
Marine Le Pen, RN Running for President 2022 (Source: M La France)
Marine Le Pen (Far Right "National Rally" RN), who runs for French Presidential election, has been qualified for the second round behind the winner Emmanuel Macron ("En Marche" LREM) second scoring 23.3% during 1st vote. Since April 11, the two candidates have gone on an accelerated campaign, increasing their trips, outside Paris, and press conferences to explain, and above all to convince that their program is best suited to the expectations of the 48 million rectors. It is a question of seducing the undecided and convincing the 26.31% of abstainers to vote on April 24 in the second round.
Marine Le Pen, for her part, opts among other things in her strategy to respond to journalists from the foreign press, today, April 13 at the Salons Hoche in the "Elysee" Salon, as a premonitory subliminal choice ("l 'Elysee', also called the Palais Bourbon is the seat of the Presidency of the French Republic). She unfolded her program and her vision of the Position of France by "the reaffirmation of the influence of France in the "International Community" she said and to breathe new life into French Diplomacy, which she no longer wishes to apply by the current Macron's method.
Marine Le Pen, for her part, opts among other things in her strategy to respond to journalists from the foreign press, today, April 13 at the Salons Hoche in the "Elysee" Salon, as a premonitory subliminal choice ("l 'Elysee', also called the Palais Bourbon is the seat of the Presidency of the French Republic). She unfolded her program and her vision of the Position of France by "the reaffirmation of the influence of France in the "International Community" she said and to breathe new life into French Diplomacy, which she no longer wishes to apply by the current Macron's method.
Marine Le Pen (Far Right "National Rally" RN), who runs for French Presidential election, has been qualified for the second round behind the winner Emmanuel Macron ("En Marche" LREM) second scoring 23.3% during 1st vote. Since April 11, the two candidates have gone on an accelerated campaign, increasing their trips, outside Paris, and press conferences to explain, and above all to convince that their program is best suited to the expectations of the 48 million rectors. It is a question of seducing the undecided and convincing the 26.31% of abstainers to vote on April 24 in the second round. Marine Le Pen, for her part, opts among other things in her strategy to respond to journalists from the foreign press, today, April 13 at the Salons Hoche in the "Elysee" Salon, as a premonitory subliminal choice ("l 'Elysee', also called the Palais Bourbon is the seat of the Presidency of the French Republic). She unfolded her program and her vision of the Position of France by "the reaffirmation of the influence of France in the "International Community" she said and to breathe new life into French Diplomacy, which she no longer wishes to apply by the method present day that she considers "chatty, rough..." nor as a "man in a hurry", as Emmanuel Macron did even with a lot of good will, she acknowledged and recalls that diplomacy "should be more discreet than put on show », and that the « talkative and open diplomacy of Emmanuel Macron », should be replaced by a more discreet diplomacy."I will substitute the diplomacy of silence and confidential action. This will suppose a reform of the methods, resources and levers of French diplomacy, which is too muddled, too little informed and so little discreet. » she adds. Marine Le Pen tempers that "the question is not only budgetary: our diplomacy needs new impetus, political impetus."
Marine le Pen, from the first sentences of her keynote, praised France: "heiress of all these components, Christianity, humanism, Enlightenment, and that the role of France, in the concert of nations, stems from it. ", rolling a long introduction referring to General de Gaulle "What elements indeed allowed Charles De Gaulle to declare, in 1941 in London, that there is "a pact twenty times centuries between the greatness of France and the freedom of the world? Then she recalls the Christian judo origins of France, quoting Pope John Paul II "Let us not forget that John Paul II, in his speech at Le Bourget in 1980, did not only ask: "France, eldest daughter of the Church, are you faithful to the promises of your baptism? » ; he added: “France, eldest daughter of the Church and educator of peoples, are you faithful, for the good of man, to the covenant with eternal wisdom? The pope had therefore, 42 years ago, described France as an “educator of the peoples”; Would the Holy See dare to describe France today in this way? » As she was quoting the Pope jean Paul II.
During her keynote, Marine Le Pen quoted great French men, such as General de Gaulle and former French Presidents Valery Giscard D'Estaing, Jacques Chirac and even former Socialist President Francois Mitterrand. Marine le Pen has raised several misunderstandings, peddled against her, thus recalling that she does not want France to leave NATO, but the "integrated command of NATO", and that she does not want to leave the EU, but "Unambiguously : elected President, I will leave the integrated command but will not renounce the application of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty on collective security, exactly as was the case before 2009. That is the interest of France and Europe, but also, I believe, of the United States, which - even in the event of Washington's reluctance to consider a Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok - has no interest in seeing emerge a close Sino-Russian union."Marine le Pen also announced that she wants a rapprochement between NATO and Russia, which would be favorable to everyone including the USA, to avoid the China-Russia alliance: "As soon as the Russian-Ukrainian war is over and will have been settled by a peace treaty, I will come out in favor of the implementation of a strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia, as was once envisaged." At no time in her remarks did Marine Le Pen ever attack her opponent Emmanuel Macron, and even acknowledge that he had "deployed proactive efforts ». Yet, it is understood that his diplomatic approach, did not work because based on the diplomacy of "contrary to the diplomacy that she wishes" secret " The few journalists who asked questions were mainly very controversial, insinuating a closeness between Marine le Pen and Vladimir Putin, to which she replied by recalling real facts "Emmanuel Macron received Vladimir Putin in May 2017 at the Castle of Versailles and then in august 2019 at his Summer Presidential residence in Bregancon."
