


Talk 2nd Round Ukraine/ Russia (Source: Twitter)
Humanitarian Corridors Logo
(Source: Wikimedia)
USPA NEWS - Russia and Ukraine’s negotiators have agreed on humanitarian corridors, to evacuate civilians, wounded, and vulnerable citizen, in Ukraine, on Tuesday 3rd March 22. It is the first time the two sides, Russian and Ukrainian, reached an agreement towards a « temporary case fire to evacuate », (According to Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak ) which is an encouraging first step marking a good progress, over the dialogue. Mikhail Podolyak said "That is, not everywhere, but only in those places where the humanitarian corridors themselves will be located, it will be possible to cease fire for the duration of the evacuation"Reaching that sensitive point, on the eight day of the conflict, is becoming necessary, due to the rising of civilian’s flee and especially the most vulnerable, (elderly, women, children, and the disabled…). There might be a « temporary case fire » during the evacuation, in the city, Marioupol. This ceasefire will allow the evacuation of civilians from two cities in eastern Ukraine, including the strategic port of Mariupol under blockade. From 7 a.m. GMT, "the Russian side declares a regime of silence (of weapons) and the opening of humanitarian corridors
UNHCR Refugees Fleeing Ukraine
Source: UNHCR
RUSSIA & UKRAINE AGREED ON HUMANITARIAN CORRIDORS AMID A 2nd ROUND OF TALL ON WAR DAY-8 Russia and Ukraine’s negotiators have agreed on humanitarian corridors, to evacuate civilians, wounded, and vulnerable citizen, in Ukraine, on Tuesday 3rd March 22. It is the first time the two sides, Russian and Ukrainian, reached an agreement towards a « temporary case fire to evacuate », (According to Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak ) which is an encouraging first step marking a good progress, over the dialogue. Mikhail Podolyak said : "That is, not everywhere, but only in those places where the humanitarian corridors themselves will be located, it will be possible to cease fire for the duration of the evacuation," Reaching that sensitive point, on the eight day of the conflict, is becoming necessary, due to the rising of civilian’s flee and especially the most vulnerable, (elderly, women, children, and the disabled…). There might be a « temporary case fire » during the evacuation, in the city, Marioupol. This ceasefire will allow the evacuation of civilians from two cities in eastern Ukraine, including the strategic port of Mariupol under blockade. From 7 a.m. GMT, "the Russian side declares a regime of silence (of weapons) and the opening of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha", The Russian Defense Ministry said, and quoted by Russian news agencies. Source: Russian Ministry of Defence. They had also agreed on the delivery of medicines and food to the places where the conflict has damaged the most. In a TV interview,  President Zelensky said « There are things in which some compromises must be found so that people do not die, but there are things in which there are no compromises," expressing as well his opened to a conversation with his Russian counterpart, Putin.
Source: ICRC
INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE RED CROSS IS READY TO EASE THE EVACUATION OF CIVILIANS-----------------International Committee of Red Cross, encourages this 1st step towards evacuating the civilians via the humanitarian corridor, and offer to ease the process « As a neutral and impartial humanitarian intermediary, we stand ready to help facilitate the safe passage of civilians once the parties have reached an agreement and that its terms are strictly humanitarian for the ICRC to be involved. » Stephen Cornish, General Director of MSF (Doctors Without Borders, MSF) warned about the gravity of the situation in Ukraine « It is vital that such opportunities for civilians to escape from areas of violent warfare are not one-off and time-limited offers. At MSF, we know how dangerous this can be for civilians who are not able or willing to leave, including medical staff that choose to remain to take care of sick and wounded people. »? He also said about the humanitarian issue “Every situation is different, but in our decades of experience working in situations of war we know that one-off humanitarian corridors can be helpful, but are not enough,” and added “Several times we have witnessed civilians encouraged to leave through time-bound civilian evacuation corridors, and then… those who could not or would not flee were met with extraordinary and indiscriminate violence unleashed on everyone and everything left behind.” Source : MSF
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