
Armistice Day Ceremony Arc Triumph 11 November (Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
The protocol of the armistice ceremony of November 11, began, around 10 a.m., with the laying of wreaths which succeeded one another on the tomb of the unknown soldier, by the president of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, of the Senate, Gerard Larcher, Prime Minister Jean Castex and the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron. He arrived in front of the statue of Georges Clemenceau, father of Victory, for a wreath laying which marks the beginning of the tributes. The Marseillaise resonates at the bottom of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, where the statue is located. The exceptional presence of the American Vice President, Kamala Harris, made this 103 rd commemoration of Armistice Day, which is a global celebration, a strong symbolism and recalling the strength of the allies, which are France and the United States, since the two world wars of WWI (1914-18) and WWII (1939-45). This ceremony, as announced by Elysee, was solemn and sober and silent, knowing that the speech of the President of the Republic, Macron, reflected the universal values ??of enlightenment, a preponderant symbol of the history of France. President Macron, who encouraged the wearing of blueberry pin.
The protocol of the armistice ceremony of November 11, began, around 10 a.m., with the laying of wreaths which succeeded one another on the tomb of the unknown soldier, by the president of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, of the Senate, Gerard Larcher, Prime Minister Jean Castex and the President of the Republic. The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron arrived in front of the statue of Georges Clemenceau, father of Victory, for a wreath laying which marks the beginning of the tributes. The Marseillaise resonates at the bottom of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, where the statue is located. The exceptional presence of the American Vice President, Kamala Harris, made this 103 rd commemoration of Armistice Day, which is a global celebration, a strong symbolism and recalling the strength of the allies, which are France and the United States, since the two world wars of WWI (1914-18) and WWII (1939-45). This ceremony, as announced by Elysee, was solemn and sober and silent, knowing that the speech of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, reflected the universal values ??of enlightenment, a preponderant symbol of the history of France. President Macron, who encouraged the wearing of cornflower, in boutonniere, then greeted the veterans, present as well as the officials, Just after the end of the speech given by President Macron of the patriotic songs, including the national anthem "La Marseillaise » By the army choir, aligned on the top of the avenue des Champs Elysee facing the Arc de Triomphe.
TRIBUTE TO HUBERT GERMAIN THE 1037’S COMPANION OF THE LIBERATION------------------------------------------
On this occasion, a national tribute is paid to Hubert Germain, the last companion of the Liberation, who passed away on October 12. His burial ceremony at Mont Valérien will take place at 2:30 p.m. The homage of the last veteran, Hubert Germain, gives a very particular and moving tone, because he is paid a great tribute, before entering Mont Valerien. His tomb adorns the Lorraine Cross, carved in wood over 900 years old, from the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, at the request of veteran Hubert Germain, and will be carried by a chariot to the Mont Valérien cemetery. This advance by chariot, of the tomb is very moving and has the image of that of the coffin of General de Gaulle in 1970, who left a little later from the Hôtel des Invalides where it is now, to go up the avenue des Invalides, cross the Alexandre III bridge, pass in front of the Grand Palais and finally under the Arc de Triomphe. On the way, he will make a special stop in front of the statue of General de Gaulle.
The exceptional presence of the American Vice President, Kamala Harris, made this 103 rd commemoration of Armistice Day, which is a global celebration, a strong symbolism and recalling the strength of the allies, which are France and the United States, since the two world wars of WWI (1914-18) and WWII (1939-45).
Indeed, November 11 is "Remembrance Day" also called "Armistice Day" which is an annual day of remembrance observed in Europe and in the countries of the Commonwealth to commemorate the sacrifices of the First World War as well as other wars. This day takes place on November 11 to commemorate the signing of the Armistice of 1918 ending the First World War. In France, this day is called the anniversary of the armistice of 1918 and of the annual commemoration of Victory and Peace, and is a public holiday. Since 2012, November 11 has also been celebrated as a day of homage to all the dead for France. In parallel, in the United States was established the Veterans Day which is also celebrated on November 11, because indeed, “Veterans Day is a commemorative day observed in the United States in honor of the veterans. It is a federal holiday which is observed on November 11th. It is also celebrated as Armistice Day and is comparable to Remembrance Day in other parts of the world, falling on the anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended World War I. In Germany, the Volkstrauertag commemorates "The war dead and the victims of the tyranny of all nations".
On the American side, the date of November 11 first coincided with Armistice Day, until June 1, 1954, replacing it with “Veteran Day” by Congress, ie the end of the war and “peace and solidarity”. . Indeed, President Dwight Eisenhower signed this amendment on May 26, 1954, thus making this holiday, which has undergone many changes as to its title over time, with the initial proclamation of US President Woodrow Wilson on November 11, 1919, then the United States Congress adopted a similar proposal seven years later on June 4, 1926, requesting that the President (Calvin Coolidge) issue a proclamation that the day of November 11 be accompanied by appropriate ceremonies. Law (52 Stat .; 351 5 United States Code Sec., 87a).
