
Prime Minister Manuel Valls measures annoucement (Source: www.gouvernement.fr)
"On 7, 8, 9 January, terrorism struck, as he had never hit on our soil. In 3 days, 17 lives were stolen by barbarism. The fight against terrorism involves determination, perseverance and consistency in action", said Manuel Valls, and announced extraordinary measures to strengthen fighting terrorism.
SOME JIHADISTS ARE USING THE "CYBER EXTREMISTS ZONE " IN FRANCE AND OTHER FRENCH SPEAKING AREAS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"We need the truth to the French: in the face of determined individuals, groups and structured channels, because the "zero risk" does not exist, we must also take all necessary measures." Said Manuel Valls to after the Council of Ministers, Wednesday, January 21. The Prime Minister has caused this emergency meeting to announce the measures taken immediately after the attacks of 7 January (See article) in Paris and Dammartin. Are present at his side (Left to Right) Ms. Christiane Taubira, Minister of Justice, Laurent Fabius Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean Yves Le Drian, Minister of Defence, Bernard Cazeneuve Minister of Interior and Stéphane Le Foll Ministre agriculture also government spokesman.
The situation in France and in French speaking countries is worrying too much by the growing number of people more or less involved in extremists networks to Syria and Iraq. According to the Prime Minister's office, the number of radicalized individuals and able to take action on our soil is increasing. Today, we must monitor nearly 1 300 people, French or foreigners residing in France for their involvement in terrorist networks in Syria and Iraq. This is an increase of 130% in one year. To this, add 400 to 500 people affected by the oldest branches or from other countries, as well as the main active leaders in the French “cyberdjihadist“ sphere.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In all, nearly 3,000 people must to be watched. "This change of scale needed, I said last week before the National Assembly to take exceptional measures - not exceptional - in order to strengthen government services and to establish our means action, "said the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls.
THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT REACTED, BY ENHANCING MORE HUMAN AND MATERIAL MEANS DEDICATED AGAINST TERRORISM-----------------------------------------------------------------Faced with the threat, military, gendarmes, police officers are already mobilized throughout the country, as part of “Vigipirate Plan“ (In France, “Vigipirate“ is an interdepartmental plan (reports to the French Prime Minister), to fight against terrorism under an increased vigilance and permanent alert to prevent and protect citizens). 10,500 soldiers and deployed. In all, there are 122,000 personnel that ensure the continued protection of sensitive areas and public spaces. Manuel Valls announced the 17 following measures insisting on the fact that :"We take exceptional Measures, at the height of the terrorism threats, but not of exception". Here are these measures to fight against terrorism to be taken from now on.
1. 2680 additional jobs will be devoted to the fight against terrorism over the next three years, including 1400 in the Ministry of Interior, 950 to the Ministry of Justice, 250 to the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Finance 80 (including 70 Customs). Among these 2,680 additional jobs, 1100 will be allocated to domestic intelligence services responsible for the fight against terrorism (500 in the Directorate General of Internal Security, 500 to the central territorial intelligence and 100 to the intelligence directorate of the Prefecture police of Paris).
2. € 425 million of investment loans, equipment and operation will be devoted to building plan over the next 3 years, of which 233 million euros for the Ministry of the Interior and 181 million euros for the Department of Justice. A portion of these resources will be devoted to strengthening the protection of the police (state and municipal) and gendarmes: vests bullet and better weapons.
3. Monitoring of air travel suspicious persons of criminal activity, called PNR (Passenger Name Record) will be implemented. The French control platform will be operational in September 2015.
A NEW LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION OF INTELLIGENCE WILL BE SET UP-----------------------------------------
"Beyond the unprecedented capacity building, it is essential to strengthen the legal capacity to act of the intelligence services."Ҭ said Prime Minister, Manuel Valls-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. The bill on intelligence will be presented by the Cabinet and submitted to Parliament in early April. The 1991 law on interceptions was designed before the internet. The legal framework actually led operations is not satisfactory in terms of legal security of transactions or in terms of public freedoms. Like most Western democracies, France and finally will have a legal framework for the activities of its intelligence services.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Recruiting analysts from various backgrounds will continue to be developed. The anti-terrorism coordination unit will have its enhanced role in this area. Liaison and coordination offices will benefit from these analytical resources.
6. Furthermore, services, next to the intelligence community in the fight against terrorism in addition to their main tasks (National Gendarmerie Territorial Intelligence prison intelligence ...) will be in greater demand and associated with the intelligence community.
DETECTION OF ENHANCED RADICALISATION PHENOMENON BY SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Fight against radicalization involves a large-scale action. This phenomenon affects all our territories. 27 personnel and 16 referents judges “anti-terrorism“, in the benches, will enhance the Paris anti-terrorist court.
7. The benches and specialized inter-regional courts will be strengthened, given the links between organized crime and terrorism.
8. Prison intelligence will also be strengthened (66 staff) to better understand the radicalization in prisons.
9. A unit of intelligence within the judicial protection of youth will be created.
10. A joint inspection mission of the General Inspectorate of judicial services and general inspection of the administration will be created within the services and institutions of the PJJ. (Judicial Police)
11. A file listing the persons accused or convicted of acts of terrorism will be set up, with the obligation for them to report regularly addresses and trips abroad.
Two new measures to fight against radicalization in prison are decided: 5 districts within prisons, dedicated to radicalized detainees will be created on the basis of the experiment conducted in Fresnes Jail. The inmates of the penitentiary of Fresnes (Val-de-Marne, 94, suburb of Paris, part of Ile De France) identified as radical Islamists have been grouped in the same part of the establishment, on an experimental basis, according to AFP (13 November 2014) learned from sources.
12. Professionalization and increased number of Muslim chaplains (60, or 30% more). According to BFM TV Channel, “Prison chaplains Muslims are among about 150 in France, against nearly 700 Catholic chaplains, 350 Protestant chaplains, and 70 Jewish chaplains. However, Islam is a religion very represented in the prison: last year, just over 18,300 inmates have registered for Ramadan, according to the prison administration on 67,700 prisoners in total.“ Source http://www.bfmtv.com/societe/islamisme-en-prison-les-aumoniers-depasses-par-le-phenomene-857522.html
13. An additional EUR 60 million will be spent on preventing radicalization in the next 3 years, through the Interdepartmental fund crime prevention.
14. The Government is launching in the coming days a website dedicated to informing the public on ways to fight against jihadist indoctrination, especially among young people.
15. Monitoring communications and Internet jihadists will be strengthened.
16. The resources devoted to monitoring “cyberdjihadism“ and investigation of offenses committed on the Internet, will be increased. The work undertaken with the operators of the Internet, including in the European framework will be intensified.
17. A substantial part of human reinforcements will be assigned to cyber patrols and investigative teams on crimes committed on the Internet. The reporting of illegal content “Pharos Platform“ received 30,000 reports since January 7, six times more than before. (Pharos Platform means “PHAROS“: the Platform for Harmonization Analysis of Overlap and orientation Alerts allows reporting illegal behaviour on the Internet). Source http://www.police-nationale.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-police/Plateforme-Signalement-sur-Internet.
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