
Supporters YoungWith Zemmour (Source: Jedi Foster & RSR)
Eric Zemmour is holding his first official rallye that gathered 15,000 supporters, after he announced eventually, his running for French Presidency of 2022, five days ago. Eric Zemmour, is launching his kick off, after a long suspense he held, for more than six months, as he was actually, having a French tour to sign his last book « France has not said its last word ».
Eric Zemmour took advantage of his First and important presidential campaign meeting, since he officially became a candidate for the Presidency in April 2022, thus announced the creation of his party, called “Reconquest”, and mentioned certain axes of his campaign including the "great gathering", which risks destroying the identity of France. He follows then, the fight against illegal immigration in France with its motto "" zero immigration ", and the encouragement of assimilation" for the French of foreign origin, by extending a hand to the Muslims that he invites us to "assimilate for the love of France" which he opposes to those binational, who 'tif hey don't like France, should leave it."
Eric Zemmour took advantage of his First and important presidential campaign meeting, since he officially became a candidate for the Presidency in April 2022, thus announced the creation of his party, called “Reconquest”, and mentioned certain axes of his campaign including the "great gathering", which risks destroying the identity of France. He follows then, the fight against illegal immigration in France with its motto "" zero immigration ", and the encouragement of assimilation" for the French of foreign origin, by extending a hand to the Muslims that he invites us to "assimilate for the love of France" which he opposes to those binational, who 'tif hey don't like France, should leave it."
Eric Zemmour is holding his first official rallye that gathered 19,000 supporters, after he announced eventually, his running for French Presidency of 2022, five days ago. Eric Zemmour, is launching his kick off, after a long suspense he held, for more than six months, as he was actually, having a French tour to sign his last book « France has not said its last word ».
Eric Zemmour took advantage of his First and important presidential campaign meeting, since he officially became a candidate for the Presidency in April 2022, thus announced the creation of his party, called “Reconquest”, and mentioned certain axes of his campaign including the "great gathering", which risks destroying the identity of France. He follows then, the fight against illegal immigration in France with its motto "" zero immigration ", and the encouragement of assimilation" for the French of foreign origin, by extending a hand to the Muslims that he invites us to "assimilate for the love of France" which he opposes to those binational, who 'they don't like France should leave it. He is thus inspired by his representative living example, of which he is himself the fruit of the assimilation terminated towards professional success, because he is the son of an immigrant, of Berber Jewish origin arrived from Algeria, and proletarian, having himself grew up in working-class neighborhoods, and studied and assimilated, to the point of becoming a lover of France.---------------------------------------------
“My adversaries want my political death, the journalists want my social death and the jihadists want my death at all.“ Eric Zemmour declared as he pointed out, those who attack and / or criticize him. He believes that the French media do not treat him equally, versus the other presidential candidates and stressed his anger over some journalists, targeting him, and especially certain left-wing media who boycott him (on the public media), or "insult" him as well as some “politicians”, the “left”, the “right”, the “judges”. "Our meetings disturb the journalists", in particular, accused the candidate, Eric Zemmour who denounced the "hatred" that the media would nourish against him.In assimilation, he explained that he had kept his Judaic first name at home and used a "French" first name, that's his own first name « Eric », to better integrate into French society and so that's what he calls the assimilation, leave the religion at home in private life and live French in public. This is how Eric Zemmour, clears taboos and misunderstandings about his political struggle and therefore the origin of his strong nostalgia for the French Republic school of a long time ago and wishes to restore "The culture of merit and the effort "at school. And on the international side it maintains its starting position which is constant with regard to foreign powers" the exit of France from the military command of NATO. "to better protect the sovereignty of the France because he does not want France to be the "vassal of the USA"
JUST BEFORE THE MEETING ERIC ZEMMOUR WAS ATTACKED BY AN ACTIVIST THEN FEW HURTS BETWEEN SUPPORTERS OCCURED AS WELL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is Sunday, December 5, afternoon, when a crowd of right-wing conservative activists, sovereignists, Gaullists and Christian Democrats essentially warm up before the arrival of their champion, Eric Zemmour ... who is slow to arrive. The host on the microphone announces a little delay, and soon, will occupy this impatient audience, which has moved, this rainy Sunday a few km from Paris center (North suburb near Charles de Gaulle Airport) presents the outsiders. work. Indeed, it is the support of Eric Zemmour, who came to heat the room, like Jean Frederic Poisson, Chretien Democrat, Jacqueline Gourault, ex Gilet Jaune activist, regional and Neuilly advisor, young consteller of Seine Saint Denis, Antoine Flers, It was around 6 p.m. that Eric Zemmour arrived, very loudly cheered by his supporters, to the point that some activists were very, very excited.------
