
Eric Zemmour not yet candidate in Rouen (Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
Eric Zemmour, the “not yet candidate” for the “French Presidential 2022”, Right-wing journalist (Figaro), outsider, tied to no political party continues to worry or even threaten all existing political parties, making them jealous of him, with his 17% of voting intentions even before being an official candidate for the French presidency 2022. Current President Emmanuel Macron has not yet declared himself officially, either for his re-election, but would collect 24% of voting intentions (LREM Party), ahead of Eric Zemmour, Without a political party (17%), Marine Le Pen « National Rally » far right wing (14%), Xavier Bertrand « les Republicans » Right wing (13%), Yannick Jadot « The Ecologists » (9%), Jean Luc Melenchon Far Left « La France Insoumise » (8%), Anne Hidalgo Socialists (4.5%) (According to Ipsos, Ifop Polls). USPA covered, Eric Zemmour, during his last Rally, (Lounge-Meeting), followed by signature of his book, at the Zenith in Rouen, on October 22, where he spoke, to the cheers of the young people of his support association and applauding grassroots supporters (About 1000 people), almost each of his chapter endings that he developed:Foreign Policy, Defence, Migration
Eric Zemmour, the “not yet candidate” for the “French Presidential 2022”, Right-wing journalist (Figaro), outsider, without a political party continues to worry or even threaten all existing political parties, making them jealous of him, with his 17% of voting intentions even before being an official candidate for the French presidency 2022.--------------------------------------------
Current President Emmanuel Macron has not yet declared himself officially, either for his re-election, but would collect 24% of voting intentions (LREM Party), ahead of Eric Zemmour, Without a political party (17%), Marine Le Pen « National Rally » (RN) far right wing (14%), Xavier Bertrand « les Republicans » (Les Rep) Right wing (13%), Yannick Jadot « The Ecologists » (EELV) (9%), Jean Luc Melenchon Far Left « La France Insoumise » (LFI )(8%), Anne Hidalgo Socialists (PS) (4.5%) (According to Ipsos, Ifop Polls).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
USPA covered, Eric Zemmour, during his last Rally, (Lounge-Meeting), followed by dedication of his book, at the Zenith in Rouen, on October 22, where he spoke, to the cheers of the young people of his support association and applauding grassroots supporters (About 1000 people), almost each of his chapter endings that he developed. The agenda of this afternoon Lounge-Meeting, whose spectators chanted « Zemmour President", concerned foreign policy and defense, energy, security, French identity in parallel as often, to the "Great Replacement". Indeed, according to a survey published in Figaro, last week, 67% of French people are worried about the « Great Replacement ». Eric Zemmour introduced his meeting by proudly arguing for the choice of Rouen, this historic Norman city, and has strong symbolism because it is there that Joan of Arc, a heroine from another era, sacrificed herself in front of the English to save France.
Zemmour, the now Journalist, and he most famous of the moment (All the media, talk about him, every day, in the written press, radio and mostly TV Broadcasters) quietly and serenely continues the Meetings, across France (Béziers, Marseille, Corsica, Versailles …) Looking like a pre-campaign, but officially in the reading / dedication session of his latest book “France has not said its last word”. Now Eric Zemmour, supported by an association "Les Amis de Zemmour" founded a year ago by three thousand (3000) young French people, from the Right Bourgeoisie Française, and his own publishing company (Self-publisher of his latest book, after having been abandoned by the Albin Michel hearing house) to express themselves in rooms, increasingly large, and bringing together 500 to 1000 people, to interact with supporters for 30 minutes (1 hour of talk including Q&A Session) while answering their questions. They felt highly respected, as they could interact directly, with their « hero », « Saver ». Let’s not be blind, Eric Zemmour owes his success to them, those, who made this possible, by their strong community of grassroots supporters, from all over France. And he knows it and perhaps, this explains why Eric Zemmour chose a very original format, « LoungeMeeting », unique of a kind, in France, paying due resort to his supporters by basically listening to them, and answering straight away, there questions, and kind of healing their frustrations and sufferings, as they confess to him, while he signs his best seller book after the meeting…. Eric Zemmour, is for the moment, probably a « political therapist » saying loud whatever shocking, or not, silently thought by a heavy majority in France…when it comes to violence (that increased exponentially, either towards the women, the vulnerable disabled, in the streets, at school, over terrorism, ext). The question is whether the « political therapist » will be powerful enough to transform into a political game changer in France ?
ERIC ZEMMOUR SURPASSED MARINE LEPEN RANKING JUST BEHIND EMMANUEL MACRON FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2022----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The next day, Eric Zemmour, goes to Touques, in Calvados, still in Normandy, for another afternoon of signing his book, interacting with his audience, and meeting local elected officials and traders from the Normandy’s village. Eric Zemmour, who is closer than the far of the right wing (The Republicans) spreading the similar ideas of Marine Lepen’s National Rally Party, who is gerrymandered the French maps to give herself outsized power in counties legislatures. He is running to get the five hundred (500) necessary endorsements for the French Presidential candidacy. The result is an avalanche of increasing favorable number of polls, across the country for Eric Zemmour, to be not the third man, but perhaps, replacing Marine Lepen, to face Emmanuel Macron, during the second round of the voting, to be due on 10 and 24th of April 2022.
