
Logo COP 21 (Source: www.diplomatie.gouv.fr)
World Summit Climate is organised by the major global networks of subnational and local governments hosted by Rhône-Alpes Region on 1-2 July in Lyon, under the Patronage of French President. The event is labelled COP21 partnered with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
CITIES STATES REGIONS AND CIVIL SOCIETY PRESENT THEIR COMMITMENTS IN PREPARATION TO COP 21 IN FRANCE------------------------------------------------------------------------ A key event in the 2015 global climate agenda, the World Summit Climate & Territories is the principal gathering of subnational and local governments and other non-State actors in the lead up to COP21 in Paris. Cities, states, regions and civil society from around the world will present their commitments for tackling climate change next week in Lyon at the World Summit Climate & Territories will be held at Lyon, in France, in preparation to the next COP 21.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subnational and local governments are at the forefront of climate action: they are taking action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of climate disruption. Their contribution will be key to the success of the Paris conference in December.
Six months before COP21, the World Summit Climate & Territories will be a unique opportunity for all the major groups of non-state actors (subnational and local governments, NGOs, business, workers and trade unions, youth, women, scientists) to make their voices heard, highlight the importance of a territorial perspective on climate.
In Lyon, they will present their concrete commitments and specific proposals to the negotiating States who are expected to agree on a new bold and universal climate deal in Paris in December to improve the world heritage.
Taking place six months before the UN Climate Conference Paris 2015 (COP21), the World Summit Climate & Territories will bring together 800 subnational and local government leaders and representatives from business, trade unions, youth, indigenous peoples and NGOs -- all of the non-state actors which are recognized by the United Nations. They will call for an ambitious climate agreement in Paris in December, which fully recognises the critical role of non-state actors for climate action. The proposals and commitments presented in Lyon will be based on workshop findings on 10 themes (low carbon economy and jobs, forests, agriculture, mobility and transports, climate finance, etc.), managed by the Summit´s organising networks. They will be conveyed to COP21´s French presidency, as well as to all States which are parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), tasked with concluding a new, universal and ambitious climate agreement in Paris in December.
BRIEFING AT THE SENATE 25 JUNE THIS WEEK AT THE FRENCH SENATE--------------------------------------------------
The briefing will be held on june 25th, at the Senate, room 46 E, chaired by Ronan Dantec, French Senator at UCLG and is also spokesperson for climate, and Bernard SOULAGE, Vice President of the Rhone-Alpes Region, will brief journalists on the objectives and programme of the World Summit Climate & Territories.
PARTICIPANTS TO THE WORLD SUMMIT CLIMATE AND TERRITORIES-----------------------------------------------------
Here are the confirmed speakers at the World Summit Climate and Territories, as follows.
· François HOLLANDE, President of the French Republic
· Christiana FIGUERES, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
· Janos PASZTOR, Assistant UN Secretary-General for Climate Change
· Laurent FABIUS, French Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, COP21 President
· Ségolène ROYAL, French Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
· Carole DIESCHBOURG, Environment Minister of Luxemburg (EU President from 1 July 2015)
· MaroÅ¡ Å EFÄŒOVIÄŒ, Vice-President of the European Commission for Energy Union
· Manuel PULGAR VIDAL Environment Minister of Peru, President of COP20
· Hakima El HAITE, Environment Minister of Morocco, President of COP22 (candidate)
· Annick GIRARDIN, French Secretary of State for Development and Francophonie
· Michael BLOOMBERG, UN Secretary-General´s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change
· Esther ALDER, Mayor of Geneva (Switzerland)
· Jeannot AHOUSSOU-KOUADIO, President of the Ivory Coast Districts and Regions Association
· François Albert AMICHIA, President of Local Authorities Council of the West Africa Economic and Monetary Union
· Paul CARRASCO, Prefect of the Azuay Province (Ecuador)
· Gérard COLLOMB, Mayor of Lyon (France)
· George FERGUSON, Mayor of Bristol (United Kingdom)
· José Pedro GONÇAVES TAQUES, Governor of Mato Grosso, (Brazil)
· David HEURTEL, Environment Minister of Québec (Canada)
· Tine HEYNE, Deputy-Mayor of Gent (Belgium)
· Anne HIDALGO, Mayor of Paris (France)
· Mohamed IBRAHIM, President of the Timbuktu Region (Mali)
· Patricia IGLECIAS, Environment Secretary, State of São Paulo (Brazil)
· Winfried KRETSCHMANN, Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
· Michael MABUYAKHULU, Minister of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
· Fatima Ezzahra EL MANSOURI, Mayor of Marrakech (Morocco)
· Aileen MCLEOD, Environment Minister of Scotland (United Kingdom)
· Raymond LOUIE, Mayor of Vancouver (Canada)
· Gustavo PETRO, Mayor of Bogota (Colombia)
· Francesco PIGLIARU, President of the Sardinia Region (Italy)
· Jean-Jack QUEYRANNE, President of the Rhône-Alpes Region
· Matthew RODRIQUEZ, Secretary for Environmental Protection of California (United States)
· Johanna ROLLAND, Mayor of Nantes (France)
· Khalifa SALL, Mayor of Dakar (Senegal)
· Carl SARGEANT, Welsh Minister for Natural Resources (United Kingdom)
· Kadir TOPBAS, Mayor of Istanbul (Turkey)
· Jay WEATHERILL, Pre Premier of South Australia (Australia)
· Sharan BURROW, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
· Delphine BLUMEREAU, President, CliMates
· Eric BRAC DE LA PERRIERE, Director General, Eco Emballages
· Mareike BRITTEN, Climate Action Network
· Pascal CANFIN, World Resource Institute
· Mame Bousso FAYE, Sustainable Development Project Manager, ENDA Tiers Monde
· Antoine FREROT, CEO, Veolia
· Jorge FURAGARO, Climate Change Coordinator for COICA (Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin)
· Nicolas HULOT, French President´s Special Envoy for the Protection of the Planet
· Isabelle KOCHER, Deputy Director General, ENGIE
· Pierre René LEMAS, President, Caisse des Dépôts Group
· Henri MALOSSE, President of the European Economic and Social Committee
· Jacques MISTRAL, Economist
· Erik ORSENNA, French writer, member of the Académie Française
· Anne PAUGAM, CEO, French Development Agency (AFD)
· Guillaume PEPY, CEO, SNCF
· Gilles VERMOT-DESROCHES, Director of Sustainable Development, Schneider Electric
· WANG Yuan, Friends of Nature (China)
For more information: www.worldclimatesummit2015.org
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