
VirtaPay follows BitCoin footsteps

VirtaPay becoming decentralized currency

USPA NEWS - VirtaPay has announced to its membership plans to begin converting into a decentralized cryto-currency similar to BitCoin. VirtaPay opened its doors approximately 18 months after BitCoin launched and has over 2 million users. The project is named Satoshi in honor of BitCoin's creator.
The Satoshi Project will replace plans for VirtaPay is issue its own debit card and support infrastructure. Funding is being done by members who can elect to receive either VP dollars or BitCoin payouts to the tune of 120% of funds contributed. Plans are to have 100 contribution rounds to fully fund the project. The project is currently in round 26. After the contribution round is fully funded and reaches maturity (goals met) then payouts will be sent to those who contributed to that round.
The first battles have been won by BitCoins acceptance and the fact that and both began accepting BitCoin payments in January. Such inroads only make it easier for virtaPay to gain momentum and market share as it progresses towards its goal of becoming a major player in the crypto-currency marketplace. BitCoin has proven that a crypto-currency has appeal for users throughout the world.
VirtaPay has not announced a definite date for the project to be completed, but instead has posted a contribution round page for users to see what stage VirtaPay is at. VirtaPay has been aound for over 3 years and has what it takes to succeed bsed on their past experience and member input. VirtaPay members currently use VP dollars to purchase goods and services from each other with VirtaPay providing the financial aspect, much like Paypal. Joining VirtaPay is free at this time. For further information please visit VirtaPays website at
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