USPA has followed his steps, during his meeting in Rouen, where he held a smooth an very well organized meeting, under the management of Olivier Ubeda his sherpa, and Press Officer.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
While discussing with certain supporters, and readers of Eric Zemmour present at the meeting, they say to have confidence in him, because he "speaks true and sincere, and speaks genuinely loud, what he thinks unlike the other candidates" and that he will "save them and save France "which they consider in decline." Some even propose to make donations, to help him settle down and become French President .... hence, he is not yet an official candidate…
ERIC ZEMMOUR FOR 2022 SPEAKS & INTERACT DURING THE MEETING OVER FOREIGN POLICY & DEFENCE AND THE « GREAT REPLACEMENT »--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eric Zemmour, starts his introductory keynote, by evoking the symbolic choice of Rouen, for hosting his rally, before actually kicking off his political talk “The history of Rouen merges with the history of France. Victor Hugo spoke of the city of 100 steeples,… like the Norman mist in the morning, romanticism prevents us from seeing reality. This is why I have chosen to talk to you about diplomacy and the open sea from Rouen, this old town in France. " He then recalls a sordid memory of a French heroine "This is where Joan of Arc was burnt and especially this city occupied by the English, she flew back to kick the English out of France." "Our elites are often on the side of this occupier," he adds as if to announce that he wants that to change, and especially of his strong wish "with regard to the exit from the tutelage of the Americans"
Eric Zemmour, very keen on French history, and very learned, recalls that the French elites, in the Middle Agent were complicit in foreign occupation by the English "At the time the French elites were with the English, there would be a clash with the Armagnacs. He then quotes, as usual, as a good Gaullist, his favorite hero (And that of the French Right as well as Napoleon), "General de Gaulle never attended the anniversary ceremonies of the D Day (D Day in Normandy), because the landing was at the same time a liberation but also an occupation, because at the time the sword of France was short ”. having said that, he continues, after having drawn, the sharp sword, against American imperialism, and the yoke of the European Union which he is in the pay of uncle SAM.
Regarding French diplomacy, Eric Zemmour explains that "France should not refrain from any diplomatic relations with anyone. "And that" Americans should listen to France "while comparing the mastodon of the first world power, represented by the USA and France in the position of 7th world power. In great lucidity he recognizes the side "arrogant French" and "that France should stop lecturing in the countries"
Eric Zemmour, answers a supporter of African origin (The only supporter of the audience from the audience of the Zenith), who asks him if once elected President he would maintain "different relations with the African heads of state who are dictators ”. He responds, with humor, that his accent reminds him of the UN and proves him right “We must say that African countries that we no longer want African immigration and remove all acquired rights of immigrants who come in excess. Because many African leaders think that France is the back door. We will block the visas of African citizens including their leaders and stop development aid "He adds that" They need a real sincere and firm speech with France or they will despise France. "And ends with an argument of balance of power" If France is too weak or not firm enough, it will not be respected, and we must stop supporting dictators, and we must respect the will of Africans and not dissolve ourselves in their history "He then made a reminder on the repentance of France vis a vis past errors towards Algeria and protested that Algeria does not want these memorial commemorations" there is recently the 'Algerian ambassador in France who published a 5th column asking the Algerian diaspora in France to interfere in French politics ”
"THERE CANNOT BE A EUROPEAN DEFENSE," DECLARED ERIC ZEMMOUR---------------------------------------------
Eric Zemmour, reminds that France, must no longer submit to the yokes of the European Union, if it wants to keep its sovereignty, and regain its position of great power in the world chessboard "because there is no omelettes with hard-boiled eggs… we have different interests, France, Ireland, Croatia or at the price of submission to the USA ”. He adds that European diplomacy is a "chimera, from which we must get out" Eric Zemmour, adds on the European Union which does nothing but “Dissolve the incredible heritage of France which is being squandered” than France, “We have returned to humiliated empires, while Russia, China, Turkey, India, who take it upon themselves and we step back… "He insisted on recalling the crisis of the submarines in the Indo Pacific zone, whose contract was broken by the Australians" It has been 20 years since we submitted in the wheel of the diplomacy of Brussels and Washington. Our American ally is putting us on the sidelines and preventing us from having relations with Russia and causing us to miss the submarine contracts. "---------------------------------
