
Spain and Ukraine sign a bilateral security agreement

In defense, peace and reconstruction

(Source: La Moncloa Palace)
USPA NEWS - The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, received on Monday the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski, at the La Moncloa Palace to sign a bilateral political agreement on security and defense that also extends to areas such as humanitarian assistance, the reconstruction of the country and the search for a just and lasting peace based on international law.
The President of the Spanish Government has stressed that we are "at a crucial moment" in which it is "more necessary than ever" to redouble support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's unjustified aggression. For this reason, Spain has reaffirmed its commitment through a political agreement, valid for 10 years, in different areas that project and reiterate Spain's support for Ukraine in the future.
Spain has been on the Ukrainian side since the beginning of the invasion in line with the rest of the allies, and has supported military and humanitarian aid initiatives at the European level. The most notable is the financial instrument of the Ukraine Facility recently approved in Brussels and which represents an endowment of 50 billion euros, dedicated to providing firm and sustained support over time.
This unequivocal proof of support is now transferred to the bilateral level between Spain and Ukraine with an agreement of 1,000 million euros for 2024 that will allow Ukraine to strengthen its capabilities, including anti-aircraft defense. In addition, 15 million euros are committed to recovery, through the World Bank, for Moldova and Ukraine; 1.5 million euros to the United Nations Development Program for humanitarian demining in Ukraine; and 1.5 million euros in material and means of transportation to strengthen Ukraine's capabilities in the fight against crime and arms and people trafficking.
The agreement also includes areas of cooperation in intelligence, training, demining, reconstruction and humanitarian assistance. This agreement expands and gives continuity to the efforts made by Spain since the beginning of the Russian aggression, such as the reception of Ukrainian refugees, the training of Ukrainian troops on Spanish territory and collaboration in the search for an end to the conflict and a just peace, and durable based on international law.
In this regard, the President of the Spanish Government has reaffirmed his commitment to President Zelensky's Peace Formula on the eve of the Peace Summit that will take place in Switzerland in mid-June. Sanchez has stressed that this can only be achieved by respecting international law, the United Nations Charter, and the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty of states. Spain fully supports the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within the limits of its internationally recognized borders since 1991.
In this regard, the President of the Spanish Government will continue to appeal to the international community in order to encourage other countries to actively support Ukraine and to participate in the implementation of its peace formula and, in particular, in the inaugural peace summit.
The reconstruction of the country is an aspect of great importance to which Spain is truly committed. It will support the reconstruction of Ukraine, adhering to the principle of “building back better” and pursuing the specific objective of reducing the country's energy dependence and vulnerability and boosting its green transition, by participating in development projects focused on energy efficiency and resilience and, specifically, in the adoption of measures for decarbonization. For this reason, President Sánchez has confirmed that Spain will also participate in the Summit on the Reconstruction of Ukraine that will take place in Berlin at the beginning of June.
This broad agreement also includes Spain's commitment to collaborate with Ukraine in its progress towards meeting the conditions of the EU accession process, from an approach based on merits, as well as its aspirations for integration into NATO. The President of the Government has reiterated that Ukraine can count on Spain in its fight for peace and in the defense of all the values and principles that unite us, and that the Ukrainian attitude is "an example of inspiration" for all those who believe in democracy and equality between States.
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