


(Source: PJ Media)
(Source: PJ Media)
USPA NEWS - On December 8th, just in time for the holiday season, PJ Media will release its latest e-book, The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction. Author Victor Davis Hanson deftly dissects the ruins of the Golden State and its crisis of culture....
On December 8th, just in time for the holiday season, PJ Media will release its latest e-book, The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction. Author Victor Davis Hanson deftly dissects the ruins of the Golden State and its crisis of culture.

'The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction' blasts an out-of-touch liberal leadership that has made life worse for average citizens of the state.
In The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction, various topics include the following :

- Do you think that California will be the only state to succumb to this fate? Think again“”Hanson provides valuable insight on why the rest of the nation should be on high alert.

- For all the exalted talk about the people, the environment, and the proverbial 'little guy,' few in government actually craft policies to help the majority of the state.

- Hanson points out that on matters of illegal immigration, water policy, and culture, cocooned elites rarely face the logical consequences of their own ideology.
Victor Davis Hanson, Ph.D., is the author of the PJ Media column, 'Works and Days,' and a Senior Fellow in classics and military history at the Hoover Institution. Currently a Distinguished Visiting Fellow in History at Hillsdale College, Hanson has taught at Stanford University, the United States Naval Academy, and Pepperdine University. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards for his contributions to the study and teaching of the humanities, including the National Humanities Medal, the Bradley Prize, and Eric Breindel Award.
'In The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction', Hanson illustrates just how pressing the cultural crisis is in California and offers insight into how this could impact the rest of the country.

Source : PJ Media (in e-book format on Amazon.com on December 8)

Yasmina BEDDOU
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