For the record, it was a Kansas shoe store owner named Alfred King who came up with the idea in 1953 to extend Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans, not just those who have. served in WWI. He started a campaign to make Armistice Day apply to all veterans. With the help of Edward Rees, a bill was proposed by Congress.----------------------------------------------------------
In France and the United Kingdom, it was in 1920 that the two Allied countries organized a ceremony dedicated to unknown soldiers who died during the war. The text was approved on May 13, 1938, making November 11 a legal holiday.
In France, it is therefore a matter of commemorating Armistice Day, which also stuck with Remembrance Day, also in homage to all those who sacrificed themselves for the homeland.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron who launched the Paris Peace Forum three years ago, which takes place between November 11 and 13 of each year, certainly wanted to mark this date, which coincides with the message of "Stability and Peace in the world" As for American President Joe Bien, he, two days before, solemnly proclaimed on November 9 as "World Freedom Day », and called upon the Americans to recall the hope symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall and reaffirm America’s “dedication to freedom and democracy”.
World Freedom Day is a federal holiday observed on November 9. On this day 22 years ago, the momentous event in history when the Berlin Wall was abolished took place. The wall separated families and communities for almost three decades. Today, it marks the rise of democracy and freedom, and the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. The Berlin Wall was chipped away bit by bit and eventually came down on 9 November 1989. (A wall was created to prevent the immigration of people from East Berlin to West Berlin and the rest of Western Europe. From 1961 to 1989, an estimated 5,000 people escaped over the Berlin Wall. More than 100 people were killed in the process. In 1989, travel restrictions became lenient in East Germany, leading to thousands of people impatiently climbing the wall and hitting the wall with chisels and hammers)
President Macron as well as officials, including U.S VP, Kamala Harris, wore the "Bleuet de France" buttonhole. It is the flower of remembrance, which is displayed throughout this day. This symbol would be linked to the trenches, where the Hairy referred to the young recruits, who wore a blue uniform, under the name of "blueberries". President Macron, will have thus explained the meaning of this cornflower, by encouraging it to be symbolically worn "War wounded, widows, widowers and orphans of fallen soldiers for France, heroes of yesterday, veterans and heroes of today who take every risk to protect us. The Bleuet de France is for them. Let's wear it ”
In Paris, on Thursday, November 11, 2021, a lectern was installed, next to the Arc de Triomphe facing the future of the Champs Elysee, so that President Emmanuel Macron, then make his solemn speech. He began his speech. with a hoarse voice, a sign that he has caught a cold, protecting his neck with each scarf, while the sun makes its appearance, under a flight of pigeons, above the heads of the happy few, who have come to attend the commemoration of the Armistice of November 11. “French, French, would we be there? Would we be there without Hubert Germain? At barely 20, he left everything, his Drôme lands, his family, his friends to go to London. And soon with honor and fidelity, cover oneself with glory in Bir Hakeim. Would we be there? Would we be there without Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque, resistance from the start entering the 2nd AD in a legendary epic from the victories of Libya to the liberation of Paris? Would we be here without Berty Albrecht? Founder with Hubert Ferney, of the Combat resistance network, which fell into the hands of the Germans and prefers to kill herself in prison rather than risk handing over her comrades in the struggle to torture. Would we be there? Would we be there without Philippe Kieffer and his 177 marines landing on June 6, 1944 on the Normandy beaches? Would we be there without René Cassin, Jean Moulin, Jacques Chaban-Delmas, Romain Gary and André Malraux? Without this procession of women and men made of bravery and sacrifices for France. All were companions. They were 1,038. Illustrious and anonymous, military and civilian. Various by their political opinions, their geographical origin, their religion, soldiers, engineers, peasants, industrialists, men of the Church or men of letters, diplomats, workers, militants, African sharpshooters, magistrates, doctors. They followed General DE GAULLE in this senseless adventure. All, without hierarchy, none, knights of freedom. All, without possible distinction, timeless faces of France. On November 16, 1940, he was almost alone. ”Thus introduced the head of the Armies, evoking those who sacrificed their lives, whatever their condition, physical and social, in the name of the motherland, in the name of France.
