


Fentanyl the Zombie Drug (Source: Roberto Magni By Foto ReD Photographic Agency )
Fentanyl the Zombie Drug
(Source: Roberto Magni By Foto ReD Photographic Agency )
USPA NEWS - Fentanyl, also known as the "zombie drug," is an extremely potent and dangerous synthetic opioid. Originally developed as a medication for the treatment of severe pain, Fentanyl has become one of the deadliest drugs on the illegal market.
What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid derived from morphine, but it is about 100 times more potent. It is used in medical settings to relieve post-operative pain or pain in the terminal stages of diseases such as cancer. However, its potency makes it extremely dangerous if used improperly.

Why is it dangerous? The danger of Fentanyl lies in its potency and the ease with which it can cause an overdose. Even a small amount can be lethal. Additionally, Fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs, increasing the risk of accidental overdose.
Spread and impact North America In the United States, Fentanyl has become one of the leading causes of overdose deaths. Since 2013, deaths related to synthetic opioids have increased dramatically, reaching over 100,000 deaths in the past three years. In 2022, Fentanyl seizures in the United States nearly doubled compared to 2021, with over 6 tons of powder and 59.6 million pills seized.

Europe In Europe, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction has reported a significant increase in the availability of Fentanyl and its illegal derivatives, such as furanilFentanyl and ocFentanyl, which have caused numerous poisonings and deaths. In 2021, there were 137 deaths associated with Fentanyl in EU member states.
Prevention measures To combat the misuse of Fentanyl, the Italian Council of Ministers has implemented a national prevention plan. This plan includes awareness campaigns, addiction treatment programs, and measures to limit access to Fentanyl.

Conclusion The spread of Fentanyl represents a significant threat to public health globally. It is essential to continue monitoring and combating the production, trade, and misuse of this substance to prevent further deaths and poisonings. Raising awareness of the risks associated with this drug and implementing effective measures to prevent its misuse is crucial.

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