
North Korea warns South following U.S. threat

USPA News - North Korea on Friday threatened its neighboring South Korea, just one day after calling the United States its `archenemy,` local media reported. According to the Korean Central News Agency, the Democratic People`s Republic of Korea (DPRK) said it would take "physical countermeasures" against South Korea if it directly participates in the United Nations` recent sanctions against the country.
In the statement, DPRK hinted taking military action and called off any talks of denuclearization, as it would not open negotiations due to the sanctions and the south`s "hostile" policy against the DPRK. On Thursday, the DPRK - which is led by 30-year-old Kim Jong Un, who took over the country after the death of his father Kim Jong Il just over a year ago - described the U.S. as its "archenemy" and warned that its high-level nuclear tests, along with its long-range rockets, are targeting the U.S. In addition, the DPRK said the U.S.` criticism to its satellite launching clearly proves "that the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK has entered a new dangerous phase." Among U.S. officials who reacted against the statement were White House Press Secretary Jay Carney who described the statement as "needlessly provocative," while Leon Panetta, the U.S. Defense Secretary, said the country was fully prepared for any possible scenario, although expressing concern. The recent sharpening of sanctions by the UN came as the Council reiterated its condemnation of the DPRK`s December 12, 2012 missile launch involving a long-range Unha-3 rocket, which was reported from a site on the country`s west coast. According to media reports, it soared over Okinawa, Japan, dropping debris into the sea off the Korean Peninsula, the East China Sea and waters near the Philippines. The UN said among those named as targets of the travel ban and asset freeze of the sanctions regime are officials of the country`s missile launch facility and the satellite control center, as well as a banking official involved in the construction of the missile. Companies and committees involved in the launch are also named as subjects to the asset freeze.
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