President Macron, recalls the historical facts of this armistice, and of Free France, insisting on the role of General de Gaulle: "Convinced that Free France should acquire the sovereign prerogatives of a State, General DE GAULLE from Brazzaville, the Order of the Liberation. Patriam Serondo Victoriam Tulit. On August 1, 1941, there were five. Captain THIERRY d'Argenlieu, Governor General Félix Eboué, Lieutenant D'Ollonde, merchant navy radio telegraph officer Popieul and Aviator Adjutant Bouquillard were not only the first companions, but the first members of the Council. of the Order, pioneers from all over France, from all conditions, On November 11, 1945, there were fifteen here. "-----------------------------------------THE TORCH OF THE DEAD VETERANS ON THE FIELD OF HONOR JOINS THE FLAME OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Head of State does honor to the veterans, who died on the field of honor, whose torch will join the flame of the unknown soldier, which is under the Arc de Triomphe, "Fifteen coffins draped in tricolor, going up the Champs Elysées which, come from all the battlefields, placed themselves in an arch at the hour of triumph, torch of the Resistance, mingled with the flame of the Unknown Soldier, before joining the crypt of Mount Valerian to testify before history, that during this war, his sons fought for France to live free. Fifteen remains of Tunisian, Moroccan and Senegalese infantrymen, resistance fighters, soldiers from 39-45, free Frenchmen from the interior Resistance and the Liberation Army, Burkinabé, Chadians, Bretons, deported resistance fighters, all gathered here. On March 9, 1952, a 16th body joined them in the crypt, that of a French soldier, shot in Indochina. Sixteen remains to represent all the destinies of the Order of Companions. "----------------------------
He then recalls that the Order was welcomed by the British King and his Prime Minister: "The Order, by decision of its Grand Master, was foreclosed in 1946 and was only opened exceptionally to welcome Winston Churchill and his Majesty George VI. Everyone knew therefore that the day would come when they would have to say goodbye to the last companions, the one who would take the last place in the crypt. "
President, Macron who today pays a last tribute to Hubert Germain, the last of the World War veterans, who recently passed away last October ,. He explains how his national homage, which by the coincidence of the Council calendar with the Armistice of November 11, is transported in a chariot, from the Champs Elysee, to the Mont Valerien cemetery, in a chariot. The day before, his tomb had been placed at his in the Dome de Invalides, where citizens could freely come and pay him a last tribute.“That day has come. In accordance with the wishes expressed by General DE GAULLE, Hubert Germain will join his fighting brothers this afternoon at Mont-Valérien and with them, all those who have stood up so that France may live. The companions, then, will be no more. The eighteen combat units will continue to display the emblem of the companions: black fodder for mourning, green for hope. The Cross of Lorraine will still adorn the coats of arms of the Compagnons communes: Nantes, Grenoble, Paris, Vassieux-en-Vercors, the Île de Sein. The Order, above all, will live. Protected by the Head of State, guardian of the memory of these women and men who, one day, rose above ground, in the same way for the freedom of all. He will make companions of freedom, an eternal source of inspiration for all the children of France, always united. "
FRANCE IS FREEDOM IN THE LOVE OF A FREE HOMELAND--------------------------------------------------------------------
President Macron concludes his speech with a strong symbolism of the values of the Enlightenment of France, to which he is very attached: “Some nations are made of shared borders, of blood heredities. France was built on its lands by a history, a language, a State, by a will. France lives, survives, overcomes the trials of the times thanks to women and men who, united by a love for its land, its ideals and its values, agree to risk even their lives for a cause greater than themselves. France is freedom. France is transmission. " After having recalled its attachment to the meaning of transmission from generation to generation, and relying on one of the pillars of the important triptych of the French motto, "Liberte Egalite, Fraternite", with particular emphasis on FREEDOM: "She ( France) lives, survives and overcomes its trials because from generation to generation, women and men pass on the torch of the ideal. So yes, the last companion is gone and we will accompany him to this crypt where we will seal the last vault. But these 1,038 who married France with unconditional love going so far as to sacrifice do not disappear for all that. They join our dead and from Bouvines to Chemin des Dames, from Pathé to Valmy, from Rance to Koufra, they mark their destinies alongside those who carried the spirit of resistance. The love of a free homeland, the refusal of divisions for the honor of France. So yes, yes, their fiery embers are in our hands. "Emmanuel Macron, ends finally, with an encouraging and humble sentence in front of the heroes who saved France, and without whom, and their sacrifice, would not have made it possible to be as French, to commemorate this message world of peace and end of war ”And when the day comes, when the hour strikes, we will be able to revive them with this breath which raised all those who precede us and who made us free French and without whom we would not be here . Long live the Republic ! Long live France ! "Thus ends the speech, brief, sober and solemn of President Macron, in tribute to the heroes of the Nation, whether military or otherwise, whose memory we commemorate today, on November 11, in the presence of veterans, military families, members of the government and above all exceptional US Vice President Kamala Harris, including the United States of America clearly also Veteran Day on this day.
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