


Countries Flags COP21 Bourget (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Welcome to COP21 Bourget
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - At COP 21, 39 countries and 23 cities, states and regions already have or are putting a price on carbon, through programs and systems that are covering about 12% of the global GHG emissions. More than 1,000 companies globally currently have or are planning to be implemented. Live From COP21-Bourget
Pricing Carbon Coalition Logo
Source: Pricing Carbon
CARBON PRICING PATHWAYS TOOLKIT IS TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN THE NEXT 2 YEARS 39 COUNTRIES AND 23 CITIES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At COP21 Bourget, 39 countries and 23 cities, states and regions already have or are putting a price on carbon, through programs and systems that are covering about 12% of the global GHG emissions. More than 1,000 companies globally currently have or are planning to implement in the next two years an internal price on carbon.Live From COP21-Bourget“¨ Business and investors need robust policies to ensure carbon prices rise to a level high enough to shift global investments into low carbon solutions. But conversations between business, investors and government around carbon pricing often get stuck as there is a lack of technical guidance.“¨----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Carbon Pricing Pathways Toolkit developed by We Mean Business and CDP in support of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition facilitates the important conversation about the nature of carbon pricing and the development of price levels.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key recommendations include widespread adoption of effective carbon pricing policies, setting carbon price levels to transform economies with large-scale decarbonisation and converging carbon prices over time globally.  
Source: Courtesy of UNFCCC
ABOUT THE CLIMATE ACTION ARENA DEDICATED AT COP21-----------------------------------------------------------------  “¨The Climate Action Arena is a dedicated space at COP21 that gives recognition to the ambition of cities, regions, businesses, civil society groups, trade unions and others to address the threat of climate change. The calendar of events includes high-level dialogues, roundtables, debates, film screenings, and press conferences for the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) - all of which will highlight how both state and non-state actors are playing their part to keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius“¦.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE UNFCCC A UNITED NATIONS FRANEWORK ON CLIMAE CHANGE------------------------------------------ With 196 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has been ratified by 192 of the UNFCCC Parties. For the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, 37 States, consisting of highly industrialised countries and countries undergoing the process of transition to a market economy, have legally binding emission limitation and reduction commitments. In Doha in 2012, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol adopted an amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, which establishes the second commitment period under the Protocol. The ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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