


Nicolas Hulot (Source: Courtesy of Nicolas Hulot)
Nicolas Hulot Foundation logo
(Source: Courtesy of Nicolas Hulot)
USPA NEWS - The UNFCCC report presented today is consistent with estimates of the thermometer commitments and funding of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation. - The UNFCCC estimated emissions in 2030 to 56.7 GteCO2 (recall numbers FNH: GteCO2 of 56-60, depending on assumptions of economic growth and development.
Source: Courtesy of UN
"The UNFCCC report presented today is consistent with estimates of the thermometer commitments and funding of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation. - The UNFCCC estimated emissions in 2030 to 56.7 GteCO2 (recall numbers FNH: GteCO2 of 56-60, depending on assumptions of economic growth and development of renewable in China and India).----------------------- The UNFCCC has adopted a new logo. It was officially launched on 24th October 2011. It replaces the one [above right] that has been in use since 1997.------------------------------------------------The new logo was approved by the Executive Secretariat and cleared with the Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations. It was formally submitted to and registered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) to be the new logo of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol.---------------------------- Some have argued that this looks remarkably like a C&C logo. In 2003 the UNFCCC Executive said the objective of the UNFCCC,“inevitably requires “˜Contraction and Convergence´." Perhaps that's why it looks like this. - The UNFCCC estimated emissions in 2030 to 56.7 GteCO2 (recall numbers FNH: GteCO2 of 56-60, depending on assumptions of economic growth and development of renewable in China and India); - Lower emissions per person would be - 5% in 2030 compared to 2010 (recall FNH figures: between stability and - 6%); - The gap remains very large (up to 15 GteCO2 too in 2030) with economically effective scenarios to limit warming to 2 degrees; - Note that it is a pity that the report does not address the UNFCCC financial costings of aid requested by developing countries and does not give details of the evaluations country by country shows. With 196 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has been ratified by 192 of the UNFCCC Parties. The ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stories on the Newsroom are written by UNFCCC staff. The publisher of the website is Nick Nuttall, Spokesperson and Coordinator Communications and Outreach.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also article : LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR LIMA TO FUND A 2 DEGREES SCENARIO BEFORE COP21 ACCORDING TO NICOLAS HULOT FOUNDATION - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5719/last-opportunity-for-lima-to-fund-a-2-degrees-scenario-before-cop21.html#sthash.ZSwFo6Jb.dpuf------------------------------------- "The report confirms that the UNFCCC countries should review their efforts to rise to limit warming to 2 degrees. The inclusion of a review mechanism upward every 5 years of national commitments in the Paris draft agreement is therefore essential to make it a success. The Nicolas Hulot Foundation wants the review to take place from 2017 at least four major issues: and if the G20 countries took a voluntary initiative in this direction? Moving of Francois Hollande in China, focusing on climate, could help to move forward on these crucial points" Nicolas Hulot Foundation.------------------------------------------ See also article : NICOLAS HULOT FOUNDATION DENOUNCES THE NEGLECT OF THE COP21 COMPONENT BY BUDGET 2016 AMNESIA OF THE GOVERNMENT - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5616/nicolas-hulot-foundation-denounces-the-neglect-of-the-cop21-component.html#sthash.wgseZHxT.dpuf

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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