Marine le Pen very subtly insinuated the approach to diplomacy of her opponent Emmanuel Macron, without attacking him directly. “For the talkative and open diplomacy of Emmanuel Macron, I will substitute the diplomacy of silence and confidential action. She said, alluding to the very media displays of Emmanuel Macron, still current President of the Republic, who had to manage the crisis of the conflict in Ukraine. She added: “Finally, to be complete, I will restore secret diplomacy because it is the only one that is effective. This will suppose a reform of the methods, resources and levers of French diplomacy, which is too muddled, too little informed and so little discreet." She also alludes to what many French people have considered that the French big loss of the submarine contract (€50M) is a failure of the French diplomacy, which was said to be "misinformed" by the Australian authorities.
Marine le Pen has raised several misunderstandings, peddled against her, thus recalling that she does not want France to leave NATO, but leaving the "integrated command of NATO": If I am elected President, I will leave the integrated command but will not renounce the application of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty on collective security, exactly as was the case before 2009. That is the interest of France and Europe, but also, I believe, of the United States, which - even in the event of Washington's reluctance to consider a Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok - has no interest in seeing emerge a close Sino-Russian union." Marine le Pen also announced that she wants a rapprochement between NATO and Russia, which would be favorable to everyone including the USA, to avoid the China-Russia alliance: "As soon as the Russian-Ukrainian war is over and will have been settled by a peace treaty, I will come out in favor of the implementation of a strategic rapprochement between NATO and Russia, as was once envisaged. » She adds that "never, between 1966 and 2009, has France's loyalty to NATO been called into question. “She acknowledged “I would like to clear up any misunderstanding; I simply wish to reconnect with the policy that was ours from 1966 to 2009, which in no way implied submission to Moscow, a distancing from our commitments under Article 5 and never, between 1966 and 2009, the loyalty of the France with regard to NATO has not been found wanting. » Marine Le Pen also recalled the preponderant importance of France to NATO "France is a founding state of NATO and it is to NATO (not to the EU) that we owe relative peace on the European continent, if we exclude the conditions of the break-up of Yugoslavia. I will therefore not propose leaving NATO but its integrated command, as was the case from 1966 to 2009. The reasons given by General De Gaulle in 1966 still apply today: non-submission to an American protectorate exercised on European soil under cover of NATO, refusal to have to be engaged against our will in some of the wars led by the United States. » she said repeatedly.
Marine le Pen, proposed three (3) pillars at the heart of future French diplomacy if she is President: The third principle that I will place at the heart of my diplomatic action is the return of the traditional values ??of French diplomacy: independence, equidistance and constancy. She then recalls her attachment to the European Union, and to multilateralism.
She nevertheless reiterated on several occasions her attachment to bilateral relations, citing the conference of ambassadors of August 2019, "President Macron very opportunely noted that the Quai d'Orsay had to 'reinvest in bilateral work', saying he was 'struck by to see that Europe had been (…) left to the specialists", She adds when her opponent Emmanuel Macron, "said to have made about twenty bilateral trips among the countries of the EU in two years and to have then seen visiting countries which had not been so by French presidents “for fifteen, twenty years”. This was the case for Croatia and Serbia. He also acknowledged that Germany had been "much more effective than us over the last fifteen years on this subject", before calling for "reinvestment in dialogue with the Baltic States, the Eastern States, the group of Visegrád, the countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean”. It also wishes to strengthen bilateral relations with EU countries in the Balkan region. “I am thinking of the States that are already members of the EU, but also of the Western Balkans, which we do not intend to leave, as today, under the exclusive influence of the United States, Russia, Turkey, Germany"
"I will cherish, as did De Gaulle and Adenauer then Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and Helmut Schmidt who forged it, Franco-German reconciliation; without, however, following the Briand-Stresemann or Macron-Merkel model of French blindness to Berlin. She recognized all the same that: Marine le Pen, For example, she insisted on bicameralism with Germany "However, I wish to nurture Franco-German friendship through several measures, in particular the relaunch of the learning of German in French schools and higher and professional education. , which has collapsed since the fall of the Berlin Wall. ", while explaining that he wanted to curb France's support for Germany's entry into the UN Security Council and that in the field of Defence, "Germany has interests that are divergent from ours: it considers the NATO as the natural pillar of its security, today as yesterday. and promise to stopFrench support for the German claim to a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council”. she says
