


President Hollande & Laurent Fabius (Source: Courtesy French Diplomacy)
Logo Conference against violence religious ethnic
(Source: Courtesy of French Diplomacy)
USPA NEWS - President Hollande talked to some religious and ethnic authorities coming from all over the world and Jinan Badel, "slave Daech" on the sidelines of the Conference in Paris, on September 8 on victims of ethnic and religious violence.
Press Conference Microphone
Source: Malignee
Here is the full transcript of their exchange at the press conference held September 8 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  President Hollande before Salih Al Hakim, president of the "center Al Hikma for dialogue and cooperation" (Shiite), Dr. Hamdi Murad (Jordanian Sunni), co-founder of the Interfaith Coexistence Research Center, the Maronite Archbishop of Beirut, Mgr Paul Matar: "The presence at this conference of all denominations present in the Middle East is a symbol of a dramatic situation, but also of hope. These communities that have always lived together in the Middle East want to live together again and again in the Middle East and c is the battle we must wage for peace but also for coexistence in a region that was the cradle of our civilisation. "
Caption LCI tv Cover Book Thierry Oberle
Source: Courtesy LCI tv
CONVERSATION BETWEEN PRESIDENT HOLLANDE AND JINAN "SLAVE OF DAECH"---------------------------------- Jinan Badel President Hollande with whom the he shook hands with her warmly and at length : " We discuss your situation, your testimony that shocked us all. All persecuted women must be protected and here in France you will be. “President Hollande, addressing Jinan.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jinan answering President Hollande: 'I hope you will help the captive women, I also hope you will help my people and prevent people to emigrate. The solution is there, not here. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ President Hollande: "She is right to say that the solution is not here but there, we must ensure that men, women, families who are now in danger can stay at home or nearby. to return there because it's their life, it is their history, it is the place where they want to live and accomplish and we must welcome when necessary but above all to stay and help avert the atrocities which are committed today. "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Jinan: "I hope you will help them in their war against Kurds Daech We must help the Kurds to crush Daech.."------------------- President Hollande: "We do it and we will thinking of you, seeing your face Thank you very much, keep talking and testify with pride, thank you thank you very much (...) We help the Kurds to fight against Daech and protect.. populations. Tell all the Iraqi Kurds our friendship and support. Wear this message ".-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jinan: "I came here to testify, there are still thousands of women captives Yazidis, we must liberate I also request the assistance of the international community to protect my people which is always threatened.."--------------------------------------- Later, answering questions from journalists: "I spent three months in hell. We were tortured to force us to conversion to Islam, chained under the sun, in the end forced to drink water in which were bathing some dead mice. It was too hard, threatened with electric shocks, beaten and chained all day 's impossible dialogue with these monsters, these are not human beings, their ideology, is just death, they do not think about life . "----------------------------------------------Her interpreter, "it will return the 10 in Iraqi Kurdistan where she lives in a refugee camp. She refused asylum which was offered She says it is not the solution, which is to help the people there to prevent emigration. "DAECH means ISIL in French. Official Verbatim Elysee
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