
Logo French Ministry of Education (Source: www.education.gouv.fr)
The reform of the "college" (Middle School) launched by Najat Vallaud Belkacem, French Minister of Education arouses strong critics, tensions and petitions both in opposition (From Right) her own political family, and members of civil society and parents. Tension at its maximum, in breaking up news.
Never a reform project has stirred so much controversy goshawks about a project of National Education in France. Critics essentially fuse from the opposition also and from other parts, as some associations of civil society, including parents' groups and even some former ministers of National Education.
Bruno Lemaire, deputy, of the Right French wing, brought together 170 parliamentarians signatures sent to the French President. In total 234 MPs are opposed to the reform of Middles School.
CONTEXT OF THE REFORM' S PROJECT DRAFT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a reform project that affects the specific program on removing learning dead languages (Latin and Greek) and alive language like German, which causes so much criticism and raising petitions and strikes advertisements. The Europeans colleges (Bilingual colleges) are also targeted by the reform project planned for September 2016. The Latin and Greek options are expected to be removed and replaced by an "interdisciplinary teaching practice" on the languages and cultures of antiquity, as well as a supplementary education "(one hour in second year, two hours on third and fourth year).
EXCERPT OF THE MINISTRY PROJECT REFORM OF FRENCH EDUCATION------------------------------------------------
"The reform project includes a program whose 180,000 pages to read for educators seem incomprehensible. Heaviness, totally assumed, resulting in a complexity leading to confusion. Example: when we say "Evolve in a" standardized deep water environment "instead of saying simply "Swimming pool". Why complicate things when they can be simple? "Programs projects for cycles 2.3 and 4 presented by. the three groups established by the Board of programs were adopted at the meeting of 9 April 2015. The draft programs will be subject to consultation. They are a first proposal, a foreshadowing that still needs to be worked. They will be reviewed and amended in response to opinions and suggestions gathered during the consultation phase. It is indeed a full step in the program development process. "(Source Education).
The education reform bill is so dense, misunderstood by some, leading many understandings, different, even opposite, according to the perceptions of readers. Hence the confusion on all sides, generates an outcry from opposition lawmakers and even the same camp as the Minister of Education (Socialist).
Bruno Lemaire and 179 parliamentarians from the right and center sent a letter to François Hollande, on the occasion of his 3-year term, to request the withdrawal of the reform of "college" (Middle School). He described the reform project "Shipwreck for the Nation." Former President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke to him "d" attack in the republic". Even Jean Marc Ayrault, (Socialist former Prime Minister) opposes the reform concerning the teaching of German. François Bayrou (Centre Right) former Minister of education also critical reform project concerning the Latin "the Latin helps to know the words and what they mean. You do have the right to do that! This cultural base is not yours. "Some associations, civil, political and also demonstrate their opposition to this reform project arguing that i is a " leveling down. " See article LEMAIRE SPEAKS OF NATIONAL SINKING BY THE PROJECT OF MIDDLE SCHOOL REFORM - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/berichte/schritt4-4110.html#sthash.m1RZkRln.dpuf)
REGIONAL LANGUAGES TOUGHT IN SOME SCHOOLS OF 10 REGIONS---------------------------------------------------Regional languages, the AGVF Association (Association of Major Cities of France) are concerned about the teaching in schools of regional languages because it has not been mentioned in the future program that will change the future back in 2016. (Taught in some public and private schools at the whim of local officials) involving 10 regional languages: Alsatian, Breton, Basque, Catalan, Corsican, Alsatian, Mosellan, Luxembourgish, Dutch, Occitan, Creole according to the regions info France.
On the side of the left and socialist, only the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, François Hollande, seem the only rescue from the Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud Belkacem. To block around Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Monday called on the French to "stand up for" this "great reform" deeming "indispensable."
1-Remove calming reform project the situation and to please the opposition both political and educational, keeping the minister in place who is likely to face further criticism to each next proposal.
2-Change some of the draft terms of reform at the risk of continuing endless negotiations, according to the opposition demands, and put the education in hostage under all this controversy and endless discussions.
3- Resigning the Minister herself by burying her proposed reform. This transfer would permit the writing of a new page in the book of Education with a new minister who would arrive with a new, different or differentiated previous reform.rnment it will be sooner or later time to take a decision and thick the right box, to calm and ease the hot spirits.--------------------------------------
For more information see: http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid87938/projets-de-programmes-pour-l-ecole-elementaire-et-le-college.html. http://www.brunolemaire.fr/actualites/500-l-egalitarisme-ne-peut-pas-faire-un-projet-pour-notre-nation.html. http://www.u-m-p.org/agir/je-signe-la-petition/petition-contre-la-reforme-des-colleges, www.brunolemaire.fr, grandesvilles.org, http://www.lepoint.fr/tags/najat-vallaud-belkacem, ttp://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/2015/05/13/01002-20150513ARTFIG00356-pour-najat-vallaud-belkacem-le-remaniement-ministeriel-est-imminent.php
more information: https://www.education.gouv.fr
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