train all student administrators of the 'State and will integrate a common core to 13 public service schools "," a profound revolution in terms of recruitment "in the public service, specified the Head of State in front of 600 senior officials gathered by videoconference, in a speech transmitted by the Elysee. Source: Elysee.
ENA WILL BECOME ISP MORE ACCESSIBLE TO CANDIDATES FROM LESS ELITIST BACKGROUNDS YET KEEPING EXCELLENCE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron insisted on his attachment to equality of opportunity and the opening of the Ena school, which will become ISP, now more open to candidates from less elitist backgrounds than usual "I wish that in the selection criteria, we can open things up widely, not to lose excellence, but, in light of all the studies that have been done, to have a more open selection that allows us to select less socially determined profiles, but keep within the Institute of Public Service a training of excellence where one must not only train in methods, in essential subjects, but also in a general culture and in disciplines which build open-mindedness, the capacity to evolve in academic circles and understand the major changes in the world, and therefore have much more ambition in terms of training than we have had until then. "
ENA WILL BECOME THE ISP INSPIRED BY THE WAR SCHOOL MODEL------------------------------------------------------
President Macron reassures that PSI. will keep the same common curriculum of the 13 High Public Schools: “Finally, as true as the Public Service Institute will have this common core with 13 public service schools, it will also bring together the continuing education structures and it will be the house through which the senior civil servants will spend their entire career, in particular for training, before reaching decisive stages in their career. As such, I want that by taking inspiration from the model of the School of War, we can plan a career meeting before accessing eminent responsibilities so that high-potential senior officials are both again selected, but trained, accompanied before taking on certain responsibilities. "
The Ena, (National School of Administration) is the most prestigious school of public service in France for 40 years, training the most illustrious senior leaders. The entrance examination is difficult, but it is also impossible to access it via trajectories, less academic (most of those who have studied at Sciences PO), cooptation, allows access. She has thus become the symbol of an inter-selves in power - "enarchy - according to President Macron himself, which fuels resentment and suspicion. On April 25, 2019, at the end of the great post-crisis national debate of the "yellow vests", Emmanuel Macron had created a surprise by announcing "the abolition of the ENA" and the end of the large bodies (Council of State, Court Accounts, Inspection of Finances, Mines, Ecole Pont et Chausses, etc.)
Thus President Macron recalled the historical dimension of the issue of transforming the Ena "As in 1945, we are living a historic moment. 75 years ago, our exhausted country emerged from two wars with before it the challenge immense reconstruction. The Ena was created. We have structured our senior civil service. " He thus recalls his own past in this legendary school: "The first in accordance with my commitments will be to abolish the National School of Administration and to create an Institute of Public Service.
It is in no way a matter of giving in to the facilities of the present day, of casting shame on this school. It turns out that I do not forget either where I went, and what I owe to this training and here I want to salute the work, the commitment of Patrick Gerard today, of Nathalie Loiseau yesterday, whose reforms and courage have fueled our work and our ambition today. But today we must radically change the way we recruit, train, select, and build the career paths of our senior officials. "
The President Macron then explains what the renewal of Ena will consist of, as an ISP: "This Public Service Institute will be created and will have for mission a training of excellence at the same time as the work of selection and classification. 'ENA trained a few dozen senior civil servants, the Public Service Institute will train all student administrators of the State and will integrate a common core to 13 public service schools, including judicial auditors and engineering students recruited from leaving the Polytechnic School.
In a way, this will become the crucible for training state officials. The objective is, in this crucible, to define a common culture, a common formation. There will be specific training. But then."
He continues as for the Ena, which on the other hand will lose its name brand which has crossed the borders, while destroying the continuity of the ISP towards the international "Where the ENA ended up becoming an institution which classifies individuals , the Public Service Institute will have to offer each student courses to learn how to do, to lead, to decide, to innovate and therefore to build a training of excellence recognized at the international level. The Institute will be more open to the academic and research world, in France and internationally. It will have to build a strong partnership with universities and will rely on excellent teaching staff with more diverse profiles, will offer training to the best international standards, diplomas also recognized at European and international level. "Adds the head of 'Macron State. Source: Elysee
President Macron Elysee Palace Ena High Public Servant School Elite Reform Equity Of Chance 13 High Public Schools Rahma Sophia Rachdi Jedi Foster
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