The organization is smooth despite, the uncontrolled crowd, from the small groups of youngsters affiliated to Far Right « Zouaves » and Far Left « SOS Racisme ». The first bunch of youngsters attacked the second group when they stood up in their chairs, showing off their T-Shirt to speak out « No Racism », written in big capitals on their chests, which was seen as a provocation by the Zouaves…This need up by security guards to escort and exfiltrate the victims, including a young girl wounded, with blood in her face…This incident gave the tune of the intensity of the general excitement, that one could feel, surrounded by supporters, very motivated and full of engagement to this movement. During the same time, another small group of militants of Zemmour, stop them by getting down from their chairs… creating a panic, and blows which fly in their senses. Among the five hundred accredited journalists, some films from the entry into the theaters of Eric Zemmour, heavily protected by a dozen security guards (Because the candidate for the residential election 2022, has received many death threats and benefits from the Protection Police Officer of Public Personalities SLPD) to avoid being attacked. Indeed this is what happened, since an activist launched himself on Eric Zemmour, from the top of his chair and surrounded Eric Zemmour's neck, using his two hands, causing an injury to the body. candidate has his wrist.------------------------------------------------------
This one, does not let itself be discouraged and goes on stage, wash its bars upwards and thus bursting into a victorious quayside manner in front of a very heated and enthusiastic audience, He will then begin his meeting with an enumeration of the critical recipes made by his opponents and the media, whose "complicity" he denounces and responds to. himself to the reproaches of racism ... by arguing his intellectual approach and his political fight. The security services hastened to take out the most agitated and wounded militants.
Today, Eric Zemmour, finally led official to the 2022 presidency, two days after the Republicans voted in the primary to designate their sole candidate, Valerie Pecresse 60%, and Eric Ciotti, challenger, 40%, which; sets fiat elite on ideas quays colleges duster the program of Eric Zemmour, It is therefore at the Parc des Expositions de Villepinte Nord (northern suburb of Paris, near Charles de Gaulle Airport), took place this rally which brings together according to the organizers , 15,000 people and press of 150 accredited journalists. Numerous police officers were mobilized on the spot and made more than 70 arrests of individuals, claiming to be part of the Antifa (antifascist) movement (Ultra Left movement) who called for a boycott of Eric Zemmour's rallies and have taken to disrupting his rallies, such as it was in Marseille and Lyon. Eric Zemmour having even received death threats, was escorted by a strong guipe of bodyguards and security guard who formed a human hatred to protect him. Despite this, an ultra-left individual threw himself on Eric Zemmour and injured his wrist and was arrested and taken into custody. The candidate Zemmour meanwhile, was examined after a doctor, advocating by medical opinion of 9 days of ITT, which will be the starting point of his filing of complaint against the attacker. Other members of the SOS Racisme Association, who had risen in chairs in protest, stirred up a fight between themselves and supporters of Eric Zemmour. The incident ended well, without injuries, while still disrupting the rally, which the candidate Zemmour, did not take into account and remained to make his speech, with better ease on stage than the times previous ones.
ERIC ZEMMOUR RESPOND TO THER CRITICS OF MISOGYNIST THAT IT HIS HIS MOTER WHO TAUGHT HIM THE LOVE OF FRANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eric Zemmour, made a speech, outlining his first measures ‘if he is the president of the republic, lasting 1h 30, after six speakers (with a perfect parity between men and women). Eric Zemmour, after having responded to those who reproach him for being misogynist, that his "mother taught him everything and the love of France", to be racist that he is "himself, son of an immigrant, Jewish Berber, from Algeria, who has succeeded in being assimilated "close to the elites, whom he is the son of" proletarians "from the popular class. he proposes to submit to the French people a referendum on Zero immigration, by driving illegal immigrants and binational criminals from France, to the second country, outside of France, from the summer of 2022, if he is elected shutter of the Republic. He also proposes to remove inheritance taxes, for inheritance and lower taxes for companies and allow gross wages to be net wages (as in Anglo-Saxon countries). Finally, he “reaches out to French Muslims, who want to defend France and its values? and encourages French people of foreign origin to be assimilated to the culture and values ??of France ”to assert their patriotism, which will ensure their welcome debt, because Eric Zemmour repeats that he does not distinguish between social, ethnic or other origins , but "the French on one side and Foreigners on the other", by confirming its wish to grant national preference to French citizens. Finally he wishes to restore excellence in Education, "the culture of merit and effort," science and public services ”as well as“ meritocracy ”and especially reindustrialisation to restore France to its rank as a great nation as it was in the past because“ France is the most beautiful country in the world ”… /
