
Mitt Romney says giving ;serious consideration to the future;

USPA News - Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who lost the 2012 presidential election to President Barack Obama, said at a Republican Party meeting on Friday that he is giving "serious consideration to the future," but he stopped short of saying he intends to undertake a third run for the White House. "The last few days, the most frequently asked question I get is: what is Ann thinking about all this?", Romney told fellow party members at the GOP Winter Meeting in San Diego, referring to his wife.
"And she believes that people get better with experience, and heaven knows I have experience running for president." Romney, 67, told donors earlier this month that he is considering to run for president in 2016, which would make it his third attempt. During Friday`s speech on the USS Midway aircraft carrier, the former governor outlined three principles he believes the Republican Party should run on to retake the White House. "First, we have to make the world safer. Second, we have to make sure and provide opportunity for all Americans, regardless of the neighborhood they live in. And finally, we have to lift people out of poverty," he said. Romney strongly criticized Obama for his foreign policy, saying that the world is not safer after his six years in office. "I used to joke during the campaign that President Obama didn`t have a foreign policy. And of course that was a joke because he did have a foreign policy, and the foreign policy was one that was crafted by he and his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton," he said. Clinton, a Democrat, has yet to confirm whether she will actually run for president in 2016, but she is widely expected to do so, with early polls giving her a big lead over potential Republican candidates, including Romney. "Their foreign policy was based in part on the premises that if we`re friendly enough to other people, and if we`d smile broadly enough, it would press the reset button and that peace is going to break out around the world," Romney said. "This is a foreign policy that said that we should walk back from red lines. This is a foreign policy that said that we should lead from behind. It`s a foreign policy that was characterized by speaking loudly and carrying a small stick." Earlier this week, U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, who was Romney`s running mate in 2012, said he had decided not to run for the White House in 2016. Ryan brushed off any endorsement of a presidential candidate as premature, but said he always thought that Romney would make a "great president."
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