
Logo UMP, French Right Party (Source: ww.u-m-p.fr)
Nicolas Sarkozy gave an interview with JDD, in which he frontally attacked the proposed rreform colleges" (Middle Schools). In the Figaro responds : "There would be so many things to say about this reform, perhaps the most detestable of the long list of unnecessary reforms we have known for 3 years.
Nicolas Sarkozy is therefore took a position alongside Bruno Lemaire, who was the one who launched the attack by organizing a petition letter signed by MPs sent to the head of state, against the project of reform. (See article MIDDLE SCHOOL REFORM CAUSES EXPLOSIVE SITUATION IN POLITICAL CLASS AND OTHERS- BIG CONTROVERSY AROUND THE REFORM DRAFT. See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/berichte/schritt4-4109.html#sthash.QzeLpzSV.dpuf http://www.uspa24.com/berichte/schritt4-4109.html)------------------------------------
WHO IS BRUNO LEMAIRE, DEPUTY OF THE EURE, FRENCH RIGHT PARTY, UMP --------------------------------------
Bruno Lemaire is the son of Maurice Lemaire, executive at the Total group, and whose mother Viviane Fradin Belabre, was Director of Catholic private schools Our Lady of France (13th arrondissement of Paris), then of the Catholic private school Saint Louis Gonzaque of (16th arrondissement of Paris). Bruno Lemaire, after succeeding at the ENA in 1998 (National School of Administration) is a diplomat as he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the Directorate of Strategic Affairs, Security and Disarmament between 2002 and 2004. He was appointed by Dominique de Villepin, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, under Jacques Chirac. He works at the time of setting up the absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq during the Iraq crisis of 2002-2003. He then moved to the Interior Ministry in 2004, and adviser to Prime in 2005. In 2010, only candidate for the primary, he was appointed by the UMP activists to lead the party list in the regional elections of 2010, in Upper Normandy and received 1,502 votes. Elected then regional councilor. He won 29% of the votes for the presidency of the UMP in 2014, placing the No. 2 of the UMP.
BRUNO LEMAIRE DEFENDS "MERIT", VERSUS NAJAT VALLAUD BELKACEM CLAIMS FOR "EGALITARIANISM"--------------------------------------------------------------------------Bruno Lemaire has a solid political career for his young age (46 years) and one understands its commitment to the republican school and its values of education, which involves learning of Latin and Greek. His family background (Mother headmistress) also explains his strong reactions to the disruption caused by this reform of Middle Schools. He explained that the renunciation of language learning Latin, German wants to get everyone on the same level: egalitarianism "and" I don't want that one waives the requirement of knowledge ". According to him, the recess the requirement is synonymous with excellence recess and therefore the merit.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem said to be "in the republican elitism" which "gives each student the conditions and keys to success to allow only the effort and merit then distinguish". Instead, she is "against the dynastic elitism", which "reproduces benefits still offering the same selective channels, bypass classes and offers choice" they are the only ones to benefit, because "they know the codes. "
ETHNIC STATISTICS ARE FNOT ALLOWED DESPITE THE HIGH INEQUALITIES REPORTED BY OECD---------------------------------------------Nevertheless, according to the OECD, social inequalities are highest in France in access to education and culture in France (Source OECD http://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/ pisa-2012-results.htm). On the other hand, the clientelism policy in France appears from the start when some students from disadvantaged backgrounds are oriented towards short studies and more towards apprenticeship training and professionalism. This selection is made, "naturally" according to zones or regions or live by students and lack of funding but also of repressed talents and brakes to mastering the French language see article on illiteracy. Indeed whatever the standardization of a more or less with the program "Latin" or "more mathematics" in no case will erase the reality of geographical inequalities: A young student living in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 16th exclusive districts of Paris more likely to access a large and prestigious school curriculum than from a Parisian suburb (91, 92, 93, 94, 95). Ditto regarding the big cities versus ruralities. Inequalities also combine social and ethnic and religious backgrounds, which accentuate the gap between those "privileged" and those "left on the side." (See article on ethnic and religious statistics Mesnard mayor National Front in Beziers "Robert Mesnard appeals to MPs about ethnic statistics" http://www.liberation.fr/societe/2015/05/11/statistiques-ethniques-robert-menard-en-appelle-aux-deputes_1306628, May 11 205). This Moorish caused a great controversy about a "file of pupils whose origins are foreign" He retorted "That 2/3 of the students are from minority groups in the school classes of Béziers." Beziers is one of the poorest cities of France in the region of Herault.`
In fact, one of the biggest concerns would be to fight against illiteracy in France (see article). Indeed, the high rate of illiteracy (General rate of 40% in France, 11% in France and 13% in Ile de France) and particularly among some students, future students! This is all the more serious because some universities have set up the modules Spelling and remedial mastery of the French language..----------------------------------------------- Source :http://illettrisme.canope-creteil.fr/article/7044.----------------
------------------------------------France is ranked 25th in an international ranking by PISA (fo International Student Assessment Program) of the OECD, on social inequalities in school in France. Source http://www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results.htm
The solution is therefore elsewhere than minor changes of the program of "Reform of middle school" as real change-like, but with disturbing consequences, certainly for the already fragile existing state of school context of today, in France.
----------------------------------For more information see: http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid87938/projets-de-programmes-pour-l-ecole-elementaire-et-le-college.html. http://www.brunolemaire.fr/actualites/500-l-egalitarisme-ne-peut-pas-faire-un-projet-pour-notre-nation.html. http://www.u-m-p.org/agir/je-signe-la-petition/petition-contre-la-reforme-des-colleges, www.brunolemaire.fr, grandesvilles.org, http://www.lepoint.fr/tags/najat-vallaud-belkacem, ttp://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/2015/05/13/01002-20150513ARTFIG00356-pour-najat-vallaud-belkacem-le-remaniement-ministeriel-est-imminent.php------------------------
more information: https://www.u-m-p.org
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