


USPA NEWS - Search and recovery operations resumed Wednesday after a German jetliner crashed in the French Alps, killing all 150 people aboard.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told RTL radio on Wednesday that the cockpit voice recorder that was recovered on Tuesday, was damaged. He said it "must be reconstituted in the coming hours in order to be usable." The second black box has not been recovered.
Government minister Segolene Royal said what happened during the minutes 10:30 and 10:31 a.m. was key to the investigation, the Associated Press reported, After that time, controllers were unable to make contact with the plane.
French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy are expected to arrive at the scene later Wednesday.
Officials previously warned that due to the remoteness of the crash site and difficult weather conditions the operation could last for days. A full passenger list has not been released, but the majority of those killed were German and Spanish nationals.
The crash so distressed Germanwings crews that many did not show up for work, forcing mass flight cancellations, the RT news organization reported.
"One must not forget: many of our Germanwings crews have known crew members who were on board the crashed plane," Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr said in a written statement. Lufthansa owns Germanwings, which was forced to cancel 30 flights across Europe, the Bild and RT news organizations reported.

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