


Segolene Royal French Minister Ecology (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
Action Day Segolene Royal
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - In the middle of negotiations since the negotiators will make a text today and the ministerial segment will begin.
In the middle of the action week, since the Action Week which lasts from 1 to 8 December will continue Monday and Tuesday, Segolene Royal French Minister said.
Segolene Royal Michael Bloomberg Leo Di Caprio
Source: Courtesy UNFCC-COP21
In the middle of negotiations since the negotiators will make a text today and the ministerial segment will begin. In the middle of the action week, since the Action Week which lasts from 1 to 8 December will continue Monday and Tuesday. This day is a day of action and mobilization rebound: 12 areas have been collected and studied, were the subject of meetings, the rooms were full since Tuesday. It happened extraordinary things, extraordinarily convergences. Of these 12 subjects are the forest, agriculture, resilience with water and the ocean, clean transport, buildings, private finance, the fight against pollution, then from Monday Energy Efficiency , renewable energy, territories and innovation. To enter very concretely on a number of actions, there first had the day of Heads of State 30 November: they hired the week of action since 4 major initiatives have been taken by the Heads of State and Government. First, a major initiative on Africa with the right of every African citizen to access electricity, the decision to build the Great Green Wall in Africa to curb the spread of the desert, decisions about the fight against the disappearance of Lake Chad. Next, was launched at the level of heads of state on Monday afternoon the International Solar alliance, and several countries have already gathered particular to encourage technology transfer between north and south. Third major initiative taken by the Heads of State: the mission innovation, to double the global public and private funding in innovation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally the 4th decision of the Heads of State: the Coalition for the carbon price. France was leading about that since we have already voted in the French law a target of 100 euros per tonne of carbon by 2030. See also article : CARBON PRICING PATHWAYS TOOLKIT IS TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN THE NEXT 2 YEARS 39 COUNTRIES AND 23 CITIES - See more at:
Rahma Sophia Rachdi at Plenary Session
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
Then there were a lot of workshops during the week. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, we have attended almost all the work.Few examples :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - The fight against deforestation, we decided restored 150 million hectares by 2020, and 400 million hectares protected in the Amazon.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - For agriculture, we have strengthened the protection of green agriculture and the protection of local agriculture. - In the ocean, we managed to put the ocean in the agenda of solutions with very concrete actions, like the call "Because the ocean" with WWF climate and ocean platform.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - For water, we signed the pact on water and river management which now commits 280 partners. We have seen in the segment on clean vehicles, launching an action on zero emission transportation and the manufacture of electric vehicles less than 7000 dollars.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - For the construction, we formed the Alliance for the construction and buildings for climate, with positive energy buildings and the fight against energy waste. - For the energy transition, private finance mobilized to decarbonise the portfolios, to control and to integrate economic climate risk calculations. - Finally, we have strengthened the fight against all forms of pollution including HFCs, methane and fine particles. And Monday, we will take commitments on renewable energy, with the Alliance on geothermal energy, with the right to electricity for Africa and the autonomous islands energy. Territories with positive energy. We also placed education at the heart of the system. Generations in space weather, there was a very good debate on education so that education and culture are included in the agreement.

more information: https://I am correspondent based in France, registered and empowered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I am wheelchair bound, and work on my own, without any assistant, nor photographer, working under my name. The law punishes the identity theft.

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