


Arafat Mina Before ritual stoning (Source: Courtes Abdou Diop)
Hajj Mecca
(Source: Courtesy Hello travel)
USPA NEWS - The tragedy occurred on the first day of the stoning ritual near Mecca, was 717 dead and 863 wounded, the deadliest tragedy casts a pall over the hajj for 25 years in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi authorities have promised a "fast and transparent" investigation.
Eid El Kebir Moubarak
HAJJ MURDERER IN THAT COINCIDE WITH THE FESTIVAL OF EID EL KEBIR 2015----------------------------------------- The 717 people who died during a stampede at the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, could not finish the ritual of the 5th pillar of Islam. The information is still uncertain when the number of the wounded, that there are 863 to date. It is the deadliest tragedy in Mecca for 25 years, on this day the most important feast of Islam, Eid El-KEBIR, which also marked the end of the hajj for pilgrims from around the world. More than two million Muslims (This year they are officially registered worldwide) are currently in Mina to take part in the Hajj. This event adds to another drama that took place at the beginning of the pilgrimage, following the collapse of a crane, which has a hundred dead in the Grand Mosque in Mecca. See also article : MECCA CRANE COLLAPSE CAUSES 87 DEAD AT THE GRAND MOSQUE AND 201 INJURED AT TWO WEEKS OF HAJJ PILGRIMAGE - See more at:
Hajj on real Time by Al Jazeera
Source: Courtesy of Bassama Atassi
THE TRAGEDY IS BOTH VIOLENT AND OBSERVED BY FAITHFUL POWERLESS SPECTATORS The tragedy of September 24 took place while the faithful moved to throw stones in the ritual stoning of Satan, and others came from the opposite direction. "It was a shock between a human tide leaving one of the stelae and a host oncoming" as a pilgrim. According to the latest figures provided by Saudi civil defense, 717 people died and 805 were injured by the stampede. Video footage posted on Twitter, show many lifeless bodies littering the ground, covered or not with white sheets and scattered personal belongings, shoes and umbrellas, which the pilgrims used to protect from the sun. This new tragedy occurred despite major infrastructure projects in recent years to facilitate the movement of the faithful, who access the site through tunnels and suspended tracks. The stampede occurred at the site of the ritual of stoning, according to which pilgrims throw seven stones on a large stele representing Satan on the first day of Eid El Kebir (Eid El-Adha), and 21 stones the next day or two on the three stelae (large, medium, small).See also article : EID EL KEBIR COMMEMORATES THE SUBMISSION OF IBRAHIM TO GOD BY SACRIFICE OF HIS A RAM IS SACRIFICED INSTEAD - See more at: DEAD AND INJURED VICTIMS ARE COUNTED AS AND MEASUREMENT OF INFORMATION COMES FROM WORLDWIDE MEDIAS Information about the counting of victims is uncertain and counting makes it difficult because of the mix of nationalities. This implies that the Saudi authorities shall inform the authorities of each of spays concerned to announce the sad news about their nationals of pilgrims from around the world. MINA (Saudi Arabia), September 25, 2015 (AFP) - Saudi authorities still did not provide a breakdown by nationality Friday of 717 victims of the stampede yesterday during the Hajj in Mina, near Mecca. Some countries, however, confirmed the death of their compatriots according to information gathered to date by media designers and news agencies of the world. EN Iran: there would have been 131 deaths, Morocco: 87 dead (media, no official confirmation) India: 14 dead - Egypt: 8 dead (media) - Somalia: 8 dead (media) - Pakistan: 7 dead - Senegal 5 dead - Algeria: 3 killed - Indonesia: 3 dead - Kenya: 3 dead - Netherlands: 1 dead - Burundi: 1 dead (Muslim Association)
Funeral Islamic Prayer
Source: Spokanislamcenter
BACKGROUND: This is the most tragic disaster in 25 years, this sacred place of Muslim pilgrimage, which again degenerated a stampede, if given the large number of pilgrims influent on the same place at the same time, for execute a ritual. Other precedents dramas to Mecca back to 1990 or 1426 mainly Asian pilgrims died in a stampede in an overcrowded tunnel leading to holy sites. In 2006, 364 pilgrims died in a stampede at the foot of Jamarat bridge in Mina. In 1997: 340 pilgrims were killed when a fire caused by strong winds swept an area of “‹“‹the town of Mina. Three years earlier, (1994), 270 pilgrims died in a stampede during the ritual of stoning, and 1987: 402 people died when security forces break up an anti-American demonstration led by Iranian pilgrims. Hajj was particularly deadly this year: the collapse of a crane 11 September on the Great Mosque had already 109 dead and some 400 wounded. IRAN WHICH HAS THE MOST NUMEROUS VICTIMS DEMANDS AN INVESTIGATION "FAST AND TRANSPARENT" Iran, which lamented the death of 131 of its pilgrims in the stampede, denounced flaws in the security system set up by Saudi Arabia, its regional rival. The tragedy occurred on the first day of the stoning ritual near Mecca, was 717 dead and 863 wounded, the deadliest tragedy cast a pall over the hajj for 25 years in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi authorities have promised a "fast and transparent" investigation and the king Salman immediately instructed "reconsideration" of the organisation of hajj, strongly criticised by pilgrims in shock, say be afraid to continue the pilgrimage. Since New York where he must attend the General Assembly of the UN, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on "Saudi government to accept its responsibilities" in this catastrophe.“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“” The only consolation that relieves those who consider that "die on the muslim sacred place is the symbolic death as a Blessing". An ultimate ritual for those whose life has been suddenly stopped in momentum fervour to Mecca ... Source: With agencies.
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