


UN Lybia Interministerial Agreement UNSL (Source: Courtesy of UN)
Flag of Lybia
(Source: the
USPA NEWS - The foreign ministers of Algeria, Germany, UAE, Spain, US, France, Italy, Morocco, Qatar, the United Kingdom, Tunisia and Turkey, and the High Representative of the EU for foreign policy, call on all parties to the Libyan political dialogue immediately adopt political agreement negotiated in Skhirat
Foreign Minister of Affairs logo
Source: Courtesy of Foreign Minister of Affairs
The foreign ministers of Algeria, Germany, UAE, Spain, US, France, Italy, Morocco, Qatar, the United Kingdom, Tunisia and Turkey, and the High Representative of the EU for foreign policy, call on all parties to the Libyan political dialogue immediately adopt political agreement negotiated by the Special Representative of the United Nations, Mr. Leon, following meetings of the parties to Skhirat and Geneva.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PARTIES TO THE DIALOGUE ARE FACING A DILEMMA OF CHOICE---------------------------------------------------- They can postpone the adoption of the text and Its Annexes at a later time to October 20th, and to seek further changes and to introduce amendments, threatening the country's stability. To guarantee the future of Libya, we urge the Libyan party to adopt the hardly negotiated political compromise immediately; This is reflected in the political agreement that will grant the country a period of stability up to a new constitution could be agreed. New elections will be able to be held that will then finally give Libya a fully representative, democratic and inclusive parliament whose legitimacy is recognised throughout the country and around the world. THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY STANDS AND IS READY TO WORK WITH THE LYBIAN GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL UNITY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Libyan people made it clear that he wanted an end to the instability in his country, instability that led to human losses, allowed terrorism to flourish and seriously damaged the country's economy. The international community stands ready to support the Libyan people and leaders that he will choose.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The international community stands ready to work with the government of national unity, at his request, to support in its fight against terrorism, including Daech and Ansar al-Sharia, and to address its many challenges. We urge all participants in the dialogue to seize this opportunity to put an end to the instability by adopting the political agreement and ensuring its full implementation, without introducing new changes.Official Statement French Diplomacy -----------------SEE ALSO ARTICLE : INTER-LIBYA PEACE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN INITIALED IN MOROCCO UNDER AUSPICES OF UN BY THE PARTIES TO THE CONFLICT - See more at:

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