
Conies Are Wise To Choose Safe And Strong Protection

Safety And Strong Protection

(Source: (Source: PIB/GR/TYP/BIN/USPA/WN)
USPA NEWS - “˜The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks. Proverbs 30:26“². The conies wisely avoid risk and loss by choosing safe and strong protection. Safety And Strong Protection Are Wise Choices.
“˜The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks. Proverbs 30:26“²

Are we as smart as a coney? Wise Agur used four small creatures to teach his students great wisdom. The ants prudently save for the future. The locusts know the power of numbers. The spider by diligence goes where most cannot. The conies wisely avoid risk and loss by choosing safe and strong protection.

Evolution is a damnable lie from hell believed by God-haters after He darkened their minds (Rom 1:18). God created every living thing, and much wisdom can be obtained by analyzing them. Sluggards can learn by the industry of the ant. The fearful can learn by considering God´s care for birds and flowers (Matt 6:25-32).
What is a coney? It is a rabbit, which used to be properly and ordinarily called a coney. The variety Agur considered for this proverb lives in the caves and clefts of mountains on several continents. Without ability to defend themselves other than speed of retreat, these feeble creatures make their homes in rock strongholds where they can run for protection.

What is the lesson of wisdom for us? When exposed to danger or risk, we should wisely hide ourselves from the threat. Rather than foolishly exposing ourselves to trouble, we should protect ourselves from loss by using whatever means are available. We should look for other protection when we are not strong.
Many people have not been taught Bible wisdom, so they think they should live hand to mouth and trust God for the rest. They accuse those buying insurance as not having faith in God. They think themselves spiritual giants by Bible reading and prayer while exposing their families to ruin and Christianity to ridicule. They have not read Proverbs, where Solomon repeatedly warns to quickly reduce risk of all kinds in any way possible.

Let us think spiritually. Our father Adam´s sin and our own sins have made us very feeble, without strength, before God. We are exposed to horrific eternal danger. But thanks be to God, Who sent Jesus Christ to die for His elect in their feeble condition (Rom 5:6-21). Let us flee to the Rock Christ Jesus for refuge and guarantee us future safety by building our house upon the rock of His sayings.
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