
Frank Weston To Speak At The US-Africa Cultural Expo & Business Matchmaking

US-Africa Business Matchmaking

US-Africa Business Matchmaking (Source: AFTV5)
USPA NEWS - The 2th Annual US-Africa Cultural Expo and Business Matchmaking will be convened from 19 November ““ 21 November, 2015 at a time where Africa's growth is attracting global interest, notably from an industrialization perspective. The conference is a high level platform to engage with business leaders.
Frank Weston
Source: Frank Weston
It is our pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Frank Weston who will be one of the speakers for this year conference. Frank Weston, author of “Do You Have A Return Ticket?“ a graduate of New York University, where he studied geology, economics, anthropology, history, writing, computer programing, politics, and foreign policy graduating with honors, he is founder and president of IMSCO United Nation ECOSOC NGO: founded in1978, became an affiliated of ECOSOC as a UN NGO in 1995. IMSCO assist in spearheading the UN Millennium Development Goals; aim ensuring the impeded and African birthright to wealth shares as a movement including people of African descent (PAD) to reach all levels of Africa development and linking with foreign business culture.
Weston is the author of the highly praised and welcomed “IMSCO Establishment Agreement,“ (IEA) (rules, laws a people to people “Treaty“) accepted and signed into African government national laws to challenge the often bias foreign “Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreements.“ IEA “African Inheritance Development Treaty“ serves as a human right tool under IEA legal channel for returning PAD and Diaspora Africans trade seeking relink with Africa, family, business cultures and international partners business routs into Africa and the PAD affecting roads to opportunities and shares in international business and development.

Weston, a person of African descent (PAD) is author of “Do You Have A Return Ticket?“ his internationally acclaim non-fiction book on social and economic human right matters, justice and right to self-determination. The book tells the missing black story on significant help roles PAD play in freeing PAD Africa from foreign oppression and how PAD assisted Africa long struggle for freedom, dismantling apartheid, ending colonial land grabbing by foreigners across Africa freeing Africa and PAD human right to self-determination and birthright shares to the African continent.
Among other important works Weston has written the “African Inheritance co-Development Treaty“ (AIDT) aim at ending conflicts, foreign invasion and needless corruption on a vastly wealth African people who share political and economic global power to speed development. Among his other achievements and works, is writer, producer, and director of independent film, “Man in the Mirror,“ about the broken American dream: starring (Academy Award nominee) Michael Dunn: Martin Sheen, and Johnny Brown. Weston´s, IMSCO main mission is establishing, linking cultural, economic, and political foundations for exiled PAD and the African diaspora to obtain dual citizenship and the right to self-determination to flourish and help build a better world.
The 2015 US-Africa Cultural Expo and Business Matchmaking doors open will open in less than 3 months, many prominent figures from US and Africa have already confirmed their participation in the high-level meetings and discussions. Interested companies and individuals may now register and receive regular information through the event website:

AFTV5 is a 24-hour African Television Network that aim to create positive impact in communities, foster change and provide a voice for diversity and expression.
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