ABOUT BEING FRENCH « I PROPOSE THE ASSIMILATION WHICH IS THE BEST GIFT FRANCE HAS GIVEN ME "ERIC ZEMMOUR CONFESSES.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eric Zemmour then raises up one of his favorite subjects: What is it to be French? reaches out to French Muslims who want to join us and some have already joined us. "By dispelling the misunderstanding that he is accused of being" anti-Muslim and / or racist. He adds, drawing inspiration from his own personal journey "For all those who have come like me from elsewhere, I offer them assimilation" He repeats "Assimilation is the best gift that France has given me. offered from Chateaubriand to Voltaire, Balzac ”by quoting the great French writers of the Enlightenment, whom he admires while evoking his origin as the son of immigrant Berber Jews who came frankly from Algeria in the 60's, he sends a peaceful message---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"It was the time of my parents and this will allow us to find peace and brotherhood, Interrogative Eric Zemmour calls out to children and grown-ups who came from elsewhere like him in France, by skillfully sliding from immigration to a positive concept, on condition of assimilating and at the same time for religion, place France above all specificities of identity and / or religion "Why the Poles, Italians, Spaniards have consented, why not Algerians? Why not do it when it comes to the religious level like the Christians and Jews before, why the Muslims could not if you want to defend France, or you are our compatriots, we are setting the bar very high! And he continues on a more radical note "And for those who refuse and bi-nationals who do not feel French, and do not respect our laws, the door is wide open" He continues by calling for the participation of everyone "This fight I cannot do it alone and each of us can participate in this battle and I appeal to your patriotism ”
Eric Zemmour ends with a violent diatribe against President Macron, without sparing him by disdaining his person and concludes his speech extremely under applauses and songs, chants, "Zemmour president" by a more positive and more than patriotic promise, of a Return of the France : "Before the face of the whole world we can proudly say that FRANCE IS BACK, this magnificent, beautiful, scientific country which has transformed the World and withers writers who gave hope and beauty… France between freedom, equality and genius was the light and enlightened. Yes France is back because facing all those who want to destroy the French people, FRANCE IS BACK! …
Eric Zemmour left very quickly, as soon as he pronounced his last words, via his many bodyguards to the backstage where he gave no interview following the injury to his wrist which required to be examined by a doctor on the spot, while the crowd dispersed towards the exit. There were few youngsters, members of the "JeunesdeZemmour", and "GenerationZ" Associations, who ensured the interviews in front of the many television cameras, and those who tidied the stands almost empty, as they successfully, widely sold the gadgets (Stickers, caps, posters, etc ...) the effigy of "Eric Zemmour President 2022" and his fetish expressions like « »"IMPOSSIBLE IS NOT FRENCH » and" BEN VOYONS "...
Eric Zemmour, appeals to "Those who are tired and those of the militants of LR (The Republicans) to join us, these are the well-off categories which are threatened to be replaced I extend my hand to them and sympathizers and those presented by my friend Eric Ciotti (CIOTTI, scanded), I mean the members of the RPR ”(Rally for the Republic, form Republicans). He evokes with nostalgia the past and his political experience in the French Right, whose characters have followed one another and some have not kept their promises:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"33 years ago in the States General on immigration, I was there, there was Giscard, Chirac, Sarkozy, Juppe and admit that national solidarity will be tightened to French and that they were already promising zero immigration . 31 years later we find ourselves in Villepinte to say the same thing, and the Macronists and even some of LR, I want to ask a simple question: Were Jacques Chirac, Giscard, Juppe, Bayrou considered of extreme right in wanting immigration reduced to zero? NO! " Insinuating thus that Eric Zemmour is insulting very racist for having wanted and allowed to reduce immigration to zero like his predecessors of the French right ... not considered as racial at the time
He then recalls, by transition, the coincidence of date with his meeting in Villepinte, coincidence of timing or desired strategic calculation, of December 5, 2021 “Today is the anniversary of the creation of the RPR in 1975, December 5 , what symbols! In 1995, Chirac entered Elysee, three years later, and all his beautiful promises were forgotten, the right as usual submitting to the media judges and betraying its voters! He then alludes to his opponent Valerie Pecresse official candidate of LR The Republicans "Pecresse constantly reminds us that her center of political interest is intimately linked to that of Chirac she will act as her mentor, she will allow everything and will do nothing, and Chirac said "I will astonish you by my demagoguery and the promises only engage those who listen to them yes Pecresse is the good heiress of Chirac!" Il termine par annoncer que aujorushui a Villpiente le 5 Decembre, lui, fait le « Serment de Villepinte » yen promise qui sera tenue…adding "We must bring together and unify and return the right to vote to the voters of RN and LR."
We are not going to fight people, we are fighting ideologies, we are not interested in Macron's person because he is fundamentally uninteresting! "He explains vis a vis his great adversary, President Emmanuel Macron, who is at the top of current polls (between 23 and 27% of the vote polls of opinion)
Eric Zemmour Journalist Cnews Great Replacement Villepinte French Presidency 2022 Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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