


F Hollande L Fabius Ban Ki Moon C Figueres,S Royal (Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi/COP21)
Final Agreement of COP21 Paris Bourget
(Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
USPA NEWS - Saturday, December 12, the most historic agreement on climate change was signed at the closing of COP21.President Hollande joined to encourage the team leaders, & persuade parties of UN, to reaching an agreement whose depends upon the planet's survival. Here is an excerpt of his best speech to date.
Final Agreement Plenary Room
Source: Rahma Sophia Rachdi
COP 21 PARIS CONFERENCE IS A SUCCESS FOR THE PLANET------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, December 12, the most historic agreement on climate change was signed at the closing of COP21. The President Hollande joined to encourage the team leaders, and persuade parties of UN, to reaching an agreement whose depends upon the planet's survival. Here is an excerpt of his best speech to date on the planet. President Hollande congratulates the team that achieved in signing the historic agreement of COP21. World governments finalised a global agreement on December 12, 2015 in Paris that lays a foundation for long-term efforts to fight climate change.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESIDENT HOLLANDE CONGRATULATES THE LEADERS TEAM WHO SUCCEEDED IN TOUGH NEGOTIATIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE OF COP21----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon expensive I know what was your stubbornness in recent months so that we can meet here in Paris with the possibility of an agreement. Mr. President of the Conference, dear Laurent Fabius, You have throughout the past few months - and even more in recent days - played a significant role in bringing the views and sometimes to reconcile what seemed irreconcilable. But it's the same sense of a universal agreement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Madam Executive Secretary, I know what you've done also for delegates to play their full role, because you were attached to the idea so beautiful that the international community can act. States President Francois Hollande,

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