“LEBANON IS DEAR TO MY HEART AND WILL BE MY PRIORITY” SAID MARINE LE PEN ABOUT THE MIDDLE EASTMarine le Pen attached great importance to Lebanon in this section concerning the Middle East region: “Lebanon is dear to my heart and will be one of my priorities. I will not go back over the ties that unite us, which everyone knows, long before Napoleon III's support for the Maronites and then the mandate entrusted by the League of Nations. »
She then recalled the intervention of her opponent Emmanuel Macron in Lebanon, implying his defeat and granting him tough circumstances: "I recognize the support that President Macron has tried to give him, at this stage without much success and under difficult conditions. , but I believe that the solution also goes, of course, through a clearer evocation, with Israel, with the United States, with Russia, with Iran, of the value that we attach to Lebanon and its sovereignty, of the need for a free Lebanon for the stability and influence of the Middle East and the Arab world. »
Marine Le Pen, explained the position of France that she would defend if elected, vis a vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "The value we attach to the independence and stability of Lebanon in no way reduces our ties of friendship with Israel; on the contrary, we are for a rapprochement between the two States.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be resolved through the creation of an independent, viable and democratic Palestinian state, living in peace and security alongside Israel (…) The two-state solution, within borders based on the 1967 lines, and accompanied by a just, equitable and agreed solution to the refugee problem, is the only way to meet the national aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians. France pleads in favor of the creation of a Palestinian state. (…) France considers that Jerusalem should become the capital of the two States. Pending a negotiated settlement of the conflict and by virtue of international legality, France does not recognize any sovereignty over Jerusalem.” did she explain. Relying on the recent rapprochement agreements of certain Middle Eastern countries with Israel, Marine Le Pen adds "The United Arab Emirates, like Oman, are countries on which France can rely to push back the Islamist ideologies which threaten the stability of the world today." she says. "For the sake of constancy and because I believe it is politically, historically and morally just, I will remain faithful to the official line of the Quai d'Orsay: "France's constant commitment to the two-state solution. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be resolved through the creation of an independent, viable and democratic Palestinian state, living in peace and security alongside Israel (…) The two-state solution, within borders based on the 1967 lines, and accompanied by a just, equitable and agreed solution to the refugee problem, is the only way to meet the national aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians. France pleads in favor of the creation of a Palestinian state. (…) France considers that Jerusalem should become the capital of the two States. Pending a negotiated settlement of the conflict and by virtue of international legality, France does not recognize any sovereignty over Jerusalem.” Concluded Marine Le Pen has this sweat, and in consistency with the current line of French Diplomacy.
Marine Le Pen also evoked a strengthening of relations with the Maghreb, which she considers to have been erroneous by the current and present diplomacy: "I am thinking of the Kingdom of Morocco, which is dear to us, and of our support for the stabilization in progress in Tunisia, if the Tunisian authorities request it" With special attention to Algeria "Mr. Xavier Driencourt, a fine connoisseur of the Franco-Algerian relationship as a former Ambassador to Algiers recently declared that most of the newly elected French presidents, in particular Jacques Chirac, then François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron, initially tried to improve a relationship perceived as special, with a certain enthusiasm, a certain momentum, then fairly quickly ended up coming up against bilateral irritants, always the same: questions of memory, visas and what must be called the strong reluctance of Algeria to implement a policy of readmission of undesirable nationals on French soil "
Marine Le Pen said. She adds to review doing the opposite "I will implement an exactly opposite policy, chronologically and methodologically, but with the same objective of maintaining friendly relations with Algeria and taking into account the observations of the Ambassador Driencourt in his latest book, which explains for example that the Algerians understand and know the French perfectly, while the French who believe they know Algeria, a kind of "distorted mirror" of France, often do not understand anything.
And for which it recalls its policy of combating illegal immigration "With regard to Algeria, my wish is therefore, from the outset, to condition any new granting of visas for the benefit of Algerian nationals, any authorization to transfer of funds, any acquisition of property in France by an Algerian dignitary, to several elements, including an effective implementation of the readmission by the Algerian consular authorities in France. " she adds " The others, admittedly in the minority, will have to leave and the Algerian consular services will have to issue passes respecting France's sovereign decision to eject from its soil any foreigner it deems undesirable, even without criminal conviction. She explains about illegal Algerian migrants who are therefore "undocumented", whom Algeria does not wish to collect as soon as they are expelled from France.../
Presidential Elections 2022 Marine Lepen Far Right Nato Russia Foreign Policy Macron Candidate French Elections Far Left Jean Luc Melenchon Far Left Lfi Bfm Tv Debate Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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