"FRANCE MUST RECOVER INDEPENDENCE AND LEAVE NATO'S COMMAND INTEGRATED PROGRAM " DECLARED ERIC ZEMMOUR---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eric Zemmour, thinks that France must leave NATO, he declares himself in favor of “France leaving the integrated command of NATO” as well as “By normalizing relations with Russia and stopping punishing the UK for Brexit” and that of new General de Gaulle "My glass is small but I drink from my glass" said General de Gaulle. Eric Zemmour adds a nuance all the same towards the Americans "We do not want to be their enemy, but we know that these alliances are under constraint and will collapse by themselves".According to Eric Zemmour, President Macron MACRON "Dreams of the United States of Europe", and "wants to sell off France with his loan from the Recovery Plan, because France will receive 40 € Bn, while Italy has received more than 'money. "Eric Zemmour continues his diatribe against the current French President" Macron is happy because he has the impression of making the Hamiltonian moment, the US Sec of Treasury in the 18th century, which had fed all the debt of the American States and created the Unites states of America, and Macron is thinking of creating the United States of Europe. However, we have to repay a lot more, that is, 40 € Bn, more than what we are actually going to receive. »He explains.Eric Zemmour, answers a supporter in the room who asks him about the future strategic alliances to be put in place for France, if he were to be elected President. “We need to seek alliances according to the topics that are in agreement with us. "He recalls that" Eleven (11) European foreign affairs ministers, including Greece, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, have issued a press release to oppose the migration policy in his EU. We have to be with them. For example, Denmark, a small country that does not make people talk about it, and which when it says NO, OPT OUT, because they do not agree as soon as their interests do not serve it. And Denmark is respected. He then alludes to the crisis in Poland with the services of the Member States about their sovereignty of national justice which it wishes above the European treaties, to the point that some speak of a possible Polexit, after Brexit " It is shameful the way in which Europeans treat Poles and Hungarians, who are admirable in defending their sovereignty and identity and their European origins.
After Eric Zemmour, said with humor, that "I believe myself at the conference of General de Gaulle, I only have the question of the American journalist" ... USPA, asks him a double question about ethnic minorities and disability in France, seen from France versus the USA. Eric Zemmour, responds to USPA about minorities and the great replacement, as it has been noticed that since the Black Live Matters movement 90% of TV ads feature a person of Black color for the benefit of other Arab minorities, Asians. , Indians, invisible on the screen. The same phenomenon has been noticed in the public service (Tribunal de Paris, RATP, etc ... where we rarely see white people, in the counters et al; entering his company and the security guards that are in majority French Africans. Eric Zemmour responds to this lonely African supporter who asked him a question about how Zemmour would deal differently with African heads of state who are dictators." Eric Zemmour proves leaned to his side and answered that " We must stop giving visas to the African migrants, who are too numerous, and even including their leaders, because we owe them sincerity and being firm, when it comes to immigration"---------------------------------------
Eric Zemmour, also responded to the number of disabled people who represent 15% of the population in France, and for whom the same observation is made in terms of lack of visibility: they are invisible in French TV advertisements, and in public service positions. and even private, because they are marginalized by the impossibility of access to visible and prestigious jobs in France. Eric Zemmour answers: In France, it is a question of not categorizing the people in additions of minorities but of considering them rather as French citizens. This is why he is wishing France to dis-Americanized, in this approach of the minorities. As for the minority of disabled people, this is another subject, I respect them a lot and it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health. "
"67% OF FRENCH ARE WORRIED ABOUT THE BIG REPLACEMENT ACCORDING TO A SURVEY" ERIC ZEMMOUR RECALLS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eric Zemmour, responds to a supporter who asks him about the Great Replacement, because she works at RATP (company of Metro and Bus tramways of Paris) where the majority of employees are of African and Muslim origin and try to impose their customs. African. To this, he replied that according to a survey published recently by the right-wing newspaper Le Figaro "67% of French people are worried about the Great Replacement" and comes back against the future replacement of the Judeo-Christian culture by immigrants outside Europe "When I 've talked about it everyone was shocked! And now it's the poll of the French that takes up this theme of the Great Replacement! Our will is to have peace in our companies, which are threatened by Islam as well as by the RATP, and Islam must be expelled from the public space and be content with the private space. "He then evokes Ernest Renan in 1889, according to which Islam is not compatible with France:" Islam It is the indistinguishable union, spiritual and temporal, it is the heaviest chain that mankind has never worn ” Then, with regard to the overpopulation of African origin in France, he demonstrates by a demographic argumentation vis-à-vis the population relationship between Africa and Europe, whose migrants were multiplying in France, via massive arrivals then not regularized and will only grow given the growth in their birth rate "In 2030 Africa will be populated by 2 Billion Inhabitants against only 5000 Million Europeans, and this ratio 1 to 4 is that of 1900 with Europe, where it There were 100 Million Africans versus 400 Million Europeans, this led to colonization… he continues and “I'll let you imagine this report, the opposite. "... /
Journalist Tornado Far Right Rouen Far Right Jean Luc Melenchon Far Left Bfm Tv Debate Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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