


Bar of Paris Lawyers logo (Source: French Bar of Paris Lawyers)
France Finance Budget 2016
(Source: French Ministry of Finance)
USPA NEWS - The President of the Bar of Paris, Pierre-Olivier Sur, on Friday called for a general strike of lawyers from Monday during a protest against the proposed reform of legal aid before the Paris courthouse, after the legal aid voted on the budget. "The general strike, will call not to plead".
Virtual Bureau of Bar
Source: e-virtual bureau of Bar
THE GENERAL STRIKE WILL CALL NOT TO PLEAD IF NEGOTIATION FAILS----------------------------------------------- "The general strike, this means that if until this week we do not designate lawyers, next week we will call them colleagues not to plead," explained the president of the Bar of Paris in the press. pier Olivier Sur said. "As you know the negotiations with the Chancellery and Bercy failed on legal aid. Therefore to date, 2016, compensation for intervening lawyers under the legal aid would be devalued (eg, tenure for 24 hours of police custody would increase from € 300 to € 181.50 excluding VAT) and according to the bill finances, a levy on the industry (particularly Carpa) would intervene to the tune of 15 million euros over two years. "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal aid (AJ) allows the poorest to access the services of a lawyer. But they refuse to contribute to an increase in its budget, as asked the Justice Minister, Christiane Taubira, arguing that they were already involved extensively for its operation, for which they feel poorly remunerated. According to the CNB, the origin of the movement against the project launched on Tuesday, 126 of the 164 bars of the territory were on strike Friday.----------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite this movement, the National Assembly voted Thursday night the project component of the legal aid budget, which provides for a levy of five million euros in 2016 and ten million euros in 2017 on interest funds crated (Carpa) managed by lawyers. The amount of such financial products would be 75 million euros, according to the Chancellery.-------------------------"This is why we decided, with the National Bar Council and the Conference of Bar Presidents, to suspend all statutory boards and all designations under legal aid, as of Tuesday 13 October at 0 hours (that is to say on the night of October 12 to 13) until further notice. However, we do not want this strike deprives litigants assistance of counsel when their freedom is immediately game. This is why the intervention of our colleagues under AJ (Legal Aid) and the assignment shall be limited to litigation freedom.“ Paris Bar of lawyers, stated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING NOTICE I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft. My works being published and released are fully my intellectual property, based on my research and work conducted on the ground. Thank you for respecting this work. In case my articles are used and being infringed upon my intellectual property rights, they will be submitted to the law. My Lawyer Maitre C. levy and Rahma Sophia Rachdi

more information: https://WARNING NOTICE I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft

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