


British PM David Cameron (Source: Courtesy of Ministry)
Syria Appeal Map
(Source: UK Red Cross)
USPA NEWS - “Britain will act with our head and our heart, providing refuge for those in need while working on a long term solution to the crisis in Syria." Declared British PM David Cameron about the crisis and tragedies in Syria, killing 240 000 people and displaced more than 2 million people.
Refugees since 2013
Source: Courtesy UNHCR
BRITISH PRIME MINISTER DAVID CAMERON´S SPEECH ABOUT MIGRATION AND EU REFORM IN LISBON In Syria, killing 240 000 people and displaced more than 2 million people, fleeing their own country in war, since 4 years. David Cameron made a statement about migration and EU reform in Lisbon with the Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, on september 4th, in Lisbon, Portugal.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Today, we have discussed EU reform and the migration crisis. First on EU reform. We discussed my plan to address the concerns of the British people and to make the EU more competitive. I set out the 4 areas we are seeking reform ““ on competitiveness, sovereignty, social security and economic governance.“------------------------------------------------------David Cameron highlights areas of agreement with his counterpart Portuguese :“There are many areas where the Prime Minister and I agree. For example, we both think that the EU can do much more to unleash the potential of the single market, whether in services, energy or the digital sector. We both want to see less unnecessary regulation at the European level and we welcome the fact that the European Commission, under President Juncker, is producing fewer legislative proposals. We both believe in a stronger role for national Parliaments. These are reforms that will benefit not just Britain, but Portugal and other EU countries too. Of course there is more work to be done to find the right solutions. But I believe this can be done. At the heart of this negotiation is one simple question ““ is the EU flexible enough to respond to the different concerns of its 28 member states and to work together to make the EU more successful?“.
Loog European Commission
Source: European Commission
HOW TO DEFINE THE MIGRATION AS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE FOR THE EU “Turning to migration, this is clearly the biggest challenge facing countries across Europe today. In the first 6 months of this year, more than 220,000 people were detected crossing the Mediterranean to Europe. And in July alone, over 100,000 people made this journey, 3 times higher than the number last year. These people come from different countries and different circumstances.“ reminded the British Prime Minister, in that context, with maddening figures. “We know that many are Syrians fleeing the conflict that has raged across their country, that has killed over 220,000 and has forced more than 11 million people to flee their homes. They now face 2 enemies at home ““ Assad and ISIL.“ explained Cameron about the worst ennemies to fight, in order to reestablish peace and lowering the rate of migrants coming to the EU countries. “Britain has a moral responsibility to help refugees as we have done throughout our history. We are already are providing sanctuary and we will continue to do so.“ Added David Cameron.Official statement British Prime Ministry The British Prime Minister has changed his mind as he was opposed to welcoming any more migrants coming up though Calais in France. See also article: BRITISH PRIME MINISTER DAVID CAMERON CHAIRED A GOVERNMENT URGENT MEETING DUE TO THE DISRUPTION IN DOVER AND COQUELLES - See more at: After the tragic photo published of the 3 years boy Aylan dead in the cost of Bodrum beach, David Cameron. He made a big turnaround in his conception of the dramatic situation of migrants and then makes a declaration of support and assistance to refugees by releasing a sum of 100 million pounds. This coincided just after publication by British "The Independent" newspaper, which accused the Prime Minister to not express enough humanity vis a vis of refugees fleeing their country in war. See article; BRITISH PM CAMERON ANNONCES AN AID OF 100 MILLION POUND TO HELP SYRIAN REFUGEES ABOUT 1 BILION POUND GIVEN - See more at: AND FOR THE CONTEXT See article : A CHILD FOUND DEAD ON A TURKEY BEACH BECOMES SYMBOL OF THE MIGRANTS CRISIS PHOTO PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA WORLDWIDE - See more at:
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