Mio Visione ““ My Dream - Mark Vincent (Source: Ralph Carr Managemernt)
Mark Vincent , The only 'Classical Artist' in Australian history to have released six unique albums by the age of twenty and sold over half a million copies. Mark's own story remains a remarkable one. The Sutherland Shire-raised young man won the third series of 'Australia's Got Talent' in 2009.
In an exclusive interview with this amazing young man and his manager Ralph Carr of Ralph Carr Management (RCM) , we find out more about the success of Vincent, now performing the 'Stage production' of 'Dirty Dancing' in Perth.
I´ve known Mark Vincent since 2013 and have known him as a very shy and humble young man, I personally would never have imagined him performing on a stage show like “˜Dirty Dancing´. What encouragement did RCM give to encourage Vincent into this entertainment field.
I´ve known Mark Vincent since 2013 and have known him as a very shy and humble young man, I personally would never have imagined him performing on a stage show like “˜Dirty Dancing´. What encouragement did RCM give to encourage Vincent into this entertainment field.
Mark you seem to be “˜Having the time of your life´ with “˜Dirty Dancing´ bringing in big crowds in Perth. What has inspired you to move to stage productions and are we likely to see more? “I have really been enjoying Dirty Dancing, it was a change for me at the start and with the support of my management who encouraged me to get into different and challenging areas. I now have another dimension to my career.“ Said Vincent.
Mark, you have worked with RCM since 2009. What advice can you give to someone new to the music business who wants to be where you are now? “It´s a tough choice of career but very rewarding.. I would say to anyone who wants to get into it to 'push yourself hard' and see what results you can achieve. No one knows what around the corner but if you put yourself into every possible situation more opportunities present themselves. “¦ It´s a bit like that old line ““ The harder I work the luckier I get,“ explained Vincent.
I asked Mark if he could you tell USPA24 Something people didn´t know about his climb to success? “ I knew I wanted to be a perfomer from about age 8 so I had a long time to focus on it .“ Marks view on 'Classical' music for young musicians? "I say to people of my generation ““ give this music a chance, because you will be surprised at how it can move you, speak to you. These are songs which have the ability to transcend several generations, and their lyrics are simply timeless," said Vincent
Is RCM looking to represent more Australian talent? “We are always looking for more talent , that´s one thing about this business regardless of whether its digital or streaming or whatever it always has to be a talented person at the front end delivering the creativity and we are always on the lookout for them.“ said Carr. Loren Weisman once said, "Artists of today can be inspired by the past, but they have to apply present methods if they want a future in music." Namaste.
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